Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1396: Die to the head

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"If it wasn't for Master Ji, you found that you were useful, and when you were transferred to the East Pole, I had already killed you."

There is no use value, and Bai Wuhai naturally does not have a good voice.

"贱 kinds!" The white smoke heart is as gray as it is.

It turned out that she was just a tool.

All love is fake!

White smoked his teeth: "Ji Ji, I am fighting with you!"

In the face of the dying struggle of the white smoke, Miao Ji sneered: "The light of rice!"

A cold voice came, "Red Lotus!"

Mu Qiang has already shot, and the red flame has fallen.

Bai Wuhai wanted to shoot, but the result was stopped by the Van Gogh.

"Vatican Lord, are you not compassionate? How can you let me watch my daughter die!"

The main voice of the Fanyin country: "Gambling can not be violated!"


That fire lotus has already banged, Bai Wuhai shouted: "Ming Ji adults!"

He stopped the king of the Vatican, and he was not worried about white smoke, but Ge Ji.

At this time, a dark column of light rushed out and penetrated the lotus flower of Mu Qianxi.

One was wrapped in black air and said: "Mu Qianxi, you are very good! Let me be defeated, I must kill you today."

The powerful pressure has permeated, and Jiji is stronger than before.

Of course, here is the Quartet, where she can use her unlimited power.

Thunder and lightning in the sky, the rule of the world is about to destroy this alien.

Miao Ji had to converge on strength. "Even if you don't use all the power, killing you, this ant is more than enough!"

A figure flashed, and the evil voice came.

"Ming Ji, you are a small beauty, you are not qualified to do it for him!"

"Purple secluded!"


When the two men played against each other and went to the air, they did not reach other people.

Bai Wuhai: "The smoke is dead, she was killed by you!"

Mu Qian’s mouth sneered a sneer, “Who was killed by me, I think you are clearer than me!”

"Now, it's up to you."

"Do you really dare to kill me?"

"Don't you dare? You lost! But you can die later and hand over the elders."

Bai Wuhai smiled and said: "Ha ha ha! If you dare to kill me, if I am dead, you will never find him."

Mu Qian said: "Then I will kill you first!"

"This is the sword of eternal, you have to think about it!" Mu Qianyi raised his hand, Yan Longjian has been placed on his neck.

The body of Bai Wuhai is slightly trembled, and the eternal sword is a dragon sword. Anyone who dies under the sword will be swallowed up.

The soul is scattered, not super-born!

"You... don't do it, I... I will give you the person and give it to you."

"Come on! Bring people over to me."

A middle-aged man in a black robe, when he was brought up, he looked at Mu Qian.

The eyes of that haze made her know that this person is a great elder, and Mu Qian said: "I didn't think that you didn't even run."

The elders said: "The two halls set a bet. If the East Pole Hall loses, where can I hide?"

Mu Qianxi has no sea lane: "Are you sure this is true, not fake?"

Bai Wuhai did not answer, the elders said: "The mantra can only be used once in three months. It is only a few days since the last time. The old man naturally does not have this ability to display."

"Oh!" Then, Mu Qian’s sword was ruthlessly stabbed to the elders.

"In this case, you can die."

The elders shunned, and Muqian had no intention of killing the elders with Yanlongjian, because he had no more to kill his soul with Yanlongjian.

"Ice Dragons!"

An ice dragon rushed out and the elders avoided it again.

At this time, Mu Qianxi approached the elders.


The water element forms a vortex, and a huge force condenses on this mark.

The elders who greeted the ruin of Mu Qiang’s ruin, his face showed a strange smile.

"Mu Qianxi, today, will die for you!"

A deep purple light appeared, covering the area around the Millennium.

The people of the Sanskrit God Kingdom were bombed out. This area surrounded by purple light left only the people of the East Pole and the North Han Temple.

"You are looking for death!" A sword passed, and the red-red fire dragon rushed out.

"Invincible, Xiaohong! Give me this old thing!"


The main voice of the Vatican State: "Your East Pole House actually violated the agreement!"

Mu Laodao: "This war has nothing to do with the agreement. It is only the public that cleans the remnants of the traitors."

"To kill Murakami! Mu Qianxi is the daughter of the rebellious person who admired Feng Fengyun!"

Some of the guys looked at Mu Qianqi, the daughter of Mu Fengyun, will kill!

They have to do it, and the people who have been sent by the North Palace are naturally not idle, and they will soon be unable to open.

The two sides are evenly matched, and the North Han Temple even has to be a bit strong. After all, there are ghost medical buildings and purple secluded support.

Her identity is furious, and this great elder can't get rid of her relationship. Now he has to solve the elders.

The great elders who were besieged by Mu Qianxi and invincible Xiaohong were definitely not able to stand up.

The elders sneered: "Mu Qianxi, are you very curious about how they know?"

"Water dragon is extinguished!" Mu Qianxi only wants to solve him, and does not want to listen to him nonsense.

"If I have been lurking for so long, I have not found that your ability is not small, even the shadow of Princess Linna knows your identity, he did not tell you." The elders said.

"But even if he wants to protect you, it doesn't help! I still use the old thing today, I contacted Princess Lin, she will definitely kill you at all costs, not to mention you still have her." The eternal sword that I have always wanted."

After seeing the people who were shot in the North Palace, he knew that His Highness would not stand on his side.

Therefore, he must be married to Princess Lin to save his life.

Once Princess Linyi solved the eternal sword of Mu Qian, he was a great hero.

Mu Qian’s killings are surging. “Old things, when they die, there are so many words.”

"Red Lotus!"

"Ice Dragons!"

The destruction of ice and fire has seriously injured the elders!


A white shadow flashed, and the invincible claws cut off his arm directly.

"Ah!" He screamed in pain, and the blood splattered.

"The fire is burning!" Xiaohong's flame swept across, and his legs were slightly ashes.

"Hey!" There was only one big elder left, rolling on the ground.

He won't die! Never die!

Princess Lynn will come over soon, and Mu Qian will definitely die without a place to die.

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