Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1420: Retribution is not good

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"Scratch!" His words just fell, they heard their blockade barrier, and there was a crack.

The black robe has a big change in his face. "How is this possible?"

"Boom!" The sound of the dust attacked, and the dress was not at all with the holy Buddha light.

"What the **** are you?"

A woman who owns Buddha light is very strange in itself, not to mention being so powerful.

Of course, the sound of the dust did not answer his words, hit!

"Red Lotus!"

When Mu Qian knows that his attack is effective, he will shoot again.


The crack of this space barrier is getting bigger and bigger!

"Give me the kill of that kid, hurry to kill him!" This time, the black robe was in a hurry.

Many people of evil spirits rushed to Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qian said: "Xiaohong, invincible, stop me."


The strength of the six-level holy beast is more than enough to stop these people.

"Six-level holy beast, and still two!"

This made this guy look ugly. At this time, the ancient patriarch not only did not deal with evil spirits, but the dog legs: "Adult, I can help you kill that **** kid."

In today's situation, they still have little chance of winning.

After he considered it, he decided to choose to stand on the other side.

The black robe smiled. "You count! If you kill the kid, I can not kill you. If you can't do it, you will die."

"I must do it!"

The ancient clan plundered Mu Qian, and the young chiefs stunned.

"Father! You..."

Even if you trust in the enemy, this time, you are still going to deal with the help.

Even if this is his biological father, they are disappointed.

Soon, the ancient patriarchs arrived.

Invincible and Xiaohong are unable to stop him when they deal with other people.

Mu Qianxi looked at this guy: "They, but your people? For you to be alone and stealing, you are completely ignoring their lives."

The ancients long said: "What do you know? If I don't do this, we ancient people, there is no living thing! As long as I am still alive, the ancients still have hope."

"Don't make excuses for your greed and fear of death."

The figure of Mu Qianxi flashed and took the initiative to meet the ancient patriarch.

The ancients long said: "A small-scale boy, without the two contract beasts, I have to see if you have some ability."

"Ring Luo Yin!" 67.356

The spiritual element of water formed a whirlpool, and the thousands of seals rushed toward them.

In the face of this power of destruction, the ancient patriarch's face changed greatly and hurriedly defended!

"Boom!" A loud noise, under this terrible power, all felt paralyzed.

There is a shocking color on his face, how is it possible!

Obviously, it is the strength of the Emperor, but this power is somewhat outrageous.

Mu Qian said: "Although I am only a king, but you are more than enough to deal with serious injuries."

"Ice Dragons!"

The ice-blue ice dragon rushed to the ancient patriarch, and he was caught off guard.

The ancient patriarch knew that he had to be a kid, and he said coldly: "What about these tricks? The lack of spiritual power is your Achilles heel."


The two men **** up in madness. As a patriarch of a hidden family, the ancient patriarch was not weak even if he was seriously injured.

Mu Qianxi and him became a tie, and because he was entangled in the Millennium, wasted time, the space blockade did not break, causing the ancients to die and hurt many people.

At this time, they were also disappointed with their patriarchs.

Obviously, they are still likely to survive. This last hope is destroyed by their beloved patriarch.

Distressed, disappointed, desperate!

Mu Qianxi knows that he can't drag on in this way, quick and quick!

"Red Lotus!"

"Yanlong lore!"


The long sword that broke out with a powerful flame swept out.


The violent fire element attack was still blocked by the ancient patriarch.

His only corner was burned, and the power madness skyrocketed.

Other people's faces changed greatly, saying: "This is the patriarch's killing skill!"

“Almost no one can survive, not to try to be a master.”

"How to do?"

The young patriarch struggled to hurt his father and said: "Father! Stop! You can't kill the master!"

"Stop, I don't have a son with you!"

"Hey!" The patriarch was seriously injured by an evil spirit, and the violent power was about to rush to Mu Qian.

What is strange is that Mu Qianming clearly knows that the ancient patriarch wants to enlarge the move, but stands there and does not move.

The ancient patriarch smiled and said: "Is this kid to give up?"

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “Give up, do you think it is possible? The ancient patriarch, who lost today, will be you!”

"You are less reluctant, you will die today, I... how can I... oh!"

The ancient patriarch who stood volley suddenly spewed a blood, and the color of the blood was still black.

His face became pale, and the spiritual power in his body began to smash.

"Hey!" He couldn't stand in the air and fell from the air.

"Boom!" There was a big pit on the ground. "Hey!" He began to vomit blood.

At this point he was completely paralyzed, but his eyes were wide open. "How is it possible? What is going on here?"

"I... I am poisoned!"

"You have poisoned me. When did you poison me?" he cried as he looked at the sky.

Mu Qianxi sneered: "You have recovered my remedy, but my remedy is not so delicious."

When you enter the ancient tribe, you feel that the ancients are not right!

The voice is not very reliable, she naturally left a hand.

If the ancient patriarch had no bad feelings, would it have any effect?

However, if she is uneasy, she will open the poison, and the ancient patriarch must be finished.

When she was fighting, she moved her hands and feet, and now it is the time of the poison.

"You...you...you are..."

Mu Qian said: "If you dare to be ungrateful, you must be prepared for death!"

After solving this guy, Mu Qianyi once again dealt with this barrier.

"Red Lotus!"

Time does not wait for people, Mu Qian, this blow, almost exhausted all her power.


The horrible explosion sounded, and soon the entire barrier was completely blasted by Mu Qian.


The barrier of this blockade is for nothingness, and the black man is incredulous: "How is it possible? How is it done?"

Mu Qianxi naturally did not answer him, but said: "The barrier has been opened, you must rush to escape! Can you save your life, it depends on your creation."

"Go! Go!"

"Thank you for your master!"

"Mu Master, your life-saving grace, we have no teeth to remember!"

Seeing that some of these people left, the black robes were gloomy: "Catch! One can't let go."

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