Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1621: Strongest genius

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Chapter 1621 The strongest genius

The eyes of Mofu flashed a dignified color, saying: "You are right."

The more rounds he played with Mu Qian, the more he had to face up to this human opponent.

He is militant, so the fighting skills and experience among his peers are absolutely top-notch.

However, today, he is crushed by this human being.

It can be said that in addition to his high level and high spiritual strength, he has no advantage over this human being.

In the fight between Mu Qianxi and Mofuxue, the audience present at the scene showed a shocking color.

They looked down on this little human girl.

The ink was sprayed out, and the blood of the ink was swept into the sky. This is to transform into the body.

The crowd was shocked: "To deal with this human being, Mofu blood uses the body."

"This little girl has actually done this step!"


In fact, these ten test sites, in addition to Mu Qianxi, this one is more than the Wutai, other people in the martial arts are all phoenix, revealing the ontology.

One of them is better than the martial arts.

That one is the first person of the Mohuang family, and the ink-light dance and her contractor often fight with others.

They got the two of them, and the other side thought that they were unlucky. There was no suspense in this game.

However, this game is a test, the ink is not shot at all, and the shot is white.

Bai Chang, a human being, one-on-one defeated the phoenix of the Phoenix family.

In the end, he smiled and said: "It seems that the younger generation of you, the phoenix family, still have to cheer for cultivation! The strength of this son can only be regarded as normal in our family."

That refers to the appearance of Jiangshan to repair the superiority, so that the genius of the Phoenix family is very wrong, angry!

Today, their proud phoenix family seems to have become the sparrow of human beings in the golden cage.

Bai often despised the Phoenix family. As the strongest genius of the Phoenix family, the ink dance was just a light smile, and did not feel anything wrong with Bai Chang’s words.

"Ink light dance often wins!" the referee said.

They won the first victory and then left the contest.

"It’s not a contractor of ink dance, it’s amazing!" everyone was excited.

At this time, Mu Qianzhen was facing a fierce attack on a huge and incomparable phoenix.

A burst of phoenixes is crisp and crisp, and the flame of space is like a wave.

"The strongest form of the phoenix, it seems that Mofu blood is going to do its best!"

"If her contracted beast is half as strong as Mofu's blood, Mu Qian must win! It's just a pity that the phoenix she contracted is just a little bit!"

"I don't know how long this human woman can last!"

At this time, the small ink ink whispers in the contract space. "The most hateful they become bully masters, I want to grow bigger and bigger!"

"I am not a small one! No!"

Invincible: "Don't worry about it! Only the master bullies others!"

"Yeah! How can it grow bigger and bigger, the owner is still bullying, you are calm! Don't yell at my tail!" Xiao Hong's painful sorrow.

Bear child, terrible than the beast!

The phoenix in the air rushed toward Mu Qianxi. His pair of wings seemed to have become two blades and attacked toward Mu Qian.

Become a body, faster, just like thunder.

The sound of the emptiness came, and Mu Qian also ran all the spiritual powers and plundered.

Numerous purple afterimages cut through the void, just after Mu Qian’s rapid dodge.

The place where she was just now was attacked by terror.


The entire contest platform seems to be falling down in general, but fortunately the quality of Tianfeng is better than that of Wutai. It is more reliable than the one in Nanze City.

The power of non-beasts, don't want to leave a trace on this martial plane!

Even if it is safe and sound, everyone can feel the horror of the attack of the ink.

Then, thousands of feathers turned into sharp edges!

Hundreds of thousands of knives came with cold and fierce swords.

How can I hide?

Nowhere to hide!

Mu Qiang has increased the speed and the water element is running wildly.

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"The water dragon is broken!"

The other side's attacks are many, and Mu Qian also uses countless spiritual skills in an instant.

Defence, the attacking spirit broke out without stopping, and finally thrilled to block this move.

Mofu blood continued to attack, and Mu Qian’s continuous instant skill was very powerful, but he did not believe that she could not breathe.

"Hey!" Countless roads rushed again.

Just now there was so much spirituality, she also needed a buffer time.

This time, you can only hide!

The body is displayed to the extreme, even the high-ranking Lingzong is difficult to catch up, but her current opponent is a phoenix.

The big guy with the wings and the beast is not as fast as the high-ranking Lingzong.


"Ah! That little girl."


They saw a sharp blade and pointed to the neck of Mu Qian.

A knife and a throat will die.

Only in the next moment when they opened their eyes, the purple figure disappeared.

Everyone took a deep breath, "There is no danger! There is no danger."

"It turned out to be a shadow! Fast speed, but her speed has reached the limit!"

In the scene just now, both Mo Fengqi and Mo Yancheng were shocked by a cold sweat. At this time, they were relieved, nothing happened.

Mo Feng's dissatisfied road: "Without such scary!"

Mu Qianxi is clear that such good luck cannot last.

"To deal with this big guy, the advantage of long-distance war is not great! To melee!"

"Ice Dragons!"

The powerful ice dragon rushed toward the blood of Mofu, taking advantage of this opportunity, and envying thousands of feet on the ground and plundering out.

She is close to the blood of the Mofu!

Obviously, it is not so easy to get close to a powerful phoenix.

Mofu blood counterattacked, "Hey!" Numerous attacks rushed toward Mu Qian.

Even if the body is strong, in the face of this attack, Mu Qianxi is still injured.

Being slightly injured, it is not a problem at all!

Her purpose has been reached!

At this time, Mu Qianxi's clothes have a lot of holes, but there is a certain distance from the Mofu blood.

In an instant, Mu Qiang shot.

"Red Lotus!"

A red-brown, **** lotus flower, slamming into the air with the power of the violent fire element.

Mobil blood: "Just like this, you can't deal with me!"


Sure enough, the ink of the blood of the incense, the body of the beast, blocked the attack of the fire, and even a feather was not hurt.

"You and my grade gap are too..."

His words have not been finished yet, and Mu Qianyi once again started.

"The secluded print!"

"The secluded print!


A series of three seals, in three directions, the angle of what is the trick.

Mo Feng said: "She... Mu Qian, she used this trick, and it was still three strokes."

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