Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1430: No one dares to stop

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When the Qionglou in the clouds shuttled through the void, Mu Qianji disposed the medicinal treatment for some of the ancients.


A medicinal agent has fallen into their bodies, and everyone feels a lot more comfortable.

"I'm all right!"

"I'm ready!"

"Thank you, adults!"

They were excited to see Mu Qian, and they were saved.

Tan Sand Road: "Adult, we thank you very much, if you have what we need to do, we will die!"

Once, they were also ambitious to defeat the Fanyin Kingdom and become the hegemon of the West.

However, the ancients changed their ancestors and almost disappeared. They discovered that they were only the frogs at the bottom of the well.

Now they are asking for it, just want to live well and practice well.

Mu Qianxi nodded: "I have already received the reward I want, but if you have no place to go, I am still missing people, you can go and help."

“Thank you for being a ghost doctor!”

“Thank you for being a ghost doctor!”


In the original place, they could not go back. It is really good that the ghost doctors are willing to take them in.

At this time, the cloud said: "Master, has already arrived in the north of the North Han Temple, can now go out of the void?"

Ms. Qian said: "You can prepare!"

Some of the ancient people’s humanities: "Adult, I am going with you!"

"grown ups!"

They don't know what Mu Qiang is going to do in the North Han Temple, but I also know that the people in the North Han Temple are catching her everywhere. It is too dangerous.

Ms. Qian said: "I am very familiar with the North Han Temple, but you are extremely strange to the North Han Temple. I am more convenient to act alone, you will first cultivate in the Qionglou Building on the Cloud!"


It is clear that it is a blue sky, but there is a shadow that has shrouded.

They saw a huge Qionglou in the air, a slight glimpse. "This Qionglou is not the one that appeared when the Shaodian Temple left?"

"Is it... the temple is back!"

"Mu Qianqi is coming, guarding! Alert!"

At the time of their alert, a purple figure fell from the sky.

"Yanlong lore!"

"Red Lotus!"

The red-red flame is falling from the sky like a meteorite. Not only that, but all kinds of gray powder are sprinkled from the air like rain.

"Cough and cough!"


For a time, everyone in the North Han Temple was in a mess.

After a smog of smoke, many people have fallen to the ground and can no longer climb.

At this time, Mu Qiansui’s feet landed, and a long sword was placed on the neck of an elder.

The elder of the ninth-ordered spirit of the spirits was shocked by a cold sweat. "Small temple, forgive me! Don't kill me."

They did not think that their lower hall of the North Han Temple was becoming more and more abnormal.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Well! You also know that I am a small hall!"

Although the North Palace is full of the world, she seems to have not canceled her name.

"The temple, this is the order of the Lord, we...we don't want to be an enemy to you!"

At this time, three white figures swept over.

The three of them are the North Palace who stayed in the North Han Temple. All others went to the West to pursue the Millennium with the North Han Temple.

"Mu Qianxi, I didn't think you dared to run to the North Cold Hall, come here! Give her to me!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You always figured it out, it is the time!"

"Invincible, Xiaohong, Qingying, we are on!"

"You, if you don't want to die, don't do it right with me!" As for the other people, Mu Qianshao’s cold warning.


Invincible Xiaohong Haoqing Ying greeted the three people, although they are all masters of the peak, they have more to deal with.

Other people, I don’t know who to listen to for a while!

The small hall did not dare to offend, and these adults did not dare to offend, so they could only succumb.


What made the three people depressed was that Mu Qianxi disappeared, and they could not sense her breath.

"call out!"

A medicament needle flew out, and a person had a little blood flowing out of his neck.

In the next step of his spiritual work, he suddenly felt his eyes black.

"Hey!" There was a deep visible bone of the cat's claw blood.

"Hey!" The rainy needles flew toward another person.

They are furious, "Mu Qian, you... you used a hidden weapon to attack!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "What do I use? Can you manage it?"

Mu Qiang has a few points to be able to resist them, she is still clear, her needle must be highly toxic.

He tried his best to avoid intimate contact with the medicine needle of the Millennium, but... riKr

As a six-level holy beast, Xiaohong is not a vegetarian!

"Red Lotus Fire!"

"Oh!" In an instant, he was a fireman.


"Adult!" Seeing this person so miserable, others are worried.

But looking at the two ferocious contract beasts of the Shaodian, they would not dare to help.

Invincible and Xiaohong also need to be assisted by the enemy, but the blue shadow is completely unnecessary!

"Scratch! Rub!" Two sounds, both arms were abolished.

The spiritual power was blocked, and the guy was kicked by Mu Ying to the face of Mu Qian.

"Hey!" A pair of knees, directly in front of Mu Qianxi.

He screamed angrily and said: "His Royal Highness will come back soon, and you will not be able to escape."

"Hey!" A pharmaceutical array, directly into his heart.

"Ah!" The heart suddenly felt covered with poisonous insects, and countless poisonous insects crawled wildly on his heart.

Such torture, so that people who are harder and harder can not stand it.

Mu Qianxi whispered: "Where is Gu Baiyi being held by the North Palace?"

He said coldly: "Mu Qianxi, you don't want to know, I... I won't tell you if you die, you will die this heart!"

"It seems that you are not cool enough, it doesn't matter, let's come again!"

"Hey!" Two needles, piercing his thigh directly.

"Stop! Mu Qian, you stop me!"

"His Royal Highness will not let you go, absolutely will not let you go!"

"Ah! I said, I said, hurry up and stop."

In the end, he was succumbed to the pain of the death of life.

"Lead the way!"

Even the strongest of the three most peaks have been defeated in the hands of Mu Qianxi. Now there is no strong northern temple, no one has the courage to stop Mu Qian.

That person entered the underground palace with Mu Qian.

The underground palace was very large, walked past a promenade and got a door before.

He said: "The High Emperor's Highness is in it. He has not been saved for a long time. I didn't think that you have ventured for him. This is something that no one can absorb."

If you think of it, you will leave more masters in any way, instead of leaving only three of them.

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