Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1412: Violent violence

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A beautiful big man who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, is now the pen of the gods of the Millennium, and the extraordinarily gaudy.

The sound of the dust looks at himself in the mirror, there is an impulse to erase all the things on his face.

"Don't! You see how perfect this is." Mu Qianji hurriedly smiled and stopped.

"Mu girl..." The sound of the dust for the first time looked at people with sad eyes.

Mu Qian said: "In this way, even if they can guess the Fanyin Son, you can't guess it is such an image. You will be wronged for a few days, and you will be safe after you have recovered the men's clothing. ""

"I promise, I will never promote it."

Having said that, Mu Qianxi somewhat regrets why there is no camera in the Quartet.

Otherwise, she must have a hundred and sixty-six-degree photos with no dead ends, and commemorate the sound.

I don’t know how to make a difference.

Mu Qian said: "Next, you lead the way!"

Sure enough, Mu Qianxi is very perfect for the sound of the sound, even if there is a person in the shrine to check and search, there is no clue.

If they know that this gaudy woman is their Son, it is estimated that their faith will break again.

The West is very large, they are increasingly moving towards remote places, and there are fewer and fewer people searching for the Jingu.

Even so, the sound of the dust and many times proposed to change back to men's clothing, have been ruthlessly rejected by Mu Qian.

"There are so many masters of the shrine, we only have two people. If you fight more and lose, will you endure?"

Mu Qianhe and Yin Ruochen went to a remote town and found a clean tea house to sit down. Mu Qian asked: "If the sound is dusty, what is the place where this bird does not lay eggs?"

Sounds like a dusty road: "When the Western Kingdom is a big country of the Fanyin Kingdom, there are many hidden families in some inconspicuous places! This small place hides a hidden family that is no less than the influence of Samsung. ""

"The evil power is now eyeing them."

"Samsung forces? Come with us two, do you think you can stop it?"

"Now the shrine says that I am betraying, no one will believe me, so I can only come alone, I will not let you have something."

"You still care about yourself better."

“When did you leave for the ancient family?” asked Mu Qianxi.

As a result, the sound of the sound actually shook his head: "The ancient family has been hidden for a long time. Even if I can't find a specific location, I can only find clues in this small town first."

"The Fanzi Son, you slowly find clues, I will first find an inn to rest."

When Mu Qianqian and Yin Ruochen walked in, a pleasant figure came. "This...what is this girl! It looks like this."

A 30-year-old man with a yellow face and a thin robes is wearing a thief in his eyes and looks at the sound.

The holy and sacred Sanskrit Son has always been respected and looked up. For the first time, some people dare to look at her like this, and the sound is so frowning and not angry.

However, this one is in front of him, but it is a guy who only has a color heart and no IQ. He is completely unaware of the unpleasantness of the sound.

"I am the son of the mayor, beautiful, come and come! Follow me, go to my twenty-two room, how?"

Although Mu Qianxi is very good at dressing up the sound, it is a beauty in this small town. This is not seen by this mayor.

"Hey!" Mu Qian couldn't help but smile.

The Sanskrit Son is also today! 67.356

The mayor’s son yelled: "Kid, what are you laughing at? This beauty belongs to me, you still give it to me, I will reward you with a spiritual jade."

Mu Qiang went to the side of the sound of the dust: "Dust beauty, you do not need my hero to save the United States!"

Unhappy, angry, but good cultivation makes people unable to speak out.

The voice of the mayor’s son laughed. “Ha ha ha! I know that the beauty will be captivated by the heroic, and fall in love with me.”

Said, this guy actually has to be on the sound of the sound.

The mud bodhisattva also has three points of fire! Although the sound is a sacred son, but it is also a person!

"Hey!" The Sanskrit Son lifted his leg and flew the guy out.

"Ah!" The man fell very embarrassed, so many people in the tea house watched the show, making him feel very shameful.

The sound is not heavy, and soon he climbs up. He screams and screams: "It looks like a little more, I see you are your luck, you... you dare to me. Hands-on."

This guy is also a martial artist. He is not very self-righteous and thinks that he is very strong. He once again caught the past in the sound.

"Hey!" This time, the sound is a slap in the hand.

"Ah!" A scream of screaming came.

The mayor’s son couldn’t climb now, and he shouted: “You’re not going to grab this beauty quickly.”

The family beside him is also working!

This is a strong robbing of women... no... folk!

For the first time, the Sanskrit Son encountered such a thing, and his brow was close.

Mu Qian said: "It seems that you are not good at dealing with these things, actually dealing with them? Then you must violence."

Finished, Mu Qian’s figure flashed!

Those few family members fly directly in the sky, there is no room for resilience!

They were shocked: "God! This little brother turned out to be a king!"

If the sound does not need to be spiritual, afraid to expose yourself, this one is very eye-catching in this town, but what is it in the West?

"Our town, there is a royal order!"

In this world dominated by the strong, facing a kingdom, isn’t a town mayor really?

The mayor’s son was also scared at this time. "Adult, forgive! Adult, I am damn! I should not marry your woman."

Ms. Qian’s mouth is slightly pumping, her woman?

The sound of the face is not very good, Mu Qian said: "Hurry! Unsightly!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

He hurriedly took people away, and Mu Qian said: "Beauty, let's go!"

If the sound is low, nothing is said to follow silently.

When the mayor learned that his son had provoked a royal order, he was very scared and hurriedly took people to pay for his crimes.

Such masters, ruining their entire town, are easy.

"Adult, my son is not sensible, please forgive me."

Mu Qianxi waved and waved: "I don't like to listen to nonsense, even if I apologize, I can't look at it!"

The mayor is so heartbroken, it is worthy of being an expert!

"But..." Mu Qianyi said a turn.

This made the mayor's back sweaty, and the adults did not intend to let them go.

"You answered me a few questions. If I am satisfied, this will be the case! If I am not satisfied, then I will leave you to the town of the mayor."

During the speech, Mu Qianxi exudes the coldness of the monks.



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