Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1414: To do a full set

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m..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*m.*9.*2.*w.*x.*bsp; "This thing, we will report with the old family Our ancient people are comparable to the forces of Samsung, and we will be afraid of a sinister."

Although they were moved by the sound, they still refused.

Even if the evil spirits are strong, these two young people who are younger than them can't play any role.

Mu Qianxi walked to the side of the sound of the dust and laughed jokingly: "It seems that your brainwashing effort is not so strong!"

These ancient people are very resistant to the people of the Sanskrit godland, so the saints and the saints can no longer influence these people.

Ms. Qian said: "I will not talk nonsense with you like this monk. You only have two choices?"

Monk, the guards of some ancient people are also confused.

There is only one woman who is a little vulgar and this kid, where is the monk?

"First, it is the sly take us into the ancients, the second! That is death."

Mu Qianshen was murderous and exposed, letting them open their eyes in surprise.

"You... are you not the people of the Sanskrit Kingdom? How can you kill the killer..."

Now they are seriously injured. Although the two men are not the best, they are definitely not the opponents of the two.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "He is, I am not? You have to choose, I don't want to waste time."

"If we die, we will not betray my family!"

"Yes! We would rather die."


"Enlightenment is quite high! But it falls in my hands, you still want to die! It is a bit naive."

They did not think of it, countless cold flashes, they instantly lost consciousness.

The sound is like a dust: "There is a girl who is going to be a man."

He knows that Mu Qian’s poisoning means will be able to complete the task beautifully.

Mu Qianxi said: "I thought that the Sanskrit Son would say that this method is not very clever, let us not use it?"

The sound is astonishing: "The situation is urgent, and you can't take care of it."

"The road is awesome!"

"Hey!" Mu Qiang hit a ringing finger, and the person who was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes.

Mu Qianqi asked: "What do you want the refining pharmacist to do?"

"Our patriarch is seriously ill, there is no way for the refining pharmacists in the family, so we secretly invited the refining pharmacists who have close ties to our ancients."

"The master of that chapter is also one of them."

They nodded: "Yes!"

Other things have not been asked for thousands of days and nights, and it is natural to be clear after entering the ancients.

She hypnotized them. "I am the disciple of the master of the chapter. Master Zhang is seriously ill and I am coming to replace him. And this is my little sister."

The sound is like a dust, "Small 妾! Mu girl, I... I can change into a men's clothing to be your pharmacy. Going out with a little squatting, it is..."

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “Going out to the outside, giving a family’s long treatment with a small sputum, it seems that Xiaoye is unrestrained and can eliminate their suspicions!”

"This is the case."

All the opposition to the sound of the sound, Mu Qianxi gave up.

The sound is very helpless, he also knows that Mu Qian is deliberately retaliating in the vengeance, but unfortunately he has no way to resist.

Mu Qiang continued to hypnotize some of these people and asked: "Have you heard clearly?"

Mu Qian said: "We met a group of mysterious black people in the middle of the road. You have protected us well, but you have been injured."

It is better for the evil spirits to warn the ancient people.

After handling everything, Mu Qian said: "The solution is solved, but my drug is hypnotic. It can last for seven days. Is time enough?"

The sound nodded and said: "Seven days, enough."

Leading the way from the ancients, they easily approached the base camp of the ancients, crossed their guardianship, and entered the ancients.

The territory of the ancients is much larger than the one they passed by.

When stepping into here, Mu Qianxi felt a stronger aura than the outside world.

She was somewhat surprised: "The ancients occupied a good place to live in seclusion!"

One of the guards said: "This is of course, Master Mu, the place of our ancient nationality, can be ordinary. Although the Sanskrit Shrine is magnificent, it is definitely not as good as our spiritual concentration."

At this time, another team of people came over.

"Liu Hui, how do you do things? Don't you go to the master Zhang? How come a hairy boy, and also brought a woman?" A spirited old man has some angry way.

Liu Hui, the captain of the escort, said in a hurry: "And the elders, are we not ordered to ask the master Zhang? Master Zhang has not come, this is his disciple and the little sister who takes care of his life."

"Hey!" came a laughter.

"The old things are not much able to bear, how many can his apprentices have the ability! Come out to the ancient patriarchs to see the doctor even with a small cockroach, just noisy! Let them roll directly, the ancient patriarch's disease, our drug **** valley can be cured."

This time, the people who came to the ancient clan to cure the disease were usually from the pharmacists of the hidden world or some independent refining pharmacists.

Master Zhang belongs to the latter, but the person who speaks is from the former.

Even so, some people at the Quartet Refining Pharmacists Conference participated, all of whom were the victims of Mu Qian.

If they know the true identity of Mu Qian, it is estimated that they will bury a hole and bury themselves.

Liu Huidao: "Mu Master has come here! Let him also contribute!"

Master Xiao of the Medicine God Valley passed through the Millennium and said: "Your surname!"

He sighed: "All are surnames, the difference is quite big! The effort to see your kid is not high, not everyone is like Mu Master, the refining talent is against the sky, clean and self-sufficient."

Mu Qian’s mouth madly pumped up, faintly said: "Well!"

"It's a pity! If you are not good, you will believe in others." Master Xiao sighed.

The main hall of the North Han Dian Temple is ungrateful, and the things that the rabbit died of dog cooking are known throughout the Quartet.

Mu Qianxi and Ghost Medical Building have a high reputation in the refining industry, so the North Cold Lord is absolutely hated by all the refining pharmacists.

Master Xiao did not leave with a junior nonsense, and he was very proud to leave.

Liu Huidao: "Master Mu, please come here!"

After settled in the millennium, Liu Hui went back to life.

The sneak attack by the mysterious man also made the entire ancient family extraordinarily alert.

"A good guardian of the big family, absolutely can not go wrong."


Because the voice of the current character is the master of the master, so the ancients arranged them in a room.

Sounds like a dusty road: "Mu girl, I... I went outside..."

Mu Qiang went to his side and said: "Hey! Someone is eavesdropping!"

This ancient family is especially vigilant, and there are many secrets in the dark.

It seems that the ancient patriarch is particularly ill, otherwise he will never go outside the refining pharmacist.

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