Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1390: Fight with life

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In the team of the Fanyin Shenguo, there was no shadow of the sound, and Mu Qian’s face sank.

The face of the Fanyin Lord is very round, and the smile is very kind.

He did not say how much nonsense, came to the door of the mountain: "Reconfirmed, three trials, three wins and two wins decide whether there is any disagreement?"



This point is consistent with both sides.

The Fanyin Lord once again asked, "Are you sure you have been selected in the first game?"

"North Han Hall, I am coming!" Qu Lao stood out.

After all, among the people sent by His Royal Highness, he is the strongest, not who is he?

"East Temple, I!" Mu old went to the front.

The Fanyin Lord nodded and said, "Okay! Open the battle!"

"Hey!" Eighteen Arhats plucked the center of the island.

A golden disc flew out and was drawn by the Buddha light on them.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the disc became a half-size island-sized contest.

In this battle against the martial arts, no matter how strong the power can not break through the battle on the platform, hurt others.

Many people exclaimed, "This is a heavenly spirit of the Fanyin Kingdom, a big round platform!"

"I didn't think that the Sanskrit God Kingdom had taken out such a baby in order to maintain the stability of the Quartet."


The main voice of the Fanyin Country: "The platform has been opened. Please enter the battlefield for the first time."

On the other side of the North Han Temple, the shape of the old man in black is like a lightning bolt.

He is in the air, exudes tyrannical power, and the effort in the blink of an eye goes to the golden platform.

"This adult, so strong!"

"I didn't expect the North Han Hall to have such a strong man besides a few elders who were not born!"

Qu Laowei has a wind, and the wood is naturally not afraid to be lonely. The figure is like lightning and falls on the platform.

Two people are in place, the main voice of the Vatican State: "Compared, start!"

Qu Lao and Mu Lao looked at each other on the martial arts stage. Mu Laodao said: "Qu Feng, there is no chance to fight with you in Xuantian, just to compete with you now."

"I also want to help my Royal Highness Prince. How can someone in the eyes of Xuan Tian's arrogant woman, Princess Lin, be able to withstand it?"

The words fell, two people broke out with amazing power!


The strength of the two men collided together, and even with the defensive array of the platform, everyone felt the terrible power.

Qu Lao’s weapon is a machete, and the old wood weapon is a hammer!

The two men’s weapons collided with countless rounds in the blink of an eye!


The terrible wind formed a storm on the platform, hitting the defensive array on the battle platform.

Everyone involuntarily stepped back a few steps. It is not that they have no confidence in the battle of the Fanyin Kingdom, but that the power they erupted is too horrible.

Qu Lao seems to be approaching the wood old, that a machete cuts to the old neck of the wood!

This time, the old wooden hammer slammed over and sent Qu Lao to fly out.

Qu Lao's face is gloomy, this old thing is not easy to deal with!

Mu Laodao: "The North Palace Prince's men, don't care about it! But also, you are under the hands of the Prince of the North Palace, but also a role that does not flow, I am afraid there is no chance to meet the Prince of the North Palace."

Mu Qianzhen is sure that this guy has never seen the North Palace, or Xiaobai who has seen it is still not stunned.

Mu Lao collected the pain of Qu Lao, and he also retorted: "Do you think that you are being seen by Princess Lynn?"

The two sides look at each other's unhappy, the one that can be played is not open.

箫尧 Some nervous words: "Master, who do you say will win?"

Mu Qian’s face flashed a dignified color. “The spiritual supplement of the East Pole Temple is naturally not comparable to us. If Qu Lao does his best, Mu Lao should not be his opponent!”


"But what?"

"If the wood is desperate, and the old man is reluctant, then say it."

She did not have any confidence in the people sent by the North Palace.

The people of Mu Linyi can go to the fire to help their princess get the eternal sword, but the people in the north palace seem to have no such strong sense of mission.

Gu Baiyi said coldly: "Hey, if he dares to lose! Don't want to live back to the North Palace."

Sure enough, at the end of the game, the old spiritual medicine of the old man could not keep up with his speed.

The old man cursed: "The East Temple has prepared some broken medicines, and the broken place in the Quartet is really a broken place."

White no sea is also very embarrassing! This is already the best medicine he has ever received.

Qu Laoqu feels very cool, his spiritual strength recovers very quickly, even if he is injured, the blood of pain is very fast.

The medicinal herbs he used to eat have never had this effect.

After this time I understand it, I must go to the white boy and ask for a little more medicine to leave.

After the battle, the wood is a little hard.

He was not reconciled, and he was absolutely unwilling to lose in this way. This time he must succeed in getting the sword of eternal to His Royal Highness.

The elders of the wood were red and red, and the strength of the body became violent. He began to fight with his life!

Qu Lao was also shocked. "You are crazy!"

In the face of such a desperate play, even if there is enough elixir, he will be big.

"Today, I will never lose!"


One fights with one's life, but one does his best. Originally, Qu Lao has an advantage, but now he has no advantage.

He just came to help, absolutely did not want to take a life for a Samsung force.

Gu Baiyi's face became cold and cold, cold voice: "Qu old, if you give up and lose! The Lord will kill you immediately!"

Qu Lao felt the ice cold like the mans in his back, and his heart was cold.

Fight after you bite your teeth!

After a fierce battle, "嘭!嘭!" two sounds, both of them fell, vomiting blood can not climb, coma.

Everyone is silent, the main voice of the Fanyin country: "One, two...three!"

These two people have no movement, the main voice of the Fanyin country: "The first test, the draw!"

Draw, Bai Wuhai brows close.

He felt that Feng Yunxiu could not be Gu Baiyi's opponent, but he lost a game.

Even if his daughter won the Millennium, and in the end it was a draw, this result is definitely not what he wants.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no way.

Gu Baiyi and Mu Qianxi are still good, as long as they have not lost, it is a good result.

Mu Qian said: "Xiao Bai, Yun Xiu said to fight with you, then he will not do things that are completely uncertain. You have to be careful, there is me in the last game?"

Gu Baiyi said: "I will win!"

He didn't want the children to bear too much pressure. After all, the white smoke was not just a white smoke, but the soul of the prison was hidden in the body.

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