Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1427: Looking for a fiancee

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Mu Qianxi walked up to him and said: "The really powerful poisonous person can kill people with the smell of poison."

"It seems that I am looking down on you, you are so mean!" He screamed at the Millennium.

"If you say this, it is a big mistake. I have not poisoned you!"

"You lie, if you didn't poison me, how can I become like this! You must be poisoned."

"I just did an experiment with your body and it was thanks to you! I think I can already develop a satisfactory medicine."

The power of the evil spirit in this guy's body is very similar to the power in the ink crystal. She tested the perfect pharmacy that could not refine the evolution of the ink crystal for so long, and found a breakthrough in them.

Le Fan couldn't understand the words of Mu Qian, he sneered: "Damn! Don't make excuses for your insidiousness."

"Is it an excuse? You will know if you try."

After that, Mu Qianyi reconfigured the pharmacy.

This opens the eyes of everyone.

"The magical potion of the ghost medical building is configured like this, it looks very simple!"

"You think it's simple, you can try it!"

“It looks simple, it’s not easy to actually operate. It’s a near-perverted judgment on every kind of medicine, and only the metamorphosis of ghost doctors can do it.”

A bottle of medicine, configured.

She pretended the pharmacy and prepared to give Le Fan a shot.

"What are you going to do?" The big country teacher changed his face and wanted to rush to stop Mu Qian.

The result was stopped by the sound of the dust and the sacred voice of the king of the country, and the sound was faintly smiled: "The great country teacher, the girl has always been measured, you can rest assured!"

"This contest has not yet conceded your apprentice, it is not over yet, and outsiders can't intervene!"

The great country teacher clenched his fists and could only watch Mu Qian’s giving his apprentice a shot.


This needle goes down, and Le Fan not only does not feel uncomfortable, but feels the whole body let go.

After admiring his body with his mental strength, Mu Qianxi nodded slightly.

After reprocessing, she should be able to refine the medicinal agent that evolved the crystal of Namo Ling.

She smiled and said: "I said, this is not poison! It is a medicine!"

Le Fan looked shocked at Mu Qianxi, she is definitely a monster, and she is able to make such a medicine!

At this time, the sound of the voice ordered: "Come on! The big country teacher and his disciples colluded with the evil spirits, and gave me the man!"

When the sound is heard, someone will do it.

"Brushing!" Several figures fell and surrounded people.

The great country teacher was shocked: "If you sound, you dare!"

The sound is like a dust: "I will dare!"


In an instant, here became a battlefield. The great country teacher was swearing to resist, but did not think that the Fanyin Kingdom actually hides the master he did not know.

These people have actually listened to the order of the sound!

At this time, someone came to report: "The Son, the Lord, the side of the shrine is a man, and it is good to steal the things of the shrine."

"Let's hurry!"

Mu Qiang returned to the shrine with the sound of the sound, and now the palace is blocked, searching for the right person who stole something.

The sound of the dust ordered: "Search, all suspicious people, all grabbed."

Next, there is absolutely no such thing as a thousand?

The sound of the dusty eyes is very sinister, and the evil spirits are hidden in the body of the evil spirits.

This time, a big search, the sound of the dust is simply a matter of grasping the standard, the evil spirits of the entire shrine, taking advantage of this opportunity to solve the clean.

"The Son, there must be a misunderstanding! I am not! I am not!"



No matter how pitiful those people are, there will be no pity in today’s voice.

Of course, some people have escaped, that is, the guy who stole the evil spirits of the baby escaped.

But he couldn't think of it. He stole a fake, but let the sound of the dust through this opportunity to clean up the people they tried to insert.

I am afraid that the mastermind behind the scenes will get this news and will also want to vomit blood.

"Oh!" After the thorough cleaning, the sound is dizzy.

Everyone panicked and said: "The Son!"


"Don't shout, you haven't died yet! Hurry up and bring it back to me." Mu Qianxi said.

They only remembered that this is a ghost doctor! They are relieved instantly, and the Son must be saved.

The body is very bad, but it doesn't matter, it is finally to remove the hidden danger.

It would be terrible if the evil spirits eroded the entire Sanskrit **** country.

After the treatment of the sound of the dust, Mu Qianxi went to the refining pharmacy to refine the pharmaceutical agent, because she knew that there was not much time for calm.

It took a very short time to refine the perfect medicine, and Mu Qiang soaked the ink crystal in it.

The black turned into pure white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this thing was thrown into the space.

No matter what evil spirits use these things to do bad things, and when they become harmless, then the evil spirits are helpless.

At this time, the ancient patriarch of the ancient tribe came to see the Millennium, and he said in front of Mu Qiang: "Ghost doctor, please save my people?"

"What happened to them?"

"I have found my family in a place, and their physical condition is not good. There are big problems. Other pharmacists can't do anything. I know that ghost doctors have a way."

Mu Qiang raised his eyebrows: "I saved your old lady, what did your father do?"

The ancient sandalwood also felt very embarrassed, and his father had done too much.

"Save people, come up with sincerity!" riKr

Gu Tan bit his finger and said: "I am willing to make a blood oath. From now on, I will be a cow for the ghost doctors, and I will ask the ghost doctors to save my people. I can't just finish the ancients."

"Good!" Mu Qiandao said.

The blood vows to reach, Mu Qian said: "This shrine, can't wait, let's go!"


Sure enough, Mu Qian’s forefoot had just left, and the North Palace was absolutely arrogant and killed.

The sound is in a coma, and the Fanyin Lord is welcoming.

"I don't know the Lord of the North Cold Temple, what is it?" The voice of the Fanyin Lord smiled.

The North Palace is very polite and courteous: "Vatican Lord, I heard that my fiancée is in the shrine of your Sanskrit **** country. I personally came to greet her back today. I don't know the Fanyin Lord, let me see See her?"

Others listened, what? fiancée?

How is this different from the version they hear?

Is it because the Lord of the Northern Cold Temple likes Mu Shaodian and wants to marry her? As a result, Mu Shaodian does not agree, so the Northern Cold Lord did such extreme things.

Even if they are monks, it is inevitable that they will have a gossip!

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