Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1618: Purple suspicion

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Chapter 1618, Purple Quiet

The Mohe City Lord thought of the heroic words that he had released before, and he was crying at this time!

"You said she bought a lot of elixir?"

"Yeah! What do you buy so many elixir? You can only absorb less than one percent of good things, and it is not worth spending so much money! And you still buy so much." Mo Fengyi said.

"Buy so many elixir... Is it..." Momo City Lord has a very bold idea.

"I am going to talk to her!"

Then, the ink smog went to the millennium.

The empty pockets of Mu Qianxi are thinking about selling the medicine, the Phoenix Master’s elixir is so much, the price is so low, not crazy sweeping, how can it!

If you buy medicinal herbs, it is better to find the owner of the ink city.

"Hey!" said Cao Cao Cao Cao.

"Mu girl, I have something to look for."

Mu Qian said: "Come in! I really have something to look for."


The Momo City Lord came in, and Mu Qianqi opened the door to see the mountain: "Do you have any channels for selling medicinal herbs?"

"The channel for selling medicinal herbs? Is it true that there are still many remedies on hand?"

Mu Qiang nodded: "Yes!"

The main road of Moxi City: "Nature is there. I don't know what kind of medicine is in the hands of Mu girl?"

"Look at yourself!"

Mu Qianxi took out a small part of the inventory, and the Mohlin City owner raised his eyes.

"This... so much..."

He opened the pill bottle and said, "It’s not a heavenly step...not a heavenly emperor..."

He trembled excitedly. "It's a holy step!"

The Momo City Lord calmed down and looked at Mu Qian’s words: "You are a pharmacist!"

Ordinary people, how can you not look at your eyes and take out so many remedies.

The gods and beasts will have too little and too little refining, and their remedies come from human pharmacists.

There are very few human pharmacists in Phoenix World, which makes the drug extremely expensive.

Mu Qianxi directly admits, "Yes! I am a refining pharmacist! You sell these medicinal drugs, you can take 10% of the profits to yourself."

"If you are satisfied, I can refine one for you, and advance to the sacred drug of the beast. How?"

I want this old fox to do things for her, and Anan’s job is to give enough bait!

"Advance to the beast!" Mo Yancheng's main eyes widened.

Nowadays, in the case of their phoenix family, the promotion of the beast has become a luxury, unless the talent is good.

And his talent is generally estimated that the death is not possible to advance to the beast.

They were originally born beasts, and it was really bleak to fall to this point.

Mu Qian said: "I speak and talk, so I will try to give me more money." Mu Qian said.

Mok excitedly said: "That is definitely certain, definitely!"

Mo Fengqi originally thought that his old lady would go to Mu Qianxi to settle accounts, and know where she saw her happy and crazy.

What did Mu Qianjun give her a fascinating soup!

The main road of Momo City: "Feng Yi, you must not sin against the girl, hear no."

Mo Feng said: "Where can I dare! She will not bully me."

At the beginning of the preliminary round, the Momo City Lord invited Mu Qian to go to participate, and Mu Qian said: "No, I still have things."

The entire Mohuangwangcheng is a center of news, the first one to buy the medicinal medicine, and the first time to buy the elixir while admiring the news.

The momentum news is similar to that of the Mo Yan city owner. The treasure of the Phoenix family exists in three places.

Lei Lian Tower, Feng Sacred Tomb and Phoenix Holy Tomb.

I heard that one of the treasures was guarded by their phoenix family in the ancient times, and it was a very powerful thing.

Mu Qianxi is more certain that it is a curse.

If it wasn't for Crystal Ying, the power had not recovered yet. She couldn't wait to let the night come over and tell him this great news.

"Night! The position of the Phoenix family has been confirmed. You really don't want to go there? Little beauty has no news but there is absolutely no danger to life. You can get the curse first, then you can swear..."

The one that purple smiles is swaying!

"Hey!" Where was it, nine nights began to take the past without mercy.

"You can't find someone, you dare to come back!"

Only waved the dirt on the body: "Is this not an important thing to report? I did not expect that the Phoenix family was sealed by the Protoss. The outsiders would cause the movement to be discovered! You don’t go now, I want a The best policy."

"And, according to the spies report. The Phoenix family is directly announced, that Wan Manju is in three places, Lei Lian Tower, Feng Sacred Tomb and Phoenix God Tomb! This place can not be forced to smash! I heard that Lei Ren Tower wants At the beginning, we have to take this opportunity to mix in, and the night can't delay the time."

Nine nights cold channel: "I promised to smash! Found, let's go together!"

This is a big risk, he wants to see you first.

"I can't help the little beauty to go one step ahead of you! Or let's go see it!" Purple lingering around the nine nights.

Purple singer hit the guess, but unfortunately this time did not believe him nine nights. He said casually, the credibility is too low!

"Don't talk nonsense!" The black figure flashed and nine nights disappeared in front of him.

He can feel the power of Crystal Ying is recovering, and he has to wait anyway.

I missed the time when the refinery tower was opened, and it was hard!

Purple secludedly wants to hit the wall, holding the beam and crying: Xiaomeiren, where are you wow! Hey! ”

After a few days, Mo Yan came to the road: "The preliminary game is over, and I am going to the finals! This is my collection, except for a few tricky guys, the poison is collected."

Collecting enemy information is very detailed, name age is killing skills and so on.

After all, in the Phoenix world, Mu Qianxi is only playing against the half-bucket of Mo Fengqi, and has not yet played against other people.

She will not look down on the enemy, so concentrate on this information.

Mu Qianxi carefully analyzed the enemy's situation and let the owner of the city of Mocho breathe a sigh of relief. He thought that such a proud person like Mu Qianxi did not bother to do such a thing.

Mo Fengqi was watching the preliminary contest for some days, and he was quiet after reading it.

Even if it is only a preliminary game, it is estimated that she will not go far, showing how strong they are.

Among the people who participated in the finals, there are ten people of the Phoenix family who have contracted with humans, and one is one of them.

Then there is one, a total of twenty people.

The tokens of Mu Qianxi and Xiao Momo came to the news. A figure appeared on the token and began to speak.

"The finals will start tomorrow morning. This time, our Mohuang people got the number of places to enter the refining tower, only four! That is to say, the next twenty people must be photographed in the first four before they are eligible to enter the small medicine. tower."

"Be prepared! Tomorrow will open the peak match between the Mohuang people. The mad king will personally preside over and perform well."

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