Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1391: Seal of the family

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The Fanyin Lord asked: "The second game, are you ready?"

Flattening a very bad for them, Bai Wuhai asked: "Feng Yunxiu, are you sure?"

Feng Yun Xiu said: "I don't go, is it the plan of the Lord?"

White no sea looked at the white cold figure, and eventually dared not say. He does not want to die!

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, or me! I have investigated that Yun Xiu Shaodian, he is not that simple."

"No!" Gu Baiyi gave it a veto.

The purple glimmer of light flashes, the plane is suppressed. In fact, his strength is not much different from that of Gu Baiyi. Both of them are similar.

Mu Qian said: "That white, you are careful!"


Two figures, almost at the same time, fell to the platform.

An ice-blue long sword was taken out by Gu Baiyi.

The cold chill is as cold as its owner.

Feng Yun repaired the same sword, a dark red long sword out of the sheath.

The aura of two people broke out completely. The strength of Gu Baiyi is the peak of the ninth order of the emperor, which everyone knows.


"God! Yun Xiu Shao Dian is the strength, it is so high."

"The Emperor's 9th-order peak, Yun Xiu Shao Dian should be the youngest peak of our Quartet!"


Mu Qianxi is also a glimpse. Now the strength of Yun Xiu is not enhanced by the secret method.

But he really has the strength of the nine-level peak of the spirit.

Feng Yunxiu has such strength, Gu Baiyi's face is as usual, and the sword is fierce.

"Hey!" The power of the two collided.

The confrontation of the sword, even if Fengyun has the strength of the peak, is not as good as Bai Yi.

Within ten strokes, Feng Yunxiu has blood marks on his body.

"The level of the Yun Xiu Shao Dian is quite similar to that of the North Han Dian Dian. However, the main character of the North Han Dynasties has been a master of the peak for more than ten years, and the Yun Xiu Shao Dian is only promoted in the near future. I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the North Cold Hall. ""

"This trial is like the winner of the North Cold Hall."

Bai Wuhai also felt that Feng Yunxiu couldn't win. His face was gloomy: "Damn! Feng Yunxiu is going to lose."

If this game is lost, it will not make sense to win the last game.

The old wood that woke up: "If the ability of the Lord is only such a thing, then he will wait for death and sin!"

Feng Yunxiu's pair of amber scorpions became dull, and he whispered: "Shadow... Solution!"

The black figure rushed to Gu Baiyi, and the tip of the sword approached the throat of Gu Baiyi.

"Hey!" To stop this blow, there is no difficulty for Gu Baiyi.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyi felt that something was wrong!

Feng Yunxiu on the stage of the contest, there is no shadow!

She shouted: "Little white, be careful!"

At this time, all the talents found that there was still a cloud repair temple behind Gu Baiyi.

A cloud-built temple in a black suit, like a shadow.

He took a short knife and stabbed the back of Gu Baiyi!

Suddenly, the accident also made Gu Baiyi somewhat surprised!

The white figure flashed, and he hurriedly avoided it. The short knife wiped a blood mark on his arm.

Soon, the black cover cloud disappeared.

If there is an enemy behind him, he can't feel it at all, but he didn't feel anything.

Others also stunned. "What the **** is going on? How come there are two clouds to repair the temple."

“Is it just an illusion? I saw two clouds and repaired the temple.”

"How could it be an illusion? You see that the North Cold Lord is hurt."

Gu Baiyi’s robes like snow, at this time overflowing with blood red.

That knife is also very poisonous! However, it is not effective for Gu Baiyi.

Bai Wuhai, who has always been fighting with Feng Yun, has also been shocked. He never knew that Feng Yunxiu had such ability.

If Feng Yun repairs this method to deal with him, he does not know how much he can afford to escape?

"This... what the **** is going on?"

Mu Laodao: "If you don't seal your family, if you master the secrets of the family, how can you become the close guard of Princess Lin, the closest person to her."

Bai Wuhai was shocked. "Adult, what are you? Feng Yunxiu is actually the personal guard of His Royal Highness, the most trusted person under His Royal Highness? How has he never said it?"

If you know, he definitely does not have the courage to fight with Fengyun.

Because as long as he told the princess that he had a bad word, he would be the head of the North Cold Hall.

Mu Laodao: "I don't know this?"

Mu Qianxi is also somewhat surprised. "Is this a mystery?"

Purple quiet walked to the side of Mu Qianxi: "I didn't think that it was a shadow of the family!"

A thousand miles, "The shadow of the family?"

Purple back to the road: "Xuantianjie East Emperor Dynasty, the strongest is the royal family Mu, followed by the family. Fengjia mastered an exclusive secret, it is the shadow!"

"They are the shadows of the masters. They are the best shields of the masters. No matter how powerful people are, they can't feel the breath of the shadows. They can protect the masters when the enemy attacks!"

"They are also the perfect imprisoned emperors! They can complete the perfect assassination and let the opponent die quietly."

"Family, the generations of generations are the shadow of the royal family, and always loyal to the royal family."


Mu Qian said: "Let's finish!"

"Family, it was destroyed more than ten years ago! I did not expect to leave one, and the practice of the film is so powerful, I really can't think of it!" Purple glory sinks.

Mu Qianxi did not think that Feng Yunxiu would have such a life experience. Besides the feelings and the loyal ministers from generation to generation, he had to complete the task?

Purple secluded road: "Little beauty, is not worried about the little white master!"

Mu Qian said: "The shadow of the family is very strong, but Xiaobai is not weak and will not lose easily."

The battle, start to stalemate!

While Gu Baiyi is dealing with Feng Yunxiu, he has to deal with a shadow of a ghost.

He can't feel his breath completely, he can appear at any time, even from his shadow, it can't be prevented.

Others also saw the shadow and almost pulled out the eyes.

"God! A good secret!"

"This secret is against the sky!"


Shadow and Feng Yun repair two people to match the perfect battle, it is not a sight to see!

"Hot Moon Shadow!"

"Thousand cold months!"

No matter how strange the opponent is, Gu Baiyi’s sword will never admit defeat.


Above the platform, a thrilling battle broke out.

The cold sword, the strange shadow, the battle is getting more and more intense.

Feng Yunxiu’s crazy operation has gained spiritual power. In this game, he can’t lose! Can not lose to Gu Baiyi.

Gu Baiyi is cold and cold, he promises to be a child, will not lose!

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