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Chapter 1615 The Blood of the King

In this case, the requirements of the Phoenix family are within three thousand years old, while human beings are within the age of twenty.

Mu Qian said: "Test it!"

She will not let go of this opportunity to make money, anyway, she meets the requirements.

The result of the test is that the bone age is less than eighteen!

This time, everyone was shocked.


At this time, Mo Fengqi’s face was already green. She had no face to say anything and turned away.

Next, the host exchanged a thousand spirits for Feng Lingjing, very much.

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly raised, it seems that the value of medicinal herbs in the Phoenix world is also very high!

Even if there is no Feng Lingjing, you can sell the drug to solve the funding problem.

With money, Mu Qianzhen found a best inn in the city to stay, take a good rest, and inquire about the news.

For this world, Mu Qianxi does not understand at all, it is not easy to figure out, it is estimated that the stuffing should be revealed.

A man who can fight in a leap-level battle defeated the phoenix of the Mohuang family.

After inquiring, Mu Qianxi finally got a lot of information.

All of the phoenix people live in all continents derived from the whole of the sacred paulownia. There are many kinds of phoenixes, and the Mohuang genius is only one of them.

About a million years ago, the Protoss had a battle with the Phoenix family. The cause was unknown. Finally, the Phoenix family lost.

After the loss of the Phoenix family, because of that big battle, the spiritual power of the entire Phoenix world was weakening.

The Protoss did not count the suspicions. In order not to let the phoenix family, a noble ancient beast, not be harmed by other ethnic groups, a seal array was created in the Phoenix family.

And sent the king of the king to station, not let anyone enter the Phoenix family.

I got this news, and I’m a thousand, this is not protection, but the imprisonment of the Phoenix family!

However, not everyone can't enter the Phoenix family. Some of the geniuses of the bottom of the King of Heaven will be sent to the Phoenix world if they reach the qualifications of the experience, and their strength will be suppressed.

The spiritual power of this place is naturally not as rich as the gods, but it is a good place to lay the foundation.

And they get along with the Phoenix family. If they can get the approval of the Phoenix family, they will have a **** beast.

Whether it is for self-improvement or for the contract beast, many people have broken their heads and want to come to the Phoenix family to practice.

Because the king of the gods is extremely powerful, many ethnic groups of the Phoenix family have been submerged and submerged for so many years.

They accept human beings and even envy humans.

With the human contract, you can get a lot of good resources, and even be able to leave this cage and let them advance.

Therefore, many phoenixes have put down the arrogance in the blood and are willing to contract with human beings.

Mu Qianxi finally knows why these noble beasts are not exclusive to humans, and they are still somewhat taboo.

After all, the human genius who is qualified to enter the Phoenix family is absolutely not ordinary in the realm of the gods.

This is the sorrow of the Phoenix family. Although it is not a fierce battle like the Dragon, their situation is even worse than the Dragon.

Ms. Qian said: "The troubles of the Phoenix family have been put aside beforehand. The most important thing now is to find the third Wanjue."

Today, she is in a city of Mohuang Continental, which is not far from the city of Mohuang.

The kingdom of Mohuang is the place where the royal family of Mohuang is located.

The royal family knows more things, and wants to inquire about the news. Mu Qian is ready to go to the Royal City of Mohuang.

But before she left for the first time, someone came to her temporary inn to find her.

The coming man is a very imposing middle-aged man. Standing next to him is a woman. It is the defeat of Mu Qian’s men, Mo Fengqi.

The little ink ink rushed out at this moment and shouted: "Bad man! Bad person, you are a big bad guy..."

Opened his wings and squirted toward the phoenix.

This is yesterday when I saw Mo Fengqi’s attack on Mu Qian’s attack. This attack did not have any skill, just because it wanted to maintain the master’s instinct.

Mo Fengqi was attacked by a little guy, naturally she would not sit still, she hurriedly avoided.

As a result, the little ink ink overbearing: "Not allowed to move!"

At this moment, Mo Fengzhen felt that the blood of the phoenix in her body was trembled, and the blood seemed to stop flowing. She really stood there and did not move.

Mo Feng's pupils suddenly swelled, and the strength of the blood.

She couldn't hide, and the flame shrouded directly.

Although this group of fires seems to be not strong, it also makes Mo Fengqi become extremely embarrassed.

The middle-aged man was shocked and said: "This... a strong blood, is this little guy owning our Phoenix family, the blood of the king!"

He was excited to look at the small ink, and Mu Qian moved to the front of the little ink: "What do you say?"

He is still staring at the little ink and ink. "It must be the blood of the king, it must be!"

However, even the blood of the king of their family, will not be so strong at birth, this little guy is too abnormal.

Among the scorpions of Mu Qianxi, I heard the cold light, saying: "I don't know what the king's blood is, but the little ink is my contract beast. No one wants to move it!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "You misunderstood! I don't have this meaning. The royal family of our Mohuang family has the most noble blood. Where can I offend?"

"I introduce myself, my name is Mo Yan, the owner of this ink city. This is my daughter Mo Fengqi. Before she was young, she was offended and asked for more forgiveness."

Although Mo Fengqi couldn't pull his face, he was scared by the blood pressure of Xiao Mo Mo.

She lowered her head and said: "I am too self-willed, I don't know how to repent, I..."

"I will never dare any more in the future, not impulsive."

It seems that he has been taught a lesson, and Mo Feng is a lot of well-behaved.

Mu Qianxi looked at the main city of Moxi: "I want the city owner to come to see me, not just take your daughter to admit mistakes!"

Ink said: "This thing, I will talk about it later! This little guy has the blood of our royal family. I don't know where you got her from, and contracted with her? Is it voluntary?"

"Of course it is! Nonsense of the old phoenix." Small ink ink roared with ink.

Now, under the teaching of Xiaohong and Invincible, it also learns to use many words.

Ms. Qian said: "Small ink is entrusted to me by her mother. At that time, it was just an egg. Recently she broke the shell and I took it back to its hometown."

"Small ink ink is voluntarily contracted with me. Do you think it is necessary for me to force a newly born little phoenix to contract with me?"

Of course not. Nowadays, among the talented people of the Phoenix family, there is a large phoenix lined up for contracts.

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