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"Boom!" A loud bang, the red-red fire illuminates the entire cold north cold hall.

"Blue Shadow!"

In this fire, a blue figure rushed into the air with Mu Qian.

The North Palace smiled coldly: "Want to run!"

"Block them, get them close to the space shuttle artifact! Let me stop them all!"

Even the North Palace absolutely thought that Mu Qianyi wanted to rush to the cloud to escape from Qionglou, so he would not let this woman succeed.

But he couldn't think of it, and the green shadow instantly changed direction.

In spite of the violent bombing attacks around, the rigorousness of Mu Qian’s protection was rushed out of another place.

Their goal is not to be on the cloud.

Everyone else was stunned, and even Yun Shanglou was shocked.

"Master...does the master not come to me?"

Tan Tandao: "Ghost doctors simply can't get up. After all, they have been prepared for it. Instead of coming here, it's better to go there!"

Sure enough, the cloud on the Qionglou quickly got the owner's order.

"On the cloud, you first send them to the east of the chaotic wilderness, I and Qingying use the Northbound transmission array, go to the east!" riKr

"The master, you must be careful! Don't let yourself hurt!"

The North Palace quickly reacted. "Oh, it’s a blind eye! Their goal is not in the air, but..."

"Catch! Hurry up! Block the transmission array!"

"This time, you can't let them run!"

Numerous remnants of the image plucked the direction of the transmission array in the north, and the speed of the blue shadow was almost reached, and it soon arrived.

When I saw Mu Qianxi, suddenly several people rushed out, and Mu Qian and Qingying thought it was an enemy.

"Mu Shaodian, please come with me! The transmission array will start right away, we are ready!"

"Others, blocking the North Cold Lord!"

They are very orderly to support Mu Qian, who are not ghosts.

After all, this time, she did not tell anyone.

"What are you guys?"

They said: "We are the master to send to help the temple, the temple is to go to the west or to the east!"

Ms. Qian said: "Go to the East, fast!"

The transmission array is in the middle of opening, and the North Palace’s crazy pursuit of the Millennium is not slow!

Soon, they caught up here.

The North Palace smiled coldly: "Mu Qianxi, you can't escape!"


Some people want to stop the North Palace and win time for Mu Qian, but they still can't stop Mu Qian.

He stared at Muqian: "If I kill you, I won't let you go back and forth again and again."

The terrible power broke through the void and rushed to Mu Qian.

As long as Mu Qian died, the transmission will fail.

As long as the admiration of the Millennium is dead, whether it is the eternal dart or the eternal sword will become the ownerless.

As for the fiancée, the whole Xuantian, some are excellent obedient women seeking to let his woman.

The terrible power rushed toward Mu Qian, and Qingying wanted to block Mu Qianyu, even if the body was in danger of falling apart.

This time, the North Palace really wants to kill the Millennium, and it has the strongest force.

And Mu Qian’s figure was in front of the blue shadow: "Blue Shadow, sorry, I forgot!"

The shadow of the blue shadow suddenly shrinks, "Thousands!"


The light blue light wraps up the envy of Mu Qian.

The strength of the North Palace is strong, but under this blue light, it still can't hurt the half a minute.

Moreover, because of the power of the crystal clear space, the transmission array was quickly opened, and Mu Qianxi and Qingying were sent out.

The North Palace is absolutely the same, "What is that light?"

"Defense against the holy device?"

"Mu Fengyun's daughter, the little princess of the Mu family, the baby on the body is really quite a lot, even the palace is very heart-warming!"

"Turn on the transmission array and chase me! Even if they enter the transmission array, they can't run far!"


"His Highness, the power of this space for transmission is sealed!"

"His Highness, the transmission array can't be used, what to do!"

"Mu Qianzhen, how do you do it?"

"Booming!" The North Palace had an angry wave, and everything around it turned into a gravel.

"Give me a repair! Give me a repair!"

"Open the space flight, hurry up!"


The North Palace is simply a gas bomber. He is used to keeping everything in his hands, but there is a freak of Mu Qian.

Qingying holds Mu Qianxi from the transmission array, and now the spiritual power of Mu Qianxi has been completely exhausted.

Ms. Qian said: "Quickly leave the East Pole City, the East Pole City has people in the North Cold Hall!"

"Cover up the whereabouts, don't go directly to the chaotic wilderness, find an uninhabited forest to heal!"


Qingying rushed out of the East Pole City with the fastest speed, and Mu Qianyi once again fell asleep.

"Oh la la!" When Mu Qiang woke up again, he heard the sound of water.

Open your eyes, and now it is in a hidden forest.

I took a lot of elixir and drank a lot of potions. The spirit recovered almost.

"It seems that we must continue to disguise ourselves before we can go to the chaotic wilderness."

In the chaotic Great Wasteland, there is the core fighting power of the Ghost Medical Building, and it is also the capital that she fights with the Palace.

The North Palace’s carefully watched man set up such a ban to trap Xiaobai. It’s impossible to save him from opportunistic attempts. He must have enough strength to defeat the North Palace.

Mu Qianyi quickly gave himself a good capacity, and then said: "Time waits for no one, we set off!"

I escaped from the bottom of the North Palace, and now the easy-to-make Mu Qian is in the middle of the sea. Even if the North Palace is absolutely powerful, she can't find her.

Mu Qianqi is getting closer and closer to the chaotic wilderness. In this city, Mu Qianyi dine in the private dining room of a restaurant.

Some of the conversations around me were introduced into her ears. I don’t know what the chaos is now?

"Have you found out? Recently we have a lot of masters!"

"I heard that, some people looked at the people in the North Cold Hall. I heard that people with ghost medical buildings appeared on the side of the chaotic wilderness, so they came to investigate."

"The number of people who explored how many died, has not yet given up."

"Ghost doctor almost turned over the North Han Temple, and also escaped from the hands of the North Han Dian, the Lord of the North Cold Hall was mad, saying that she must catch her anyway!"

Then, Mu Qianxi heard the conversation from the next door!

"There are some wastes, naturally there is no return. This time the brothers have integrated so many people, no matter what some people in the ghost medical building are hiding in the chaotic wilderness, we have to find out!"

"That is of course! In order to catch a thousand, we have been in this spiritually weak place for so long, it is a waste of time, we must hurry to seize the Millennium, and hand it over to His Royal Highness!"

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