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That person said: "You can choose not to come! This is up to you, I will not be stubborn!"

"Blood, protect this little girl and that little thing." After that, the black figure disappeared directly.

The crisis has been lifted!

Luo Yan ran to the side of Mu Qianxi: "Mu sister, you are hurt!"

"Nothing big, just deal with it."

And that bloody, with no one to follow them, did not attack Mu Qian.

Mu Qianqi asked: "You call blood, what is that person?"

"As long as the owner protects you, the other has no task to answer you." Bloody hard state.


With the strength of that person, I am afraid that this is the master of the fourth layer of the sea of ​​clouds.

The owner of the fourth floor knows Xiao Yan!

Mu Qianqi asked: "Small, do you know the one just?"

Xiao Yan blinked and said: "Mu sister, I am a little impression of him! He ... I feel that he is not a good person, Mu sister does not care about me, let's go out and find it!"

Mu Qianxi also knows that although Luo Xiao is very young, he is very sensitive to good and evil.

That guy was really surprised!

Mu Qianxi looked at Luo Xiaodao: "If you go, Xiao Yan is afraid of danger?"

She is not because of Xiaoyan, but wants to find out what the relationship between Crystal Ying and her is.

Luo Yan shook his head and said: "I am not afraid! I feel that something is attracting me, so I have to go. But I don't want my sister to be dangerous, close to that person..."

Mu Qian said: "Nothing, since they are here, always try!"

Luo Yan nodded: "Xiao Yan listened to her sister."

"That's the way! Follow your feelings, lead the way!"

Xiao Yan has absolutely nothing to do with Crystal Ying, otherwise she will not emit a crystal-like atmosphere when she opens the barrier of the fourth layer.

However, she is not a fragment of crystal Ying. If it is a piece of debris, it is impossible for Crystal Ying to feel it.

The feeling of Luo Yan is getting stronger and stronger, and Mu Qian will follow her.

Bloody followed them like a bodyguard, and a lot of guys started to do it, all of them were solved by blood.

Haven't reached the destination yet, and it is **** to admire them.

These days they ran on the fourth floor, not only did not get any treasures, but were chased by a group of monsters.

There are only three people left in their death. Even if they are lucky enough to live, they will only have half life.

As a result, when they were scarred, they encountered a good spirit of Mu Qianxi and Luo Wei, but they didn’t see a little wolverine.

"Woman, you are not dead!"

Mu Qianxi said: "I didn't die, and you have bad luck with me, then you are dead."

Luo Hai cold channel: "Big words! Even if we are hurt, clean up a girl, it is more than enough!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "But, look! Who is this?"

They noticed the black blood of the invisible man and couldn't believe their eyes.

Such a bloodthirsty madman, not only did not kill this woman, but stood quietly behind them, completely damn.

"Not good! Run!"

They are clear that they are definitely not the opponent of this madman.

Mu Qianzhen pushed Luo Wei to the **** side, and then copied it with invincible and Xiaohong.

"I think about running now, do you think it is too late!"

"Hey!" A drug needle flew out, all this happened too suddenly, hit a hit!

"Poison is useless to me!" the man shouted.

"It's useless, you are sure! I have specially used the remedy for the evil spirits!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Sure enough, he felt that something was wrong.

The power of the powerful evil spirits in the body began to smash, making him feel uncomfortable.


In addition to rolling on the ground, he can't do anything else, let alone fight.

Luohaidao: "Damn!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "A group of soldiers will be defeated, you can't think of it, you have today!"

Luo Hai and the other two people planned to escape regardless of their companions, but they were stopped by invincible and Xiaohong.

"Now, you can't run away! Don't make useless struggles!"

And the attack of Mu Qianxi, came at this time, "Ice Dragon!"


The horrible water elements spread and they rushed to dodge.

There is a madman, they don't have much confidence to live, but fortunately, only Mu Qiang is now working.

They only need to seize the opportunity of the Millennium, and there is still the possibility of living!

They did not escape, but instead rushed to Mu Qian, and Qian Qian said: "Not self-reliant!"

"Red Lotus!"

The power of the horrible fire element spread and wrapped them up, and the cockroaches flew out.

"Hey! Hey!"

Then, the two needles flew out and fell into their necks.

In an instant, the power of chaos makes them not as good as death.

They are rolling on the ground: "Call us directly! Kill!"


A few other needles fell on them. This is not the result of spiritual turmoil. It is painful and rot.

They looked at Ms. Qian’s horror: ""

Mu Qianqi asked: "I will give you a few questions when I return to you!"

"Say! Hurry up, I can't be meat!"

Mu Qianqi asked: "How much do you know about Luo Xiao!"

Luohaidao: "Is this little girl not the old sneaky sneaky to raise a little **** the island? It has been raised for more than 100 years! It is still a small point, I don't know if it is a person."

"Then some idiots thought he was the daughter of the old lady. I don't think it is!"

Luo Yan stood there and heard it, and her heart was a little sad. She was not her daughter.

"What about her identity?"

Luohaidao: "It is estimated that no one knows except the old man! After all, the old man is very precious to her, and he will not see anyone else wanting to see him."

Mu Qiandao said: "What is the relationship between evil spirits and your cloud island?"

"Our cloud island itself is a descendant of evil spirits. Good-natured people will be selected to carry out evil spirits to awaken and then train in secret. As for some waste, it seems to be alive and well, but it is only used for cover. When necessary, if you die, you will die." Luo Haidao.

Mu Qiang’s face sank. "You evil spirits are hidden here. There should be secrets that are ulterior motives? What is it?"

Luo Hai smiled, and the other two people laughed. "Ha ha ha! Of course, it is the great cause of our evil spirits! One day, our evil spirits will become invincible existence, no one can stop us."

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