Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1437: North Palace is defeated

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Although there was no hit to the point, but when the needle of the medicine broke through the face of the North Palace, the face of the North Palace suddenly turned black.

Black blood left behind his face, and the North Palace was absolutely gloomy: "You dare to poison me!"

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "How can it be poisoned? I want to kill you!"

The poisonous outbreak of the ghost doctor, even if the North Palace is a well-known refining pharmacist in the Xuantian world, can not afford.

What's more, there is a strong voice.

The North Palace is full of resentment, and the face is dark and the ink is dripping.

He is very unwilling to say: "Retreat! Withdraw!"

The North Palace is absolutely ruined. In today's battle, he will fall to the end.

To know that in the days of Xuantian, his North Palace has also experienced a lot of battles, never lost.

Mu Qianxi, Mu Qianxi!

Thinking of these three words, the North Palace must not want to drink her blood, eat her meat.

"Catch!" Even though the party of Ghost Medical Building is exhausted, they have been fighting tirelessly.

Once the enemy resurfaces, they will face a dangerous situation.

The Fanyin Kingdom is only to help, they can't help to scribble.

A group of people in the North Han Temple want to escape, and now the side of the ghost medical building is very stopped, and Mu Qian is also very clear.

Mu Qian said: "Don't chase!"

It is too bad to consume their lives to chase the enemy. Everyone in the Ghost House is very important.

"Return to the city, raise your wounds, heal your wounds!"

Mu Qianxi is the landlord of the Ghost Medical Building, the master of the entire chaotic wilderness, but today, she is only a doctor to treat the patients.

This time, the ghost medical building suffered heavy casualties. Many people are on the verge of death and time is not waiting for people.

Under the needle, the preparation of the pharmacy, Mu Qianqi did not close his eyes for three days.

"Lord, you should go to rest first! We can still stand it!"

"Boss, there are other refining pharmacists here, take a break!"

"Master, slaves have already warmed you up, you come soon!"

Mu Qianxi is so desperate that other people are also very worried.

She is a ghost doctor, a ghost doctor who is almost omnipotent in their minds, but the slender figure, the young face tells them that she is just a girl under the age of twenty.

Mu Qian said: "You are too small to look at me, I am fine, it will not take long to finish!"

In order to prevent the North Palace from killing a carbine, the sound is still standing here with people.

Everything that Mu Qiang has done, the sound is like a dust, and his Buddha light can control the injury, so he also makes every effort to cooperate.

She likes to study the medical pharmacy and has achieved great success, but this is not the most dazzling.

The most dazzling is the serious and dedicated treatment for every patient.

When the sound is found, she is more effective than ever when she treats the sick and saves people. riKr

All of them were done, and Mu Qian took a clap: "Dan medicine should not be given to the main province of Bengbu. You also know that even if we are lacking in the ghost medical building, there will be no shortage of medicinal herbs. I am still waiting for you to see rehabilitation. , killing the North Han Temple!"

"The landlord rest assured!"

"We will definitely not take the medicine."


"Ah! Little beauty, I am so painful, I just vomited blood."

After the treatment of the seriously injured patient, Mu Qian began to smash.

Mu Qian said: "You take a break! When you were dug up for nine nights, you can't die. Who are you cheating now?"

"Ha ha ha! I was seen by the little beauty, I have recovered, or will I kill people with me?"

"When I have a good rest, I will go!"

"That little beauty, let's take a break!"

"Ah!" In the North Han Temple, there was a scream of tears.

The North Palace looked at the face in the mirror, and the half face had turned black, making him look sullen.

"Mu Qianxi, good! It is such a poisonous poison to the palace, it is worthy of the eternal trip."

"However, the things that belong to this palace, this palace will never let go, you wait!"

When Mu Qian took a day off, she woke up. She said: "The North Palace has completely poisoned me. It is not so easy to recover. Now, with a small number of elites, kill and go back and test!"

"This time the mission is to test, not to kill you, to protect yourself!"


Mu Qianxi directly used the cloud on Qionglou, because Qionglou is fast!

A pale yellow figure also crossed the Qionglou, and Miao Qianyi was slightly stunned.

"The Son of the Son, we are doing bad things, are you sure you want to go together?"

Purple secluded: "You monk is still eating Zhai Nian Buddha! My injury has been restored, no need for you."

The sound is as if: "Mu girl has helped me so much, if the dust naturally wants to stay with the girl to protect the girl."

Purple suspicion looks like a sound, "protection? You are sure there is no other mind."

His family loves to be miserable for nine nights. He wants to be close, and he always wants to keep his body around the little beauty.

Since he is there, it must be prepared for all rivals.

"No!" The sound is tangled in the wind.

Mu Qian said: "You stay under my eyes, lest you run away, when will you give me the scabbard."

"The time is not here!"

Soon, Yunshang Qionglou Office arrived at the North Han Temple.

Suddenly the sky was dark, "The lord, the lord, Mu Qian smashed back!"

The poison of the North Palace has not been cleaned up, and it is naturally unfavorable for him to fight.

"Open the defense big battle!"


"Wait, a few of you go to bless the big array!"

There is no confidence in the array of the North Palace absolutely North Han Temple. After all, Mu Qianxi was the small hall of the North Han Temple.

"Yes, your Highness is relieved!"


Mu Qianxi found that they could not enter the North Cold Hall and was blocked by the defensive array.

And can't break!

Mu Qianqi asked: "Purple secluded, sounds like dust, do you have any way to break the big array?"

If the sound is normal, the law can be broken, but this method has added other things, and there are strong guards, I am afraid..."

Mu Qian said: "It seems that it will be a white one! But it is also confirmed that my poison has had a great impact on the North Palace, then I should go back and prepare."

The next time they fight with the North Han Temple, they definitely don't need to be so passive.

On the cloud, Qionglou once again sneaked into the clouds, and the people in the North Han Temple went to report to the North Palace.

"The temple owner, Mu Qianxi left."

"Scratch!" The North Palace has shredded a delicate bottle.

"When the palace cleans up the poison, it will definitely not let the woman of Mu Qiang."

As a result of the full-scale war between the North Han Temple and the Ghost Medical Building, it turned out that the North Han Temple was not sealed, and the Ghost Medical Building won.

And Mu Qiang refines the pharmacy, purifies those ink crystals, and prepares to practice.

At this time, a gentle voice sounded, "Hey, this one Lingling crystal, with another method, the effect is more significant."

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