Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1623: Two-to-one battle

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Chapter 1623, two pairs of one war

Mu Qiang’s cold voice: "Your words are a bit more. The trial is about to begin. Is it true that you are a man like a mother-in-law?"

Mu Qianxi did not give him the face of the shackles, which made Bai Chang’s false smiles froze.

She went on to say: "This girl has only one brother, don't confess your relatives! In terms of your respect, even if the gene is changed hundreds of times, it is impossible to have any relationship with our family."

"Ha ha ha! This human being is too interesting."

"I think she said it very well. I have long seen that a fake guy is not happy! Unfortunately, my family first contracted with such a person."


The Phoenix family was suppressed and the situation was not good.

However, it does not mean that all the Phoenix people have compromised, and there are many people who are unhappy about watching humans.

White Chang's face became darker than the bottom of the pot, and it became a black one.

He smiled and said: "I didn't think that the girl was so fangs, but it made me see. I don't know, your strength is as powerful as your words."

Mu Qianqi defeated the blood of the Mofu, he naturally knows.

It’s just that the guy, who has the blood of the beast, is extremely mediocre, and there is nothing remarkable about it.

Mu Qianxi is definitely not his opponent.

The air shimmered and the four tokens were wrapped in a ball.

The time for the test is over!

The mad king announced: "Compared! Start!"

In an instant, five martial arts, ten young geniuses, played in Tianfeng than Wutai.

Finally began, white often flashed a dark light in his eyes.

He must give a painful lesson to this woman who made him lose face.

With a long sleeve, suddenly a silver lance appeared.


The power of the majestic burst broke out, and the pistol was still full of lightning.

"Artifact! It turned out to be an artifact." The crowd was shocked.

Before the white test, there was no dark artifact.

Bai Changdao: "I also heard that there are artifacts in the girl. I don’t know if your sword is more powerful than my silver."

Mu Qian said: "Nature is my strongest!"

The sword of eternal, the dragon of the dragon, the sword of his death, his general tattered artifact, can it compare?

"Yes! I have to see and see when I arrive!" Bai Chang's figure turned into a white lightning.

Although it is a battle of four people, but the ink dance stands aside, let Bai often play alone.

The small white space will come to the safe contract space.

The long gun went straight, and the goal was to admire the throat of Qian Qian.

Mu Qian said: "It is stronger than the Mobil blood, but it is not much stronger!"

"What are you talking about?" White is often more angry.

As he approached Mu Qian, he was shunned directly.

Lightning elements, fast and incomparable!

The silver light falls from the sky like a waterfall, and the elemental attack that erupted from the artifact is so terrible.

This time, Mu Qian’s body is fast and can’t escape! White often mouth slightly raised.

Mu Qianxi did not avoid it, but instead bathed in the power of thunder, like passing through the ordinary light curtain, plunging into the white often.

"Yanlong lore!"

"Ice Dragons!"

White often showed a dull color on his face. "This... how is this possible!"

"Lightning elements attack immunity, how did she do it?" everyone exclaimed.

"I thought that Bai Chang can win a lot of money today, but I didn't think the results were not necessarily!"

"Even if you lose often, there is still an ink dance! Don't forget, the results of this test have already been doomed, but the process is different."


The attack of Mu Qianxi is completely out of the imagination of Bai Chang!

The first time I played, it was him!

"The secluded print!"

This time than the test, Mu Qianqi attacked quickly, recruiting and suppressing each other.


He also showed the strongest lightning element attack, but it was useless and useless...

As a mine spirit teacher, the lightning attack is invalid, which makes him messy!

The fighting consciousness is too bad, it is not as good as the ink of the blood, and Mu Qian felt that this opponent is really boring.

It was bombarded by natural thunder and lightning, and was thundered by lightning. A small artifact with lightning elements, how can you get him!


Mu Qianqi attacked fiercely, fiercely, and was completely pressed against white.

The people present at the scene were stunned one by one, and this battle situation was absolutely unexpected.

"Puff puff!"

Mu Qianxi started the unrelenting attack, and Bai Chang’s body has already been hung up.

The snow-white robes have a lot of blood!

Bai Chang's face is pale, this crazy woman, obviously her strength has reached the third-order spirit, and he has reached the third-order Lingzong, he is not his opponent.

Is this guy deliberately suppressing the strength so low, playing pigs and eating tigers!

Then Mu Qianqi was a terrible attack. Thunderbolt became a big net as a shield and wanted to block this blow.

As a result, Yan Long's soul sword is extremely overbearing and tears open his defense. He only knows that the gap between the artifact and the artifact can be so great!


Defense, broken!

"Red Lotus!"

The red-red flame shrouded him directly, and it was not over yet...

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

"The secluded print!"

"Ice Dragons!"

"Hey!" Bai Chang's body fell to the edge of the martial arts, almost falling from the sky.

Mofu blood is on the stage now, this human woman is really strong!

Mo Fengqi has been shocked to say nothing, and Mu Qian’s once overbearing attack has refreshed her perception of this woman.

White is often **** at this time, and the injury is not light!

He sneered at the Millennium and began taking the healing remedy.

Mu Qianzhen naturally will not let him heal smoothly, ready to continue to attack, the result of a black figure, blocked in front of Mu Qianxi.

Everyone held their breath, the strongest genius of the Mohuang family, and the ink danced.

"Your opponent, not just white often!" Ink danced cold and proud.

"Of course I know! There is you!" Mu Qianxi smiled.

Ink danced back: "You admit defeat now, I can forgive you for hurting my contractor. If you don't admit defeat, your injury will definitely be ten times heavier than white!"

Everyone took a sigh of cold air and weighed ten times. It is estimated that even if this human being can survive, it is estimated that it will be abolished.

"If you want to avenge your master, then you have to look! Do you have this ability!" Mu Qianhui replied.

Ink dances coldly: "Since you have to be stubborn, then I will do as you wish!"

The eyes of the ink dance became fierce, and suddenly there were countless ink-colored fireballs, and each ink-colored fireball was extremely powerful.

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