Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1418: To destroy the whole family

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Sounds like a dust: "Let's go!"

The ancients long said: "It is impossible to go."

A long sword beside him was pointed out, pointing to the sound of dust.

He said: "A woman who is disobedient, killing is. If Master Mu can't get it, the patriarch will help you."

Mu Qiang extended his hand and pulled the sound out of the dust. Mu Qian said: "My people, but also by others, don't do it?"

This kid is not willing to obey, so the ancient patriarch is very unhappy.

"Master Mu does not give me this face, nor intend to stay?"

It’s just a kid. It’s just because there’s a bad master, and it’s not very useful.

Mu Qianyi and Yin Ruoqing looked at each other!

Is it first to play with this old thing, or to kill directly.

Just as Mu Qianhe and Yin Ruo were thinking about this problem, a gloomy voice came.

"The ancient patriarch, I want to ask you for something."

The person who spoke was the refining pharmacist who had no time to give the ancient patriarch a medicinal herb.

The ancient patriarch, a glimpse, "What?"

"I want the ancient patriarch to give me seven pieces of Mo Ling Wang Jing."

"What do you say nonsense? What is the ink crystal of Wang Ling? The patriarch does not know." The ancient chieftain's face changed greatly.

"Mo Ling Wang Jing is the columnar black stone that you got in the depths of the crystal."

The words of this refining pharmacist had just fallen, and the ancient genius gathered all the spiritual powers and rushed toward him.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the ground of this hall has exploded a big pit, and the guy has escaped.

"The ancient patriarch, you are toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine." The black robe refining clerk stood erect, gloomy looking at the ancient patriarch.

"How did you know that?" This is the secret of their ancient people.

Mo Ling Wang Jing, can be countless times more precious than these Mo Ling Jing, this is their ancient nationality, the most important thing.

"Come on! Give me this guy!"

At the moment when the ancient patriarch ordered it, suddenly there was a scream in every place of the ancient swords.


"The patriarch, help!"


Among the ancients, some black people appeared inexplicably.

There are even some people of this family who are killing their fellow citizens!

How could this be?

Some of these inexplicable people are definitely disasters of the ancients.

At this point, the black robe refining pharmacist said: "The people here are all killed, and one live is not left!"

The ancient patriarch was furious. "You have to destroy my ancients, absolutely not allowed!"

"Kill! Kill these people."


The ancients and a group of inexplicable enemies have become a group.

On the contrary, they are some outsiders, but fortunately they can still stand here.

A refining pharmacist sneered: "Is this a retribution! Retribution, the ancient patriarch threatened us to stay in the ancients, and now recruited the enemy of the genocide, it is retribution!"

"But these people seem to be more dangerous than the ancient people."

Mu Qianhe and the sound of the dust retreat to the side, said: "If the sound is dusty, what are you going to do? It will not be like the Father to save the ancient people!"

The evil spirits started, and they sent more people than they thought, and it was obvious that the Wang Ling was very important to them.

The sound of the dust looks at Mu Qianxi: "Mu girl once taught me, waiting for them to lose both, it is the best time to start."

Mu Qianxi shook his head and said: "This time, it can be different! It is impossible to lose both, and the ancients can't support it for a long time."

The two sides are in full swing, and some of these outsiders are idle.

Obviously, the ancient people have been unable to support it.

These people are too powerful and the power is too strange.

The entire ancient family is particularly miserable, and since they have been secluded, they have not encountered such a thing.

The ancient patriarch spit out a blood and said: "Who are you guys?"

"Hey!" The ancient patriarch was shot and flew out.

"A group of dead people can not qualify to know our identity!"

The ancient patriarchs knew that their ancients were not opponents of these people at all.

"Retreat! Come quickly, hurry!"

Even if they flee like a house dog, they must live and leave the roots of their ancient people.

The ancients had ambitions and gained the strength of the mind after the Mo Lingjing. They wanted to replace the Fanyin Kingdom.

Their ambitions have not yet been realized, because the baby who got this accident has recruited wolves who can eat people without bones.

"Go! Go! Go!" The ancient chief said.

They panicked and ran out, leaving Qingshan without burning wood.


They ran to a place but had nowhere to go.

The entire space has been blocked up. What is the means?

The black robe refining pharmacist said: "Since we start, we will not allow any ants to reveal our news. All of you must die."

The ancient people’s faces were pale, and the ancient patriarch looked at Mu Qian’s words: “Masters, how can you stand by, let’s help!”

"Hehehe! Help, you just threatened us, now you have a hard time in the ancient family, but also want us to help?" These refining pharmacists are also a sneer.

"You didn't hear this monster say? A live mouth won't stay, will they kill you?"

"It’s all dead anyway, we don’t want to help you with the ancients.”

These mysterious people are too strong, and even if they have more combat power, they will not help.

And they are refining pharmacists, their combat power is not strong!

"Ah!" A burst of screams came.

Completely blood-stained the entire ancient family, these people are very hot.

The sound of the dust looked at the body and shivered, bowing the chanting: "Amitabha, Amitabha%"

He knows that it is the best plan to not take the matter, but his nature, but can not bear to see such killing.

Mu Qianxi whispered: "Monk, can't you go on?"

If you want to say black heart, you can make her pit, naturally black heart!

But nowadays pity and intolerance, but not in garlic.

“Barren is a monk!”

Mu Qian said: "In this case, let's do it! The ancient people can't support it for a long time."

"It's not the time now, I asked the girl to come with me. I can't let the girl fall into danger because of my pity."

The Buddha said that all the people are waiting, but now the balance in my heart has become unbalanced!

He knew that this was not right, but he still did.

The ancient people suffered heavy casualties, and the ancients long said: "Enough! Stop! Don't you want Mo Ling Wang Jing? I will give you? Give it to you."

"Stop now!"

The black man ordered: "Stop!"

Soon, this fierce battle was like pressing the pause button. The ancient people breathed a sigh of relief and gathered around their patriarchs to seek blessing!

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