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m..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*m.*9.*2.*w.*x.*bsp; soon the news came, the sound was turned on. Look, brows slightly.

Gu Baiyi!

Wearing the sound of women's clothing, continue to lay down on the bed to recover.

"Hey!" A pharmacy needle flew out and took the sound of the temple.

If the sound turns over and avoids it, look at Mu Qian’s saying: "Mu girl!"

Mu Qian’s figure flashed and approached him: “If the sound is dusty, I think and think, I still feel that killing you is the fastest.”

Mu Qianqi was close to the sound of the sound, and touched a needle to resist his temple: "I know that you are not afraid of poison, but I can shave your hair and hang you on the wall, let the whole seat How do people in the city come to appreciate the appearance of the Son of the Sanskrit?"

The sound is as follows: "So before the girl starts, the barren will destroy his body. And you will not get the scabbard of the eternal sword, you will not have a trump card to deal with the soul of the sword."

He is dead and fearless!

"By the death, you can do it! Fanyin Son! You refuse to teach, and you are not afraid of death! Then I will give you to the shrine."

Mu Qianxi did not look at him and went out.

This monk, the road is not good to deal with, then the fish network is broken! Who is afraid of who?

In the one that Mu Qiang walked out of the door, the sound was as if: "Mu girl, you are worried about the safety of the North Cold Lord! I can send someone to inquire and give me a day."

Mu Qiang turned around and dawned cold!

"how do you know?"

"The poor have been doing the Son for so many years. Even if they are chased by the whole people in the West, they have their own cards and have their own channels. I have been in the North Han Hall."

Mu Qianxi looked at him: "If the sound is dusty, you really are a black-hearted monk! You have inserted a person in the North Han Temple."

"In order to facilitate things, poverty is not malicious."

The North Palace is absolutely prepared for the people of the Ghost Medical Building, so it is difficult to detect the intelligence. It is obviously convenient for the people who are sounding the dust.

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Okay, deal! If you get the peace of mind to make me feel at ease, I will cure you and consider your condition."

"it is good!"

This man and a woman live in the inn, even if they check it, they can't find them.

The next day, the sound of the dust got the information and handed it to Mu Qianxi.

"Gu Baiyi is sleeping in the underground palace, life-threatening, not awake."

The best news is that the fingertips move and all the paper is shattered and sleeps.

Mu Qianxi looked at the sound and said: "Let's talk about cooperation!"

"I can cure you, you can wash your stigma. You must give me the sword of eternal, and join forces with the Ghost House to drive me out of those who do not belong to this square."

"Your home Buddha, I must also think that the world is peaceful and calm, not disturbed by some outsiders!"

To say that the ghost medical building is only to deal with the North Cold Hall, it can still be a battle.

But now the North Han Temple is not the people of the former North Han Temple, but the people of the North Palace.

Ghost Medical Building is hard to beat with them. There is absolutely no 30% chance of winning. If you add a Fanyin Kingdom, you may be able to achieve a 50% chance of winning.

The sound is ridiculous: "I can promise your conditions."

Negotiations, surprisingly smooth!

There is no other way for Mu Qianxi. She needs the sword of eternal, and she needs an ally of the Fanyin Kingdom to deal with the Great Northern Palace.

"Then, what the **** is going on?" Mu Qianyi looked at the sound.

It is clearly the Son of the Sanskrit God Kingdom, the spokesperson of the Lord Buddha, and now it is a bit miserable to be chased by everyone.

The sound echoed back: "There are some people who are killed by the soul of the sword. He wants me to be rebellious and go nowhere."

"I thought I had been chased by him enough. I didn't think you would give me more. But it is a miracle that you can live under him."

"He was incomplete in strength, and he was seriously injured. Killing my scabbard will also ruin. Although he does not like scabbard, he does not want to be able to match his sheath and destroy it."

Mu Qianhui replied: "So you are forced to go nowhere, you are not trusted, betrayed, desperate in the whole world. In the end, you will be cynical, and you will be given to him through the scabbard. Let his strength recover faster and faster. The whole world."

Those who were once unattainable fell into the altar. This kind of drop can actually ruin people's torture, and the soul is paying attention.

Whether it is being chased or threatened by him, the sound is still so dull, and the soul is still a small voice.

"Listen to you, it is very dangerous to stay by your side! It is very likely that the soul will find it again?" Mu Qianmei brows slightly.

"Mu girl is very clear, as long as your eternal sword is in hand, he can find you at any time! Now he has not started, representing his current state is not suitable."

Mu Qianqi asked: "You said, go to a place, what is it?"

The sound is ridiculous: "I have investigated some things in the Jingu. I am afraid that the whole Quartet will not be peaceful. There is an evil force waiting for the blowout to erupt. After I investigated this news, some people secretly stared at it. I am, those who appear in my temple, I am afraid it is an enemy!"

"No, no one can get close to that place!"

Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. “That is, the soul has saved you a life!”

"Maybe it's a mistake."

"The place you are going to is where some people are waiting?"

"No! That place, there is something they want. I want to stop it."

"First raise the wound, raise the wound and say it again. Otherwise, all the 18th Arhats in your shrine will be dispatched. I can beat it."

The two were temporary allies, and Mu Qian did not treat him badly. The best medicine was used on him, let him recover quickly!

Even if she knows that White is innocent, she does not want to waste too much time.

After Mu Qiang piled up a pile of medicinal herbs on him, the sound of the body could be fully recovered.

When I went out, I heard the sound of my life dress: "Mu girl, I... Can I change back to menswear?"

Mu Qianxi looked at this big beautiful woman and smiled: "Vatican Son, you want men's clothing, even if it is easy to accommodate, it is difficult to ensure that some people will doubt. Or women's clothing is more convenient, what do you think?"

"But..." Even if the sound is on the face, it is calm, and a big man is wearing a women's dress every day, and feels uncomfortable!

"The things you have to do are also very urgent, and you don't want to waste too much time! And, pretty!"

"The makeup is spent, I will give you a supplement."

"Mu girl..."

"I am giving you a lipstick, you shut me up..."


"Don't blink, the eyeliner will cost!"


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