Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1395: She is a ghost doctor

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What is shocking is that in this terrible mental storm, Mu Qianzhen actually stood there and did not move.

Another extremely terrible spiritual power swept through, and Miao Ji suddenly felt that his soul would fall apart in an instant.

The face turned black, but the eyes of the white smoke were still there.

She was shocked, and the eyes were almost smashed out of the shackles. "How is this possible?"

"You...you have such a strong mental strength?"

Bai Wuhai was also scared. He said: "The Fanyin Lord, absolutely someone is helping the Millennium. Mu Qian is only a 17-year-old little girl, how can there be such a strong mental strength?"

Some of Miao Lin’s men said: “Yes! This is absolutely impossible. Even if it is our Highness, there will be no such strong spiritual pressure!”

The Fanyin lord is also a well-informed high man, and such a strong spiritual power is something he has never seen before.

The main voice of the Fanyin Kingdom: "Although this is the case, but we can't find evidence?"

If someone says to help her? They can't find anyone.

Bai Wuhaidao: "It is a ghost doctor, and that person is very mysterious and powerful. It is absolutely that he is secretly working. Such a strong mental power, only him... only he can do it..."

"Please ask the Fanyin Lord to terminate this test and judge the North Cold Hall!"

"Ah!" At this moment, two screams came.

One is a meditation, and the other is a white smoke.

Everyone was also stunned. "How come there are two voices?"

"Mu Qianxi, stop!"

"Mu Qianxi, you give me a hand! Kill me, ah!"

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “I have absolutely no cheating! Is there a curse in your daughter’s body? Isn’t it cheating?”

Everyone is amazed, "The legendary **** of the prison!"

"Mu Jiazhu is too strong! There is a king-level soul in the body of the East Pole. She has won."


Bai Wuhai argued: "My daughter got the inheritance of Master Ji, and the souls of the two have long been merged. It is a person. But you let the ghost doctors shoot, absolutely not in line with the rules, even if we lose, we are not Will recognize!"

Mu Qianxi sneered: "White no sea, you said that the ghost doctor helped me. You know the ghost doctor, who is it?"

Who is the ghost doctor, but I don’t know if I am present?

They just heard that he had the magic of medicine, and he could master the power of time.

Is a mysterious and powerful!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Then I will tell you! I am a thousand, it is a ghost doctor!"

In the past, you need a dual identity!

But nowadays, the development of the ghost medical building to this point is no longer needed.

There is nothing wrong with publicizing her identity!

"Hey!" Everyone widened their eyes.

"Did I hear it wrong!"

"Ghost doctors are the first time."

"The names of the two are so similar. I always thought she was a coincidence?"

"If not, how could she become the first refining pharmacist in the Quartet at a young age."

"That is so horrible spiritual power, it makes sense, God! She is not yet twenty!"

Bai Wuhai was also scared. "This...this is impossible...this is absolutely impossible!"

"Ghost doctors are not as long as you are!"

"White House Lord, don't you know that there is a way to change the appearance in the world, called Yi Rong?"

"I do not believe!"

Ms. Qian said: "I swear by the reputation of the Ghost Medical Building. I am a ghost doctor, and there is absolutely no falsehood."

There is no need to lie in Mu Qianxi. I can't find any evidence to help anyone. The loss is still the North Han Temple.

She does not need to use such a lie to smear the medical building.

it is true! Mu Qianxi is a ghost doctor!

God! If the news is passed out, it is estimated that everyone in the Quartet will be shocked.

Mu Qianxi made the last struggle to the meditation: "You can't hold it anymore!"

Looking at Mu Qian’s grievances, "I will not let you go."

The black mist surrounded the dark skeleton and escaped from the battle.

It is not that she does not want to escape a little, but that her current strength is not far away.

When you leave the stage, you will admit defeat.

Mu Qianxi can not let go of these opportunities, and it is a good time to take advantage of this moment.

When Mu Qianxi looked down from the martial arts stage, Bai Wuhai was in a hurry to guard against it.

He protected the monster that turned into a black scorpion: "Mu Qian, what are you going to do?"

"Your East Pole Hall, lost!"

correct! The East Pole Hall lost.

Mu Qianxi looked at the main voice of the Fanyin country: "Since the East Pole Hall lost, it is time to fulfill the agreement, isn't it? The Fanyin Lord."

The Fanyin Lord nodded: "Yes!"

The golden contract book floated into the air, and the golden light flashed. Everyone present saw the contents of the contract.

If the East Pole Hall is lost, the East Pole Hall will hand over the Northern Cold Hall traitor elders, and Bai Wuhai and Baiyaner will die.

Bai Wuhai’s forehead is violently violent, “Mu Qianzhen, do you really want to kill it?”

"White no sea, no more nonsense! I want to kill white smoke today, no one can stop me."

"I am fighting with you!" Bai Wuhai eyes red.

Mu Qianxi shouted: "Vatican voice, you are a referee, a witness! Now someone wants to default, should you say it?"

The words of Mu Qianxi just fell, the shot of the 18th Arhat of the Fanyin Kingdom, the Fanyin lord suppressed the people who were on the side of the East Pole.

The North Han Temple and the people of the Fanyin Kingdom, where is the East Pole Hall?

Wherein I am very angry with the sea, and can't stop.

"Damn!" There was a curse in the mind of White Smoke.

"Although the timing is not yet mature, but it will only be there, give your soul to me!"

White smoker panicked the tunnel: "Ming Ji adults, don't... I... I don't want to die!"

"This can't be yours!"

"Ah!" screams in the sea of ​​the soul of the white smoke, but where the geek will let her escape.

After looking for so long, I found a woman who was born, physique, and perfected by the soul.

Obviously cultivated well, and then swallowed her soul, she can restore the peak to find a ninth night revenge.


"Oh, save me... save me..." White smoke shouted.

White has no sea, and Mickey is finally going to take this step.

He palely said: "You can help you to be a blessing to you, or do you think that a daughter born out of a twin is qualified to be the Panelinal of my East Pole? Don't struggle, you will let the geek devour !"

The white smoke stunned, and the tears seemed to be mad.

"Hey! Hey! I am your most loved daughter! How can you do this to me..."

The white smoke is going crazy, and forecasting the love of a lord of the East Temple has always been something she is proud of.

This is definitely something that Mu Qiang, who was abandoned by his parents, did not have anything.

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