Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1439: Lady of the landlord

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"It should be the lovesickness that Ziyou often said!"

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumping, “Acacia is your head...”

She kicked the ball and wanted to kick this guy out.

Obviously, the gap in strength makes it impossible for Mu Qiang to succeed.

"Say it, you accompany me, don't be a guest!"

The ice-blue scorpion looked deep into the sorrow: "Would you like to take the initiative?"

"You act rashly, be careful, let me let Crystal Ying send you back?"

After nine nights of silence for a while, then lying next to Mu Qian’s side: "Well, listen, you come!"

"What come? Sleep?"

Mu Qianxi is lying still!

After nine nights, I turned over and said, "This is not enough!"

"No, it is!"

Mu Qianxi climbed his neck with one hand, and the heat exhaled on his neck.

The thick eyelashes fanned like a fan, "I will do as you wish! The nine-night monarch." riKr

The heat is like feathers across the skin, licking nine nights of skin, apex, and long-lasting emotions.

Nine nights of low-dumb road: "When you play with fire, be careful!"

As the master of the Eternal Sword, Mu Qianxi is not afraid to play with fire, but playing with fire on the night of nine nights is terrible.

The next day, the owner of the self-immolation of the fire could not climb, and the nine-night control was obtained, and was not forcibly sent away by Crystal Ying.

Because he also wants to spend more time with him, this rare opportunity must not be destroyed because he is too indulgent in the beast.

"I said why the annoying monk ran so fluently. It turned out that you came at night."

Since the purple secluded, I have seen these two people show love in the show, which is not to talk about.

Nine nights of cold ice and ice rushed to the purple channel: "There is no business here, you are not going to roll!"

The purple scented mouth is slightly pumped, and the night is not just that the monk is unsightly, and he is equally unsightly.

"Good! I won't bother you, I am going to do things!"

In order to avoid the murder of his master, he will quickly go away.

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights, let's go around! After the reconstruction of the chaotic wilderness, I haven't got a good look yet!"

Nine nights nodded: "Well!"

Although most people are practicing, everything in the city is still working.

There are vendors, there are shops!

The landlord became famous in the first battle, and almost everyone knew her.

Mu Qianxi took shopping for nine nights and everyone was stunned.

“The landlord actually went shopping with a man and still held hands!”

"That man is definitely the lady of the landlord!"

"The lady of the landlord is so tall and mighty and domineering! Is it a good idea to wear a mask?"

Mrs. Lord!

The voices of these people are actually quite whispered, but the laughter is also not allergic to the sharp millennium and Phoenix nine nights!

If someone had been ridiculed for nine nights before, it is estimated that he would be fainted by the murderous outbreak that he broke out.

However, the mood of nine nights is quite good now. This means that he has a close relationship with him. If you change your wife into a husband, it would be better.


Mu Qianxi couldn’t help but smile. "Madam, do you eat?"

When I said these two words, Mu Qiang felt the light of the ice-blue scorpion reflected in the nine nights, so that the heart of Mu Qianxi was up and down.

Nine nights nodded, "Yeah!"

Mu Qianxi is also a bit strange. After nine nights, he will take this joke and let Mu Qianyi find the New World.

Abnormal, too abnormal.

The two had a good meal and they went around.

So the news of the landlord’s shopping with the wife of the lord was spread throughout the city.

"Hey! The landlord has the Lord, we have no hope."

"Even if you don't have a lady, you have no hope!"

"The lady of the landlord is too powerful."

In Yueze, they are also in retreat. There are nine nights in the monarchy. Where do they dare to disturb, and they will be killed and killed.

In the evening, Mu Qianxi had a very bad premonition.

"Nine nights, or do you go to sleep in the room?"

I hugged Mu Qianxi for nine nights. "Now the people in the whole city know the relationship between Ben and you. Why do you want me to sleep in the room?"

"This... no one knows!"

"I don't want this, so I can't!"

With a hand movement, the clothes of Mu Qianxi were given to the next.


All struggles are in vain.

This **** beast is waiting to swallow her!

"Nine nights, enough!"

Mu Qian’s voice is a bit hoarse!

"Mrs. Shout a gentleman, I will lightly!"

"Golden nine nights!"


The nine nights of more and more coming, Mu Qiang feels sore and soft, and his head is not listening.

Just joking and shouting a lady, this is good, he tossed in bed, she has called countless times to countless times, like shouting.

She should have known that nine nights are not a loser.

And he is still greedy now, want to listen to her shouting husband!

Mu Qiang grinds her teeth, she must not let this be awkward, absolutely!

Nine nights of lips sticking to her red lips: "Mrs!"


She didn't shout, it didn't kiss directly, time and time again, the tip of the tongue was a little numb.

Three thousand green silk is difficult to resolve, and Mu Qian is almost going to collapse.

Her gaze would not be blurred, and under the enchantment of nine nights, Mu Qiang was confused and said: "Folk..."

The word behind did not say anything, and the three pieces of crystal clear pieces of Mu Qian and nine nights were soaring. In a flash, two people were sent away.

Nine nights cold channel: "Crystal Ying, you better give me an account!"

Mu Qianyi is also a glimpse, "Crystal Ying, what happened?"

Even if it is over nine nights, it should be taken away from the nine nights. How can they send the two of them together?

Crystal Yingdao: "At that moment, I sensed a piece of information about my debris in this square, so I sent you to the place where the breath disappeared."

"The breath disappeared very quickly. I am afraid it will be too late to go late."

Even if Crystal Ying explained this, the face of nine nights is still very cold.

"you do this delibrately!"

The crystal clear voice sounded in his mind, not like the gentleness of talking to Mu Qian.

"The nine-night monarch of the blood prison, you haven't married our family, you want to use your means to lie to call your husband, do you think I will let you succeed?"

Although the incident was sudden, Crystal Ying did not want her owner to suffer.

At nine o'clock at this time, there is an impulse to smash the nine-fold Hong Menglian!

Soon they were transferred to a place.

The mood of nine nights was super bad. Mu Qian’s toes kissed him and kissed his face. “You have not yet become the master of this family! Don’t remember the name, wait for you to be my person. I will let you do it!"

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