Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1616: Fengzuo Zhibao

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Chapter 1616 Fengzuo Zhibao

"What you are talking about!"

The average person will not choose a newborn little Phoenix contract, which means that it will take three thousand years to wait until adulthood.

Mu Qian said: "You can just say it! What are you doing?"

The main road of Moxi City: "We have a total of 180 cities in the mainland of Mohuang. We must select a person to go to Mohuang City to participate in the experience of the Leilian Tower."

"Take your daughter not to do it! Your daughter is the first genius of the mainland of Mexico. If you go, you will never let you down."

The owner of the city of Momo smiled bitterly. "What is the first genius of the mainland of Mexico? This is the face of someone who gave me this high-density daughter. This is a test. I will continue to hold our city near Mohuangcheng, but there are few people in the real genius. There is no interest in such a game."

"My daughter is just a slightly taller one among the short ones. It is completely incomparable with those geniuses."

The Mohe City Lord spoke without feelings, which made Mo Fengzhen feel a little embarrassed, but could not refute.

The vanity of the past, a lot of water, she is very clear.

Mu Qian said: "Then you come to me, I don't think that my family is in the ink and ink in the city of Murray. It is just a grown-up, I am afraid there is no one."

"The little guy can't, but you can! Your strength is very strong. Last time I played against my family, I am afraid I have not done my best!"

The city owner is not living for too long, and seeing it thoroughly.

Mo Fengqi looked at Mu Qianxi with horror. "I didn't do my best, this...this is impossible!"

She has been hit hard enough.

Mu Qian said: "Even if I have strength, but I am human! Is it right?"

"Our phoenix people live in peace with human beings. As long as they have a contract with my family, the two are considered a place."

"But, I am not interested!" Mu Qianxi faint.

Although she is going to Mohuangcheng, the purpose is to find Wanquan Daquan, do not want to waste time because of other things.

"What? You are not interested? You are not interested in the refining tower?"

"I just came over with the little guy. I don't know much about the Phoenix family. Is she very powerful?" Mu Qianqian asked.

Mo Feng snorted and said: "You are too ignorant! The Leilian Tower is very powerful! As long as we enter, our Phoenix family is likely to temper the super invincible body, and there is a strong practice... ”

Mu Qianxi listened, still indifferent!

"There are some of these, nothing?"

The main dark road of the city of Mok; indeed, the world outside is very strong, and these are not enough to make her tempted. It seems that she can only tell her an internal message. This is not a very important secret anyway.

Momo City main road: "Mu girl, don't you know! The treasures of our phoenix family are hidden in three places! One of them is the Leilian Tower, the other two are the Fengsheng Tomb and the Emperor's Tomb."

Mu Qian said: "What is the treasure of your Phoenix family?"

When it comes to the treasure, the Mozambican city is a jealous look.

"I heard that because of the treasure, we started the battle between our phoenix and the Protoss. Nowadays, the people of the Phoenix family, including the **** king, seem to be very interested in that treasure."

"I am here for you to help us to participate in this time, and this is a secret. You must not go out and say."

This piece of treasure, in all likelihood, is likely to be the third mantra.

The dragons are the key to carefully hiding the treasures of the treasure house, and the days of war.

The Phoenix family has a good hand to play, telling those who are full of curse, where is it?

Three places are possible, even if you find your skills.

I haven't found it for so many years. It's not good to see these three places.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I have to say, you convinced me! I am very interested in that one treasure, so I promise you! With a little ink to participate in this selection of the refining tower, I am going to Lei Lian Look at the tower."

Mo Feng said: "You don't want to be too confident! You must know that the genius of our Mohuang family is not the strongest in the entire phoenix, but it is not a human being who can only have the strength of a four-level sacred beast."

Mu Qian said: "Since you don't believe it! Just wait for the results to be good."

This news is easier to get than she imagined.

These three places are all a try, maybe you can find the Daquan.

Moxi City main road: "It is really good, but this little guy is really eye-catching, with the blood of the royal family, I am afraid it will be noticed by the ink king. The blood of the royal family is very precious, the ink king has always disagreed with us, the Mohuang people and humans. Contractual."

"I noticed nothing? Maybe Xiao Momo can find other relatives. When I saw her mother, she was the only one! When I disagreed, I would make the ink king unified."

Xiao Momo also said: "I will not be separated from the master! I only have one owner, one..."

Their two feelings were very good at the time, and the Momo City Lord had seen the phoenix with the human contract, which was not the case at all.

Mo Fengqi looked at them secretly, and he was envious.

In her heart, she remembers the human contract with a strong personality, to see the great world outside, there are countless medicinal remedies, and...

At the beginning, she was asking for her to cancel the contract with Xiaomohuang than the market. She was also selfish. I wanted this human being to think about contracting with her.

Today, she knows she is completely delusional.

Although Xiaomohuang is small, but the blood of the king is in any case she can't catch up.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Mei City Lord, when are we going to Mohuang City."

The main road in Mexico City: "Go away tomorrow!"


After sending away the Mocheng Lord, Xiaohong and Invincible also came out.

"Master, I think this is a good practice for small ink and ink cultivation."

When you look at it, the practice is called invincible and undefeated. This...

Although the exercises are quite powerful, Mu Qianyi feels that it is not suitable for small inks.

Xiao Hongdao: "Master, don't listen to it, this is better!"

Xiao Hong’s method of doing it is called destroying the earth and destroying the earth. This is what is this ghost?

Her mouth madly pumped up, this is a destructive practice.

The first time you use the small ink and ink, you can't help yourself. You have to pick the one that suits you best.

Mu Qian said: "You should eat back and eat, sleep back and go to sleep, you can't worry about the practice of small ink."

"Master! I know it is wrong! I will go back to eat and eat right away. I want to be promoted into a beast. I want to become a little beautiful man and protect my master with my master." Invincible laughs.

Xiaohong’s face sneered, “Little beautiful man! Are you sure you are not a big fat pig?”

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