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Chapter 1614 First Reward

Invincible said that the little ink and ink do not rely on it!

Xiao Hongdao: "The stupid cat said yes, the master is dealing with this dead bird piece of cake! If you want to help, the level of cultivation is better than that of the dead bird."

Invincible: "Yes! You cultivate first, then listen to my cultivation method, I have already handed it to you."

"You broke the law, listen to me! Practice the great achievements, kill the heavens and kill the land, destroy the heavens and the earth."

"You are too ferocious, not suitable for small inks."

"You are too weak!"

"what did you say?"


Invincible and Xiaohong tore again, Xiaomo ink does not know who to listen to?

"Don't quarrel! Don't make a noise, don't make a noise! ​​I listen to the master."


Numerous roads broke through, and everyone thought that this human being was absolutely finished.

Under the cover of the smoldering, the purple figure became a residual image, rumbling.

Everyone can't believe their eyes at all, "go away!"

"Fast speed! This human being has cultivated a strong body."

"You can only avoid one or two times!" Mo Fengxiao sneered, followed by a crisp phoenix sound.

The flame of the ink is swept away. "The sky is broken, the ink is burning!"

The black ink is like a waterfall, and the speed is so fast that the whole space is distorted.

"Water Dragon is off!"

"Ice Dragon is on the horizon."

In the face of the attack of the behemoth in the air, Mu Qianxi did not give in, and the two elements of the water element were instant.

That burning smoldering, can not melt the ice dragon!

Mo Feng's face condensed, then violently attacked.

The attack of the phoenix beast is powerful.


Mu Qianxi dodge, attack, although the dress was burnt and broken, but the attack of Mo Fengqi did not cause any harm to her.

The entire test bench directly became a sea of ​​fire.

Mu Qianxi passed through the sea of ​​fire in the ink, even if the temperature is very high, Mu Qianxi still does not matter.

This flame is inferior to the flame of the king of the Dragon Sword.

"Come back!" Mo Fengqi was not willing.

A black phoenix feather flies out, this is her most precious tail feather!

Under the wrapping of the flames, the feathers turned into a dark sword, and the giant sword fell from the air.

This powerful sword is so powerful that if you reach this human body, this human being is dead!

Not only is it dead, but the body will be burnt by the smoldering!

"Sacrificing the tail feathers, a fatal blow! Miss Feng Xiao is too embarrassed!"

"I hope that this human identity is not high, or she is dead. Is it not a good thing for us in the Mohuang family?"


"Ice Spirit Shield!"

The water element runs, and a thick layer of ice appears in front of Mu Qian.

The dark sword, like a tofu, cut the ice.


A gully was cut out on the ground, and Mu Qianyi once again avoided.

"I even avoided it. How fast is her speed limit?" The crowd was horrified.

At this time, Mu Qianxi counterattacked!

"Ice Dragons!"

"Hey!" The three ice dragons swiftly swept away toward Mo Fengqi!

Mo Fengqi hurriedly avoided, but escaped two, and another cold directly rushed toward her.


The crowd widened their eyes and said: "Miss Feng Xi, I was injured."

Among the black wings, there is blood overflowing.

Only that wound just stayed on her for a while and disappeared.

The body of the beast is very self-healing, and such a small wound can be restored quickly.

After the injury of Mo Fengqi, Mu Qianyi then attacked.

"Compared, it's over!"

The figure of Mu Qianxi disappeared on the stage and suddenly went to the air.

With a slender arm, it seems that it is just doing a very soft movement.

However, the sharpness of the beast to the danger made the heart of Mo Fengqi tremble slightly, swaying the wings and striking back.

Mu Qian’s indifferent spit out three words, “The secluded print!”

This trick, with the power of destruction.

Speed ​​level, went straight to the ink and phoenix.


Mo Fengqi did not escape, this seal, directly bombed it on the platform.


The entire contest is divided.

"Hey!" Mo Feng sighed and took a sigh of relief, at this time she was extremely embarrassed!

I want to get up, but I feel that the broken bones of my body are not their own, and they simply can't stand up.

Mu Qianxi said: "The secluded seal, the peak of the great perfection, the power is good! The bones of the beast can also be shattered."

Mo Fengqi couldn't stand the human form, and a blood spurt out.

Mu Qiang fell from the sky and also released the small ink.

Xiao Momo said: "The master is very good! The master is very good..."

"Small ink and ink also wants to be so powerful, don't let those abominable bad guys bully the master."

Everyone listened to the corner of his mouth and twitched. Now it is your master who has bullied others.

Mu Qiang went to the front of Mo Fengqi: "Apologize!"

Mo Feng said: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be impulsive, I will shoot you."

Mu Qianxi left the contest, and Mo Fengzhen was very decadent.

Today, it was supposed to be the day of her genius name, and she did not expect to give her such a blow.

She is afraid that she will become a joke throughout the mainland.

Mu Qiang just wanted to leave, and then the host of this test said: "Little girl, wait! You got the first, the reward has not been taken yet!"

"I can also get rewards?" Mu Qianyi stunned, but she was killed halfway.

The old man in front of his head smiled awkwardly: "That is natural! This time the test was originally on-site registration, the scene test! You defeated the original first, the first is naturally yours."

Ms. Qian said: "What is the reward?"

“The reward is a high-grade medicinal herb, true phoenix, which is of great use to our beast Files or to you humans.”

Dan medicine! Business commonly lacking her.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Can you convert the drug into the equivalent money? I don't have much money when I go out."

She didn't know what the phoenix family's currency was. If it wasn't Xuanyu, she would once again become a poor man.

After listening to the words of Mu Qianxi, everyone also stunned.

This human is not stupid! discovered! Rarely, Tianpin Dan medicine should not be replaced by Feng Lingjing.

"This is naturally no problem!"

"Wait!" Mo Fengqi was taken over by the helper. She said: "This time is older than the tester, but it is not allowed to exceed twenty! Is this woman qualified for her age? If it is not qualified, then it is not qualified. Get rewards."

Everyone is a glimpse, right!

However, this human being does not seem to be more than twenty years old, so they did not think.

Mo Fengqi clenched her fists, she must only look young.

If she is unqualified, she can find a little balance in her heart!

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