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m..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*m.*9.*2.*w.*x.*bsp; "Adults please say!" He wiped his forehead On the cold sweat, the one defeated the family even provoked such a horrible person.

Mu Qian is lazy: "When you look at a lot of age, you have become a mayor who is not a teenager. Is there a particularly powerful master in the vicinity of your town?"

If the sound is said to be in the vicinity, even if it is a hermit family, no one can come out.

As soon as you come out, there are clues.

"Adults are forgiving! This...this can't be said, I..."

"Can't say, then you can go into the coffin and say slowly." Mu Qian's voice became a bit colder.

The mayor was very afraid of death and all the results were recruited.

"There is a forest of spirits not far from our town, where no one dares to approach. Some of the mysterious masters who appear occasionally appear to be from there." The mayor shivered.

Mu Qianqi slightly lifted his feet, "I don't dare to lie!"


The effort between the two figures disappeared in front of him. If it weren’t for the rest of the leftovers in front of him, the mayor would think that all this was an illusion.

When Mu Qian and He Ruo Chen went to the forest for the first time, it seemed that it was not big. The spirit beasts inside were a bit fierce, but they could not stop them.

"Booming!" Mu Qiang and the sound of the dust very smooth cooking these some beasts.

However, the ancients still have no clues.

At this time, the sound of the sound is low and the voice is low: "There is someone not far away, be careful!"

"Looking at the past!"

Not only people, but also **** smell?

The ancient people lived here for so long, and should not be hurt by the spirits.

When Mu Qianqi is getting closer, he feels a familiar cold atmosphere.

Mu Qianxi carefully concealed his breath: "Be careful!"

They saw a fierce battle in front, and a group of blue robes dressed in uniforms guarded the road: "You guys...who are you? Why are you killing the masters?"

When they were opposite, a group of very strange black robe men, the black robe man said: "We killed the master of the chapter, and you can't do a master of the chapter."

Soon, the appearance of a black man in front of him became exactly the same as the one who died on the side.

"This... how is this possible?"

"How could this be?"


These blue robes have widened their eyes.

"If you don't want to die like them, you will be obedient, otherwise..."

"You dream! We are the Erlang of the ancient family, and will never give in!"

"We will not let you some of these skeptics pretend to be refining pharmacists and enter our ancients."


They sneered: "If that's the case, then let's go!"

They shot, these blue robe guards are not their opponents at all, they must die!

Mu Qian said: "The sound is dusty, hands-on! Save the ancient people, there are clues."

Those who have been beaten up by the ancients are naturally not allowed to kill.

The sound of the dust is flashing, and some of these people have also reached the strength of the emperor, but even if they reach the emperor, they can't resist the Buddha light of the Sanskrit Son.

They used a very cool power, but this kind of power was just suppressed by the Buddha light, and they had no room to fight back.

They output the power of terror, under the control of the Buddha's light, useless.

The sound is not polite to them.

At this time, Mu Qiang came out, she looked at some of the black people: "Evil spirit!"

Some people of the ancient ethnic group were shocked: "Who is the evil spirit family?"

These black people are even more shocked!

"You...what are you guys? How do you know the evil spirits!"

"Fo Guang, you are the people of the Fanyin Kingdom."

If the sound is dusty, "the evil spirits are originally evil spirits."

Mu Qianxi also knows now that the evil power that the original voice said is evil spirits.

Some strange guys who had been in the pharmacy.

"What are you doing in the evil spirits? Where are you evil spirits?" The sound of the sound of the dust became colder.

Some of these people laughed: "Hehehe! Not your opponents, we recognize, but want us to betray the evil spirits, you don't think about it."


They broke out with terrible power and blew themselves!

"Be careful!" The golden Buddha's light blocked the power of this outbreak, and did not let them hurt others.

Self-explosion, there is no residue left, and it is impossible to ask what information!

Ms. Qian said, "These guys of the evil spirits are too difficult."

At this time, some of the ancient people have not returned to God, and this happened too quickly.

However, their life was finally saved.

" are the people of the Sanskrit Kingdom! Thanks to the two shots, we are grateful."

Mu Qian said: "Don't you say that this is a virtual one, come to something practical?"

"Actual?" They looked at Mu Qianxi with doubt.

"Take us into your ancient family."

As a result, all the guys were squished when they heard this request.

"This is impossible. It is absolutely impossible for outsiders to enter our ancient people. Please do not bother me."

"Yes! Especially you are the people of the Sanskrit Kingdom."


It seems that the ethnic rules of this ancient tribe are quite strict.

Mu Qianxi pointed at the body on the ground: "You said that outsiders can't enter the ancients, then the one on the ground doesn't seem to be your ancients!"

"Which master can be the same, is he a refining pharmacist?"

Mu Qian said: "You mean, is the refining pharmacist able to enter your ancient family? I am also a refining pharmacist."

They looked at the Millennium, "You... are you a pharmacist?"

"Even if you are a refining pharmacist? You are the people of the Fanyin Kingdom."

Mu Qiang took a sound and said: "It seems that you have been dragged down by you. I am not a fanatic god. Do you want me to explore?"

If the sound is veto, "No! It is not certain how many evil spirits have been mixed into the ancients. It is too dangerous for you to go in alone."

"I will persuade them!"

The sound of the sound looked at them gently, saying: "Several people, can you listen to me?"

Everyone felt that this gaudy woman dressed up was very weird, and it gave people a feeling of radiance.

"Yes! You are our savior after all."

The sound of the dust said: "The people just saw it. They have very evil power. This power will threaten the entire Quartet. They cherish the treasures of your ancient people. They don't know how many people are mixed in. If they don't stop it. Maybe your ancients will be in danger."

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