Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1622: Powerful combination

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Chapter 1622 Powerful combination

As soon as I saw Mu Qianxi’s use of faint printing, Mo Fengzhen felt that the whole body was hurting.

She is very aware of the terrible trick!

Mo Fu blood shocked!

The fire lotus just now is just a bait.

This attack, in the way of the main dish.

However, he did not feel the main dish, how strong.

Is this a trap after the trap?

He quickly evaded, but because of a series of hesitations, he eventually made a move and did not escape the third seal.


The seemingly incompetent secluded print, when it hit the wings of the Mofu blood, broke out the real power.

"Scratch!" The body of the Mofu blood-winged wing broke.

Everyone was amazed. "What happened to that move? It actually broke the wings of the blood."

"That one compresses the power, does not attack the target does not break out, so it is lightly enemies."


The wings were broken, and the body of the Mofu blood lost its balance and fell from the sky.

He definitely belongs to that kind of thinking and enemies, and the result is a classic negative textbook.


When he fell, Mu Qianzhen was naturally ill and pursued.

"The ice dragon is coming!"

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

The devastating flame and the ruthless ice dragon rushed toward him, "Booming!" Mofu blood was **** and fell on the platform.

The dark feathers were burned by the red flame, and a lot of baldness.

At this time, Mofu blood was extremely embarrassed, and Mu Qiang’s figure flashed on his back. The sword of Yanlong’s sword was on his head.

Mofu blood is a bit lonely: "I lost!"

At this point, the referee announced: "Mu Qianzhen, Xiao Momo, winning!"

After the victory, Mu Qianxi jumped from this huge phoenix. At this time, Xiao Momo also flew out excitedly.

"Win! Win, the master won, great!"

"The owner is amazing!"


It flies happily next to Mu Qian, who is so cute, and everyone is secret.

However, as an ancient beast, it is really not just cute!

It was not long before I was born, I recognized a man with a promising future as the master, and many of them were actually a little insane.

Mu Qiang took it and said: "I won't win, we won!"

If it is not a small ink, she does not have the qualification to participate, so the small ink is also a big hero.

At this time, the blood of the Mofu became a human figure. He walked in front of Mu Qianxi: "I apologize to you! You have strength, not a place."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Your apology, I accept!"

Mofu blood said again: "Your strength, one-on-one estimation is difficult to meet opponents! But then you are likely to be one-on-two, be careful."

"Well! I know." Mu Qianxi nodded slightly.

The opponent in the next game is likely to encounter the combined team.

Mu Qianxi looked at him: "Although I am not too heavy, but you are very painful!"

The mouth of the mouth of the mouth of the murder is madly pumped up. Isn't that heavy?

Mu Qian took out a bottle of ammunition to him. "Look at your sincere apology, cure the remedy you take it!"

The sacred beast is easy to recover, and the internal injury still needs the remedy to recover quickly.

"Dan medicine!"

Mofu blood is a glimpse.

"You are a very wealthy man, but I want to accept human things."

Mu Qianhui replied: "That's not what I sent, it was sent by a little ink."

"Right right! I sent it, don't give it to Xiaomo."

The little ink ink thinks of the taste of the sugar beans, and the meaning is still unfinished.

"Little idiot, healing remedies can't be eaten!"

Mu Qianxi left with a small ink and ink, this one has the opinion of the human contract phoenix, but the nature is not bad, the strength is not bad, the potential is very good!

When Mu Qianqi walked away, Mofu blood could not lose the medicinal herbs. After taking down the martial arts, he ate a medicinal medicine. When he had money, he bought the medicinal medicine and gave it back to him.


This medicinal effect is surprisingly good, definitely a level he has not seen.

There was a horror on his face, and then an angry expression appeared.

All evil and rich humans!

After the end of the trial of Mu Qianxi and Mofuxue, the final contests also scored the outcome.

The result of today's comparison test made everyone very frustrated.

The ten winners who entered the next round are all combinations!

Sure enough, one to two is difficult to win, which is too unfair to them, but what about?

They looked at this time to host the mad king, which he set.

This result is not optimistic, but the next test will definitely be more exciting.

Because of the phoenix and human-assisted combat, the battle is even more intense.

Today is the end of the test, rest one night, and tomorrow will start the next test.

After this test, many people inquired with the owner of the ink city to inquire about the superhuman genius who had contracted the little phoenix.

Ink's mouth is not as good as anything, and anything useful can't be asked, and people will be disappointed.

The Lord of the Mohe City is also hard to force! He is not intentional either.

Because he does not know, what is the origin of the mysterious girl?

Ink told the story of what happened to Mo Qianxi, Mo Yan said: "There are people who introduce more talented Mo Huang to you! But I have refused, I know that Mu girl will not agree."

They have the blood of the beast and the human contract, and the human contract is already the limit.

Unless the talent is against the sky, it is possible to contract two phoenixes, but such people are absolutely rare!

The girl who treats her contract is completely different from other people. It is like treating a relative, and it is also the mother's mother entrusted to her. The girl will never cancel the contract.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You are very good."

Even if she can not only contract a beast, but she will never be a contract.

"The one who is the mad king, did not send someone to inquire about my news?" Mu Qian asked.

Everyone present, the mad king who has the level of the beast, is an embarrassing existence.

Momo City main road: "Not!"

"It is the second-in-command of the Mohuang family. It is very calm!" Mu Qianxi smiled lightly.

The annoying person was stopped by Mo Yan, no one disturbed her, and Mu Qian was very comfortable to rest, and went to the second test the next day.

After waiting for the martial arts, the mad county king arrived and began to randomly assign opponents.

There are unpredictable events in the sky, and the opponents assigned by Mu Qianxi are definitely the most unwilling combination for everyone.

Mu Qianxi looked at the sign that flew into the air: "Ink dances, white often."

White often smiles gently. "Small ink, very cute name, very good with this little one."

"Mu Qianzhen..." The gentle eyes fell on Mu Qian’s body.

"Millennium sister has such a talent, do not know which family belongs to it? There are too many forces under the King of God, I have not heard of which family is the surname?"

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