Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1454: Loyal identity

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Luo Yan bit his finger and pressed the barrier.

Soon the barrier that blocked them disappeared directly in front of her eyes.

Luo Yan shouted: "Mu sister, I opened! Let's go!"

At the moment when Luo Yi opened the barrier, she felt a power that was very familiar. It was the power of the crystal space.

Hearing the voice of Luo Yan, Mu Qianxi rushed out of the encirclement of Luohai and hugged her.

"Small, let's go!"

Luo Hai smiled and said: "It really takes no effort, we actually found the entrance to the fourth floor, it is very good!"

"Come on! Don't let them run."

I heard that there are countless treasures on the fourth floor, and there are powerful forces available. They finally found them.

The moist atmosphere filled the air.

The fourth layer of the sea of ​​clouds is not as sinister as imagined, more like a quiet waters.

Luo Weidao: "Mr. Mu, I am very familiar with this place! I seem to have lived here before, but...but I have no impression at all?"

Her pale blue scorpion shrank slightly. "Sister... I seem to feel something calling me, we want to go!"

Luo Yan reached out and grabbed the sleeves of Mu Qian, and said, "Well, have we passed?"

Luo Hai’s gloomy voice came, “Where is it in the past! Do you find any baby?”

At this point, Luo Hai’s nephew looked straight at Luo Xun. “It’s no wonder that the old man is so precious, you are really a baby, you can open the fourth layer of the barrier!”

"Take me the loan, the woman killed!" Luo Hai cold channel.

Just when they were going to do it, the bloodthirsty murderous murder came, and a black figure appeared in front of them like a ghost.

"All living things must be removed!" A cold voice came, and then it was a knife.

Mu Qianqi took Luo Xiao and hurriedly avoided, "ah!" But the other two guys were directly shackled!

"Ah!" The blood splashed and the body flew away.

Luo Xiao’s little face was white, and she was the first to see such a **** scene!

Luo Hai's face is very difficult to see, it is no wonder that the fourth layer is difficult to get on, even if it is on, it will die.

I thought it was the elders of the family who were scared, but did not expect it to be more terrible than the rumors.

Luohaidao: "Come on! Fast!"

They have to run, this bloodthirsty madman chased it up!

Among them, Luo Xing's strength is the weakest, so he ran to the end.

He shouted: "Three brothers, help!"

However, he did not think that his third brother not only did not save him, but attacked him!

A force struck and took him to the blade of the bloodthirsty madman.

"Ah!" A scream of tears broke out and he said, "Why? Why?"

Luohaidao: "It's just a waste that has been abandoned. It's a bit worthwhile to die for me."

Because Luo Xing delayed them, they ran very quickly!

In the end, this bloodthirsty madman rushed to Mu Qianxi and Luo Wei.

Soon, Mu Qianxi was caught up by this guy, and Mu Qian’s face flashed a dignified color.

"This thing that only kills people will pick a soft persimmon, which is enough!"

"Invincible, take a nap and avoid a little!"

"Little red, fight with me!"

This guy is not like human beings at all. He can't run with him, but there is only one battle!

"Master, you are careful!"

Invincible quickly took Luo Yan away, and Mu Qiang entangled this guy at this time.

Mu Qianxi sighed softly: "Spirit of Luo!"

The power of destruction slammed at this guy, and he whispered: "Destroy!"

Across the way, it was easy to block the attack of Mu Qiang.

"Boom!" A loud noise spread, and then, it was a life-threatening knife.

Mu Qianxi hurriedly avoided, "Hey!" On the ground at her feet, there was a terrible crack.

With a knife, he opened a rift, and if he got on his body, he realized the possibility of living.

"The fire is burning!" The red shadow flashed, and the invincible also went out.

And Mu Qianxi also poured in a powerful spiritual power, and a sword rushed toward this person, "Red Lotus!"


After taking it, it is still easy to take over.


Mu Qiang's face changed greatly, because the attack of this bloodthirsty madman swept over.


Every time I thrilled to escape, Mu Qian was very clear that she was getting closer and closer to this guy.

The bloodthirsty madman is madly chasing Mu Qian, and wants to become a **** body.

Mu Qianzhen finally and finally the killer, soul!

Almost all the soul power was drained, and Mu Qianmou attacked the bloodthirsty madman.

In an instant, the guy who chased her hard and seemed to be unable to move.


In an instant, Mu Qiang ran his body and began to attack.

"The ice dragon is coming!"

"Ring Luo Yin!"

"Red Lotus!"

Three strokes, with the fastest speed bursts, squeezed all the spiritual power of the millennium.

"The fire is burning!"

Xiaohong also cooperated with Mu Qiang at this time to attack, "Boom!" A loud noise, the place where the bloodthirsty madman is, was suddenly red bombed out of a big pit!

However, in an instant, Mu Qianxi saw a black figure rushing out of the flame.

"Damn! This is not dead yet!"

"Master, you run! I stop it!" Invincible.


Although Crystal Ying sleeps, she can still protect the Lord, this blow, the block.

Just as the blow of this bloodthirsty madman fell on her, suddenly a voice spread around.


This crazy madman, like being pressed the pause button, listened to him in front of Mu Qian.

His big knife is only a centimeter away from Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi hurriedly retreated, a slight glimpse, who was the voice just now?

At this time, every black robe man appeared out of thin air, with a cold and handsome face.

Mu Qiang feels that this guy can master everything here. He looks at the millennium, and his eyes flash a complex color.

Then he squatted to a small person not far away. He said: "I didn't think that the little guy who left home has gone through so many years and finally knows that he is coming back. He is born and is not growing up, he will leave. Fortunately, the little girl you put She brought it back."

Mu Qianqi asked: "Who are you? Do you know Xiaoyan?"

The black man smiled and said: "Small, is this little guy's name? She knows where to go, you will see me when you arrive, maybe you know."

"Why should I believe in you?"

"You can only believe me now, or she will always be innate. This little guy has been with me for so many years, and I don't want her to grow up!" He replied.

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