Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1617: I can buy it too much.

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Chapter 1617 is too expensive to buy

Invincible martyrdom: "You are looking for death! You are the big fat pig!"

"Jokes, I am definitely a beautiful man who is handsome and handsome." Xiao Hongdao.

"You dream!"

Mu Qianxi wiped his mouth and said: "I think both of you are dreaming, first advance to say!"

The level of the sacred beast must be promoted to the beast, and the success rate is not high.

However, these two guys have always been unusual, it is not impossible!

However, it can't be said that the promotion of the city into a beast can be promoted!

I sent two unreliable guys, and Mu Qian whispered Crystal Ying.

Crystal Ying did not respond, it seems that it has not recovered.

Nine nights should be able to find a suitable method for the small ink, but at this time she can't get through.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Small ink, don't listen to them! When you go to the Royal City of Mexico, I will find a way to find a suitable exercise for you."

The little ink is a small intimate jacket. It says: "Small inks are heard by the master, and the master is the best."

The next day, the owner of the city of Mo Yan came to Mu Qian and sent her to Mohuangcheng.

Mo Fengqi also followed, and Xiaomo ink dismissed it.

"I don't want to see you as a bad woman, you go away!"

The children’s words are unscrupulous, and since they have been taught a meal, Feng Mo has also calmed down a lot.

Moxi City main road: "I took her to see and see this time, lest she be too arrogant! You don't need to be polite with her along the way, you can use her directly."

Mo Fengqi bowed his head and did not refute.

As long as Mo Fengzhen does not act as a demon, Mu Qianxi does not count more of her to go with such a person.

Then the owner of the city of Mo Yan took Mu Qian to go to the registration procedure. The guy who signed up was somewhat surprised: "I didn't think that there is a phoenix and human contract in the inexplicable city."

The main road of Momo City: "What are the benefits of contracting with human beings?"

"Of course, there are benefits. This time, the tester of the test is the ink king of the ink house. He himself has a contract with human beings. Therefore, this assessment, the beast with the contract of human beings, directly enters the finals!"

This is a pie that has fallen from the sky!

"Is this too unfair!" asked the owner of the ink city.

"There is nothing unfair. It is a disadvantage to start a two-on-one battle. It is more convenient to open the final channel directly. Is this good for you, and is it still registered?"

Mo Yancheng’s main eyebrow opened his eyes and smiled: “Of course registration! This is certain.”

"Age, name..."

Mu Qiandao said: "Mu Qianxi, eighteen!"

"What about your contract beast?"

Xiao Momo said: "Master, how old is the ink?"

The manager’s eyes were drawn and said: “So small?”

Mu Qian said: "The phoenix with the human contract does not require the age to be too small, not qualified?"

"This is not a rule? There is no such thing as a human contract."

The contract of the beast is to help fight and against the enemy.

No one wants to think hard about raising a little guy for thousands of years after relying on the contract beast! At that time, the daylily was cold.

The human beings of the entire phoenix world are estimated to have only one such small phoenix.

Mu Qiandao said: "That is the registration procedure! Name, small ink, age, one year old!"

It turned out to be one year old, and the management was shocked. After all, there is no competition requirement. If you don’t say that you can’t participate in the first year, you can only participate in the phoenix under the age of five thousand.

He can only nod his head: "Good!"

After the procedure was completed, I got a token in the shape of a phoenix.

"If you drop blood, you will be successful. You will be notified of the final date."

"it is good!"

After the blood was dropped, the registration was successful.

The Mohcheng city owner did not succumb to Mu Qianxi. When he was hard to find a place in the city of Mohuang, he prepared a luxury house for Mu Qian.

This is his private property.

Because the preliminary game does not know how long it will take, the final time is uncertain!

Mu Qian said: "Mu girl, do you want our family to take you around?"

Girl! It is normal to like to go shopping and buy things.

Ms. Qian said: "This is the owner of the ink city, please ask me to go shopping, shopping for money, reimbursement?"

Moxi City main road: "This time, you are helping me! The money to buy things, naturally I pay! No problem at all."

Even if you don't get the final quota, you can also have a good ranking, which will help improve the reputation of their city.

Therefore, the ink city owner, will not be stingy!

Only soon, the Mohe City Lord will regret the intestines.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "That would thank the city of Mo's city, a good intention."

The main road of Moxi City: "Feng Yu, we must take good care of the girl, do you know?"

Feng Weidao: "Know it?"

Mo Fengqi went to see the clothes with Mu Qianxi, and there were all kinds of gadgets. Ms. Qian’s brows said slightly: "Mohuang City only sells these gadgets. Is there any medicinal medicine?"

"You have to buy medicinal herbs!" Mo Fengqi was scared.

"Dan medicine is very precious, even if I am worthy of the price of this city owner, I can't buy it!" She was afraid that she would be obsessed with vengeance, deliberately buying medicinal drugs and selling her family.

Mu Qian said: "Don't be nervous, I didn't say I bought the drug! I will go see it!"

"Then you can't lie to me!"

Going to the shop where I bought the medicine to sell the elixir, Mu Qiang discovered that the elixir of the Phoenix World is extremely expensive, and the elixir year is very cheap even for tens of thousands of years.

After all, the life of the beast is extremely long, and tens of thousands of years is actually nothing.

This is definitely earning!

Buy and buy!

Mo Fengqi saw the excited look of Mu Qianxi, and his heart was a bit embarrassing.

However, fortunately, she did not rush to the expensive medicinal herbs, but ran to some flowers and plants.

Ms. Qian said: "This is some! I have to."

"All are installed!"

"There is this side."

Even if you look at the cheaper flowers and plants, the purchase of such a big smash, the money brought out by Mo Fengqi is emptied instantly.

She has wide eyes, this woman can buy too!


She wanted to attack, and she saw a little ink lying on her.

She didn't dare to scream at the blood pressure of the metamorphosis of the little ink.

Mo Feng said: "Mu girl, all the money I brought is spent, or we will buy it tomorrow!"

Ms. Qian said: "It’s over! I have it here."

Feng Lingjing, who changed to the first place in the last test, still has a lot left.

As a result, Mo Fengqi saw that Mu Qianxi had spent all his money.

It’s just crazy, she spent the money today, and she spent the time she was born.

Are humans from the outside world spending so much money?

She swears that she will never go shopping with her in the future.

Even if it is not her money, she will die and die, it is terrible!

Going home to pay a bill for the owner of the city of Mok, the owner of the city of Mok is also distressed to die.

The first time he saw such a person who could spend money, he would have been empty!

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