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Mu Qiang started to push this ice door.

But can't push it!

When the operation started, the door was suddenly pushed, and suddenly the door violated the prohibition.

The power of terror swept away toward Mu Qian, and the shadow of Qingying rushed over.

The man rushed over without a life, and smiled: "Ha ha ha! Let me die with me! Here is the prohibition set by His Royal Highness, except who, who opens and who is dead!"


His body was shaken by the force and the blood splashed.

Death is also relief, and it is better to die than to be tortured.

Qingying eventually took a step slower, but there was crystal Ying.

The deadly attack was blocked by the light blue light, and Mu Qian hurried back and stayed away.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the entire underground palace swayed violently.

After the horrible vibrations calmed down, Mu Qian’s brows wrinkled.

"The North Palace is absolutely, even left a hand!"

If she had an eternal guardian, she would not know how to die.

"This power is absolutely left in the North Palace. There is no doubt that White is inside."

It’s hard to get here, and Mu Qianyi definitely doesn’t want to give up.

She took out the Yanlong sword and was ready to try again!

The blue figure flashed, and the blue shadow blocked her in front of her: "Thousands, I am coming, I will not be hurt."

"Your defense is very strong, but the prohibition left by the North Palace is also very hot. I am not sure that you will not be hurt, no."

The blue shadow is in front of her, no one step!

"That's not a thousand!"

The evil spirits do not know how long it will be able to stop the North Palace, and there may be a fight against it. She must not waste time here.

Mu Qian said: "Blue Shadow, let's take a shot together, the power of rebound comes, I will block you!"

Qingying’s hand was pressed on the shoulder of Mu Qian’s shoulder. He whispered: “Thousands have forgotten, I am yours!”

He is the guardian of her, and it is dangerous to keep him in front of her, even if she will die, instead of letting her block the danger for him.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Yes! I forgot, even if you remind me, I can't remember! Let's do it! This is the order!"

Mu Qianxi injected spiritual power into the Yanlong sword, and the shadow of Qingying was also sinking, and it also condensed its own strength.

"Red Lotus!"

The reddish fire lotus rushed to the snowy white door.

The blue light is intertwined with the dazzling flame.


The power of terror blasted, and in a flash, the force that was many times stronger than this force rushed toward Mu Qian and Qingying.

"Blue Shadow!"

Mu Qian must rush to block the blue shadow, but the blue shadow is behind her!


The two squatted on the ground, waiting for this horrible power to calm down.

Mu Qian said: "Blue Shadow, are you okay?"

"Thousands, I am not so vulnerable!" Qingying pulled Mu Qianqi up.

It seems that there is no other damage besides the broken clothes.

Mu Qianxi breathed a sigh of relief!

"Then come again!"

At this time, a gloomy voice came, "Come again! The feelings of the child's coldness are so deep! You could have escaped, but did not expect to vote for the net."

"Hey!" This time, this palace has already returned.

Mu Qianxi looked at him with a cold face. "You haven't been killed by some of the evil spirits. It's a pity!"

When Mu Qianyi mentioned this, the face of the North Palace was even more ugly.

He counted others in his life, but did not expect to be overcast by a woman.

He smiled softly: "Then some ants, you can be the opponent of this palace, it really disappoints you."

"It's very disappointing!"

"That door can only be opened by the palace. If you promised to be the fiancee of the palace, hand over the eternal trip, everything is fine!"

Mu Qianxi clenched the Yanlong Kendo: "The Prince of the North Palace, there is no darkness! You should not dream!"

"Invincible, Xiaohong, killing!"

"Brushing brush!" Mu Qian's pharmacy needle rushed out like rain.

Invincible and Xiaohong opened the road, and Qingying took Mu Qianyu out of the encirclement and rushed out from the underground palace.

However, at this time there are a lot of strong outsiders, the entire air has been blocked by the master, completely unable to access the cloud on Qionglou.

The North Palace was quickly chased out, and now all around him are his people.

He smiled and said: "Hey, since you are here, this time the palace will never let you run like the last time, there is space to shuttle artifacts, but you can't get close, then you can't escape."

The air was blocked and surrounded on the ground.

The perfect siege, Mu Qianxi has almost no chance to escape.

Mu Qian said: "The Prince of the North Palace does not want me to go, then I can only fight!"

"Yanlong lore!"

At the astonishing speed, Mu Qianxi rushed to the North Palace, and the so-called thief first smashed the king.

Beigong laughed and said: "Hey, I want to beat me, your strength is not enough!"

With a gentle smile on the face similar to Gu Baiyi, but the eyes have flashed a bit of cold.

This woman who does not know how to be awkward, give her a little color to see.

A knife swept across the millennium, and the horrible power made the surrounding air tremble.

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

The power gap between the two sides is too great, and Mu Qian can only specialize in defending.

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"Hey!" The ice shield suddenly shattered, and Mu Qian’s figure flew out.

She felt one of the sweetness in her throat, and the corner of her mouth overflowed with blood.

Seeing that Qian Qianxi was seriously injured, Beigong sighed with anger: "Hey, what is your suffering? Just answer one should help the Prince of the King, and you will have everything in the future. Why should you be so tempered with me! ”

"I really can't bear to hurt you!"

Mu Qian’s disgusting way: "The North Palace is absolutely, you don't be disgusting here."

"Red Lotus!" riKr

Yan Longjian waved, and in a flash broke out the power of the vast fire element, a fire lotus, arrogant rushed to the North Palace.


A burst of dragons sounded through the entire North Cold City.

Yan Long also knows that the situation of Mu Qianzhen is very dangerous now, so this time, you must do your best!

The dragon circling the fire lotus rushed out and felt the mighty power of the North Palace.

"This is the power of the Eternal Sword. It is really strong. It is no wonder that Mu Lin dreams of getting him." He looked at Mu Qian's pair of scorpions and became brighter and whispering.

However, these are his afterwards.

Whether it is the eternal sword or the eternal tripod, I have to say that the airlift of this little princess of Mujia is simply to make people all over the world.

She can actually have two pieces of eternal artifacts. If such a person can't take it for himself, he must destroy it as soon as possible, so as to avoid being alive and wrong!

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