Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1428: Unexpectedly got 2851

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The main voice of the Fanyin country: "Mu girl is in the shrine, you are going to see her in person! If she is willing to go back with the North Han Dian, I will naturally not stop. 1357924? 6810ggggggggggd"

"Mu Qianxi!"

"Ghost doctors are in the West Hall?"

The result went to the West Hall, people are not there!

"Ghost doctors seem to go to the refining room in the East Hall."

The result is still not there!

The North Palace’s face was cold and said: “We were cheated, and Mu Qian’s long gone, let me find it!”

As soon as Mu Qianxi came back, he discussed with the Fanyin Lord, and how long it took to drag the North Palace.

"The block around me is blocked, and no mosquito can fly."

"Yes, Lord!"

After issuing a series of orders, the North Palace looked at the Fanyin Lord.

"The monks do not swear, the Fanyin Lord you have failed the respect of the temple."

The main voice of the Fanyin country: "The poor also knows now that the landlord has left, I am really sorry."

The North Palace never wants to waste the effort on the Fanyin Kingdom, and first finds Mu Qianyu.

When the North Palace went to admire the Millennium, the sound of the coma was waking up.

"what happened?"

A little monk said: "The Son, you don't know, the North Cold Hall owner ran over to find the ghost doctor, and said that the ghost doctor is his fiancee. Now the ghost doctor has already left, the North Cold Lord should look for Not her."

He did not think that their son, the child, chuckled: "Fiancée!"

In the blink of an eye, he saw that their seriously ill son was gone.

"The Son of the Son, the Son of the Son, you have not rested yet, where are you going?"

There is still a trace of murder in the air that makes him creepy. This murder is not like the Son.

The place where the ancient sandalwood placed its own people is the one that once worshipped the thousand miles and the sounds.

At least one-third of the people of the ancients lost, and more than half of them were seriously injured.

I saw that the grandmother was back, and the mayor was very embarrassed.

Mu Qianxi swept through the humanity of these ancient people: "They used the one of Ling Lingjing to practice it?"

"Yes!" Gu Tan replied.

"Those things can speed up the cultivation, but the evil power will destroy the human body."

"Ghost doctor, you... can you save them?"

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Save, I want all the ink crystals that the ancients got."

Tan Tandao: "No problem! That Mo Lingjing, now in the family, I can take the ghost doctor to take."

Mu Qian said: "Let your people go together. The West is not a place to stay, we must leave soon."

"We are so many people, how come?"

"I have only a way to let them go."


The North Palace is always looking for a thousand miles in the West, but it takes time to find this remote place. Rjax

Today's ancients have become ruins.

Some of the ancient people saw such a miserable hometown, and their eyes were a little moist.

Mu Qian said: "On the cloud, come out!"

On the cloud, Qionglou appeared in the air, and Muqian said to them: "You go to the Qionglou on the cloud first. I will finish the things with your patriarch and leave."

Everyone exclaimed: "This... this is a space shuttle artifact!"

"Ghost doctors have artifacts!"

Tan Tandao: "Don't waste the time of the ghost doctor, don't hurry up."

"Ghost doctor, come with me!"

The ancient sandalwood with the envy of the millennium, deep into the ancient spirit of the Lingling crystal mine.

Seeing the Mo Lingjing, Mu Qianxi was unceremoniously put away.

These things are temporarily harmful to cultivation, but if you use them, you have a lot of uses.

Mu Qianxi released the Yunshang Qionglou to make the North Palace definitely determine its position, "Where!"


There is nothing left in the search for this vein of the ancient family. Mu Qiang still feels that there is a strong force here.

Gu Tan asked: "What happened to adults?"

"There is something here!"

Mu Qianxi pointed to a stone under the ground: "Probably here!"

"This rock is exceptionally hard, but we can't open it with any tools, so we give up."

"What tools can't be opened? Then try this!"

Mu Qianxi pulled out the Yanlong sword, the red-red flame, and let the hard things become nothing.

"Boom!" A loud bang, the entire ground was smashed.

A black inkling beaked from the ground and rushed toward the cave.

The ancient sandalwood stunned. "This one of the ink beads will run."

"What are you still doing? Don't hurry to chase! This is definitely a good thing." Mu Qian said.

The two plucked the mine at the fastest speed, and a surprise came when they rushed out.

"This... this is the ink spirit beads!"

"I didn't get the ink of Wang Ling, but there is a great contribution from Mo Lingzhu, haha!"

A piece of ancient sandalwood, is an evil spirit!

Thinking of the evil spirits, the light of hatred erupted in the dawn of the ancient sandalwood.

"This ink spirit beads, but I dug it out, you want, just dream!"

The red-red long sword moved, and Mu Qian’s sword swung out.

"Yanlong lore!"

In the veins of the ancients, there was Mo Lingjing, and the people of the evil spirits did not get Wang Jing. They wanted to hold the ink crystals for use, so they made a comeback.

The black man escaped the attack of Mu Qianjun and saw that Mu Qiang smiled and said: "You are ancient?"

"There is no waste of grass and roots, so let me cook some of your ants!"

Mu Qianxi sneered; "It’s just a daydream!"

"Ice Dragons!"

The water element erupted with a powerful force, and a ice dragon rushed out.

"Brushing!" At this time, several evil spirits appeared.

They looked at the Lingling beads that were screaming around and exclaimed: "God! I didn't expect the ancients to have an ink spirit bead!"

"Fortunately, we have come again, earning a lot!"

Some people deal with Mu Qian and Tan, and some people rushed toward the Mo Lingzhu.

This Ink Lingzhu is very spiritual. Although these people are not bad, they are not so easy to catch the Lingling beads.

"Invincible, you go and grab the one of the ink beads!"

"Okay! Master!" A white shadow rushed out, and the invincible plundered the ink spirit beads.

The speed of the ink spirit beads is not fast enough to pass through the millennium, so this bead fell into the hands of invincible.

These evil spirited people are angry. "Damn! Give the ink spirit beads out!"


Their crazy attack was invincible, and the invincible figure flashed back to the side of Mu Qianxi, and the ink spirit of Mu Qianzhu was given to the space.

This time, the guy can't run.

Some of these people were covered with evil suffocation and looked at Mu Qianxi sneer: "Small girl, give me the ink of the Lingzhu! This is the thing of my family, not some of you can be touched."

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