Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1438: Stay with her for nine nights

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Admiring a thousand miles, said: "Crystal Ying, what?"

"This Mo Lingjing used to be harmful to people before, but it is harmful to people. Because the deaf children use the essence of medicine to drive out the harmful parts, they can help people improve quickly. But even if it is a highly talented person, it is necessary to The strength of the peak is at least three to ten years."

Three to ten years, too long!

Although she knew that she couldn't eat hot tofu, she couldn't wait that long, and the situation on Xiaobai was unknown.

"But if you use this kind of spiritual crystal array, then the cultivation speed can be faster, less than half a year, and more than three years. And this Lingjing can also arrange a defensive array, even if it is the Prince of the North Palace, it is estimated It is also difficult to break open."

The chaos of the wilderness has been exposed, it is difficult to protect the North Palace from the sneak attack so that they can not cultivate with peace of mind, if there is a defensive array, then it is different.

Mu Qianqi asked: "What do you want to do?"

Crystal Yingdao: "The child is now improving in strength. Because of the warmth of the child's soul, I have also restored a little strength, enough to arrange a big array. But then I have to sleep for a while."

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Good! I also have Mo Ling Wang Jing and Mo Lingzhu here, should be used!"

“Mo Ling Wang Jing and Mo Lingzhu are the best cloth spirits, and they will be better.”

"When did we start?"

"After you are ready, you can start right away!"

"it is good!"

All of them were summoned back and divided into several cities, and Crystal Ying began to arrange.

Taking the Mo Lingzhu as the heart, the other seven pieces of Mo Ling Wang Jing are in the eye, and they have arranged a super-defense array and a gathering of giant spirits.

After the formation of the big battle, all the people in the formation were shocked.

"How come I have absorbed so much spiritual power at once, is it that we fight once, and after the escape, I become a genius."

"Me too, not you alone, my God! So fast cultivation speed, I am dreaming!"


And Mu Qianjun passed it out. "Now it has been laid out for a long time. From now on, everyone in the ghost medical building will concentrate on cultivation until they have the strength of the hostile north cold temple! Then do a big job!"


"The landlord rest assured, we must cultivate!"


This time, it is a hard fight!

Although they are not completely annihilated, they really realize that their strength is not enough, it is not enough!

The strength of the peak, the pursuit of life!

Mu Qianxi said to the ancient Tandao: "Thanks to the Mo Lingjing that the ancient patriarchs brought out, you can achieve this effect."

Tan Tandao: "Even if we had Mo Lingjing before, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate so fast. The homeowner can let us cultivate here, it is the luck of our three lives!"

Afterwards, several major cities in the chaotic wilderness have become quiet.

Such a good cultivation environment, if they do not practice seriously, they can do it themselves.

There is no shortage of materials, and there is no shortage of medicinal herbs. They are now desperate to improve their strength.

The North Palace is not reconciled, sneaking to find people to avoid the Guardian to come to the sneak attack, the result...

These sneak attackers simply couldn’t get close to the chaos of the wilderness, and they couldn’t even see them.

"His Highness, that place, now protected by a super strong defense, we can't go in!" riKr

"Can't you attack? Can such a short time! What can Mu Qiang be able to make a defensive array?"

"His Royal Highness, we have already tried it, and that one defensive squad can't be completely broken. It's probably more powerful than the defense of the North Han Temple."

The face of the North Palace flashed a horror, and said: "Re-exploration! Be sure to find a way to break open!"


Nowadays, the whole city is practicing, and Mu Qian is naturally planning to go back to practice.

She glanced at the sound. "You, the Son, aren't going back? The crisis of my ghost hospital has been lifted."

The sound is like a dusty road: "The environment here is good, and the poor is going to stay."

"Leave, die!" One sounded like a sound coming from hell, and a black figure suddenly appeared.

He reached out and put Mu Qian into his arms, and the ice-blue scorpion suffocated his voice to the sound.

That look, it seems to be the sound of the dust to the general unloading eight.

"Nine nights!" Mu Qianxi has long been accustomed to his habit.

"If the sound is dusty, anyway, if you keep it, you won't give it to me. I can't kill you. You still leave, waiting for your so-called timing!"

Looking at the man who is glamorous but like a demon god, the sound of the dust gently smiles: "The strong man like the nine-night monarch is so protective of the girl, if the dust is happy for the girl, please ask you whenever, I must protect her well."

Nine nights hold tighter, I want to put people in my arms into the blood.

His perfect mouth slightly rose, saying: "That is of course, you are the woman of Benjun, the most important person of this prince, the only one between heaven and earth."

The sound of the dusty pair of pure scorpions slightly condensed, and quickly turned around: "So poor, then leave."

"You are here? Is there news of the Phoenix family?" Mu Qianyi leaned on the road in the nine nights.

"It’s Crystal Ying let me come with you." Nine nights posted in the ear of Mu Qianxi.

"Your contractor knows your heart, you must really want to miss me, right?"

After all, gently biting the earlobe of Muqian, she felt her ears are hot.

“Crystal Ying?” Mu Qianxi communicated with his own life contractor with soul voice.

Crystal Yingdao said: "I have to sleep for a while, then I can't come freely until nine nights, so I am still not completely sleepy, let her stay with you."

Crystal Ying understands the way: "Hey, this time, very tired, need someone to accompany you."

It was very tired. After she found out that she had an eternal trip from the North Palace, she did not stop for a moment. The insidious guy was not good at it.

Ms. Qian said: "Well! I want to see you, but..."

She was directly hugged by the sky, nine days low and said: "Well! This palace also misses you very much."

"Golden nine nights, you... want to think about it, can you not do it..."


"That's moving!"

The lingering kisses to the extreme, Mu Qiang felt that every cell was shuddering.

After the war, the warmth and entanglement seemed to be as long as there were nine nights around, and the tight strings became relaxed under his storm.

"You came to accompany me, would you like to accompany me for a night and be smashed by Crystal Ying? Just stop!"

"But this is a disease!" nine nights hoarse road.

Mu Qian’s eyes swept through the nine nights: "Is it sick?"

"How can this ghost doctor not see it?"

You must know that the strength of the nine nights, in addition to the curse of the body, will not get sick at all!

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