Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1419: Oni doctor adult

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Black robe humanity: "Things, hand it out!"

People like the ancient patriarchs never believed in others. Such babies were not hiding elsewhere, but were brought around by themselves.

He took out a box from his space ring and opened the box and said, "You want this!"

Mu Qianxi saw the ink-colored ink crystal, and the power inside was very strong. It was definitely not how some of the ink crystals could not match.

The black robe took the box and smiled: "I know you!"

I got the crystal of Mol Lingwang: "These people, all killed."

The ancient patriarch's eyes widened. "You... I have given you something, are you still killing?"

"Those who know our existence can only die!" The cold voice of the man.

"You are stupid, greedy and afraid of death. I have said that if you hand over something, will I let you go?"

not at all!

The ancients were so angry that they all rose red, and looked at the terrible people in front of them, but they could not resist.

Obviously he is a peak master, and there are so many peak players in their family, but there is no use at all.

The power of these people is too strange.


Under the unbelievable eyes of the people, their honorable patriarchs were kneeling in front of the executioners.

"I... I will give you the ink of Wang Ling, you will let me live a life! I... I am a master of the peak, good strength, should be useful to adults!"

At that moment, the ancient people did not believe this fact.

As a family leader, he... how can he do to abandon the family owner and just want to keep his decision.

The young patriarch stopped, "Father! What did you say?"

"The patriarch, how can you do this?"


The ancient chief anger said: "You are too noisy."

As long as you can live, live...

The fathers of the young patriarchs were sad and sad, and the father who tried to save himself was so selfish and disregarded the entire family.

"I don't want to be killed by this group of people even if I commit suicide."

"There is one such patriarch who counts my miscarriage in my life."


Desperate and disappointed one by one wants to kill himself.

The black robes looked at them coldly, and they were able to recognize themselves, and they were the ones in the province.

At this time, a few confused people woke up, received the information in their heads, and then looked at the side of the millennium and sound.

The man was excited: "The two are the people of the Fanyin Kingdom. If you ask for help from the Fanyin Kingdom, we...the ancients will be saved."

The chaotic memory made him unable to distinguish the occasion and even said this sentence. 67.356

Mu Qianyi stunned, "Hypnosis, it was lifted."

The sound is like a dusty road: "Mu girl, it’s time for us to start. The Mo Ling Wang Jing has a very powerful force and must not fall into the hands of this group of people."

"The people of the Fanyin Kingdom!" The black robes of the gloomy gaze, looking at the Muqian and the sound of the dust.

It was this kid who broke his plan, or he could control the ancient patriarch and get the ink of Wang Ling without using hands.

A low-powered kid, just wait for him to clean up the ancients and kill them.

He did not think that the origin of this kid has a problem!

The ancient patriarch raised his eyes and said: "What? The people of the Sanskrit God Kingdom are also coming! Is it... the secrets they found."

The horror that can't be said in my heart, the human: "Yes! I saw him using Buddha light."

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang has long since died. The boy is not an apprentice of Master Zhang. I... I don't know why he faked this identity according to his instructions."

The black robe ordered: "Other people, kill! This is the person of the Sanskrit God Kingdom, I will deal with it!"

After that, the man plunged into Mu Qian.

Just as he was about to approach Mu Qian, suddenly there was a sound.

The holy and powerful Buddha light filled with the power of faith suppressed the power of his death.

"Hey!" He was shot and flew out.

Others are dumbfounded, "good!"

"This Buddha is too strong."

"She... she is a woman, she has practiced Dharma, and it is so powerful!"

When this Buddha light appeared, they seemed to see the light of hope.

This radiance makes them once again full of fighting spirit, even if it is difficult to deal with the enemies in front of them, they must pull a few backs.

Although the ancient patriarchs hate it, but these ancient people of the ancients are desperately desperate, want to go with the enemy, this awareness is not bad!

Mu Qianyi raised his hand and said: "You fight, there is no medicinal supplement to do it? Hold it, fight hard!"

As soon as he shot, Mu Qianxi threw out countless remedies.

That is all medicinal herbs! He... he just lost it.

Healing the medicinal herbs and restoring the spirit of the medicinal herbs, they have the strength to fight.

Maybe... maybe they haven't reached the road yet!

Maybe they can survive.

The few refining pharmacists saw that Mu Qianji took the medicinal herbs and did not want to pay the money to the ancient people, so that they had enough strength to fight, and they were shocked.

"This... this is too big!"

"Does his remedy not have money?"


No, they seem to realize one thing!

There is only one financial resource in the entire Quartet. There is only one person who gives the medicinal herbs.

Ghost doctor building landlord, ghost doctors admire thousands of miles.

Obviously they have no problems, she will be cured with a remedy, in addition to Mu Qianxi, can there be others?

"You...you are a ghost doctor!"

"Ghost doctor!"

"God! Ghost doctor!"

I remembered that they had previously laughed at Mu Qian, and at this time they wanted to find a hole to drill in.

What the **** are they doing?

Mu Qianxi said: "You seniors, these people are extremely evil, killing people are not blinking, we fight to kill, maybe there is still a chance."

"Yes! Fight!"

"The old man is fighting with them."


Knowing that this teenager is a ghost doctor, they seem to be full of motivation.

"Booming!" Every inch of the ancient land has become a battlefield!

Mu Qian said: "The space is blocked. If you want to die less, you can only open this blockade and let them run away."

As early as they blocked the space, Mu Qiang did not think of ways to open this blockade. Now, she has found a breakthrough.

Mu Qianqi plunged into the air, Yan Longjian took out, cold channel: "Red Lotus!"

The red-red flame rushed out toward the barrier.

"Booming!" A loud noise came out.

The black robe sneered: "The kid, the means of my family, how can you break! You don't want to survive today."

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