Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1436: Sounds to the dust

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He shouted: "His Royal Highness, help!"

Looking at the past, the North Palace saw that the Nineth was swallowed up by the red-red flame, and finally there was no residue left.

What is even more incredible is that the people who are hands-on are actually a thousand.

It’s just the Millennium of the Emperor’s ninth order.

This is not over yet!

"His Royal Highness, save me!"

Under the pressure of the blue shadow, the seven can't hold on.



The face of the North Palace has become more ugly.

Purple smiled and said: "Your people are waste, in fact, you are also very wasteful."

The purple sly shot, the North Palace is absolutely a sigh, "Purple secluded Lord, this is what you forced me, today I have to get the things in my hand anyway."

"I have to look at it, what can you do!"

The horrible cold chills all the surrounding areas.

"Cold ice, heaven can be!"

The purple scorpion is in danger, "Hehehe! It’s really blood."

Powerful forces, covering the world, let everyone on the scene breathe.

Qingying blocked in front of Mu Qianxi: "Thousands, no death!"

"Hey!" Others, already unable to support, began to vomit blood.

Mu Qianshen’s horrified way: “This power is too strong! It’s definitely not the power that the Quartet can withstand. Is the North Palace crazy? It’s not afraid of guarding the thunder!”

Then she found a shocking thing, guarding the world, and went on strike.

This is simply discrimination. It is necessary to know the use of power that is so arrogant in nine nights.

"Boom!" Purple and the North Palace crazy crazy fight.

"I can't beat me, even the secrets of this kind are used, are you not afraid of reflexion?"

Beigong laughed and said: "As long as you get the eternal trip, you can do so quickly, and you will be fine soon. Your Highness does not care."

The North Palace was absolutely driven by the purple quilt, and made such a decision.

He can unscrupulously explode the power, but the purple is not good, this is a fight, the purple secluded has fallen behind.

Rewarding the penalty, still indifferent!

Today, almost everyone on this side is seriously injured, because the North Palace is absolutely under pressure.

Condensed fat road: "The master, we must retreat, the North Palace must have a secret law in their royal family, the power can not be restricted when it is normal, and now the entire Quartet, no one can be his opponent."

Purple quiet also shouted: "Little beauty, I stopped him! You hurry to retreat, or it will be late!"

The North Palace smiled coldly: "Retreat, dream!"

"Block them!"

Now the fighting power between the two sides is too far away, and I can't escape if I want to escape!

Mu Qian’s face flashed a dignified color, **** it!

It was at this time that the golden light was flourishing, and the ethereal Vatican came, and the masters of the Sanskrit God Kingdom descended from the sky and appeared on the battlefield.

"Boom!" Their appearance gave Mu Qianji them to block the enemy.

The perfect young man with a sly hair, a pure and sloppy pair of sorrows with a slight apology to see Mu Qian said: "Sorry, I am late!"

Mu Qian said: "Dead monk, you are not just coming late! Still come to die, hurry up!"

Now that the power of the North Palace has erupted, there is no one in the sky. There is no one in the heavens and the earth. The people of the Fanyin Kingdom are coming, and can't do anything?

The sound is like a dust but laughs: "It's okay, don't worry, it will end soon!"

"People who don't belong to the Quartet, or go back quickly!"

A loud voice came from the sky.

"You are so ignoring the laws and regulations that have been inevitable, and there is still such a big war. Do you really put me in the eye?"

Soon, some of the people who came down from the heavens on the battlefield disappeared one by one.

The man only heard the sound, no one!

Ms. Qian said with amazement: "This is? What kind of helper did you invite?"

"It's a great protector!"

Although the Quartet is weak, there is a protector.

Usually this person does not exist, but if there is a war that jeopardizes the Quartet, he will naturally not sit idly by.

For example, the last time the North Han Temple was in battle with the East Pole Hall, he guided the Fanyin Kingdom to intervene and solved it with the most peaceful means.

Nowadays, the North Palace has so many masters attacking the ghost medical building. If he does not stand up, he can’t say it.

Some of the people who had been brought down from the North Palace by the North Palace were sent away. The only remaining people were the people of the North Han Temple. Although there are still many masters, they have the support of the Fanyin Kingdom on this side. It is.

"Hey!" The dark green figure fell from the sky, and the purple was seriously injured!

"Purple secluded!" Mu Qianxi gave a few needles to the purple quilt, and the North Palace rushed to Mu Qian.

The golden light is flourishing, and the sound is in front of Mu Qian’s.

"Prince of the North Palace, here is the Quartet, you should go back!"

The North Palace is: "What is the North Palace Prince, my name is North Palace Cold, is the owner of the North Han Temple, the guardian of the adults, you want to send me to leave?"

Mu Qianzhen really wants to sprinkle a lot of poison to drown this guy, even faked white.

The protector is very human: "But your strength has surpassed the power that the Quartet can tolerate. If you don't converge again, then this adult will be shot."

"Your means can fool the guardian of the penalty, but this adult can not watch!"

The North Palace has a gloomy face, and he has absolutely no advantage in the battle with the defenders. He can only converge!

Even if he converges on strength, he still does not intend to let go of Mu Qian.

However, will the sound of the dust make him succeed?


One yellow and one white figure fought in the air, and the face of the North Palace became more and more ugly.

This one of the Sanskrit Sons is so difficult to deal with! riKr

Although the strength is quite good, his combat experience will be better than him, but he did not expect...

At this time, Mu Qianjun ordered: "Counter! Counterattack! Return them to their hometown!"

Nowadays, the help of the sound and the dust has brought a lot of people. At this time, Mu Qianzhen is obviously full of confidence!

"War! Kill them back to your hometown!"

"Do you really think that we are good at bullying? Kill!"


Although these monks of the Fanyin Kingdom can not kill, they will still kill people.

The morale of the Ghost Medical Building has skyrocketed, and the side of the North Han Dian has lost a lot of masters and unusual confusion.

Fight one side and start one side!

The purple figure passed, even if Mu Qian is now injured, but...

The North Palace is absolutely impossible to bypass!

The North Palace has been very busy with the sound, and suddenly a few broken sounds came!

Countless tiny needles rushed to him, he wanted to hide, but the sound was very well matched to block his way!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Monk, good, that's it!"

"Hey!" A pharmacy needle, crossed the face of the North Palace!

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