Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1625: Go to the banquet

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Chapter 1625 goes to the banquet

Madman Wang replied: "Not to knock you out!"

"You and Xiaomo ink do not need to participate in the next test, it is because you have already got one of the four places, congratulations!" The mad king's face with a faint smile.

"Is it already?"

“What is the mad king’s plan to do?”


Everyone is surprised!

Mad County Road: "Small ink ink has the blood of the king, it is very rare in my phoenix family! It is very important for its growth, no matter what the result of the test? Have the blood of the king, enough to get one of the places, everyone thinks right?"

This is why the blood of the king is precious, and it is still a young child.

"I don't think any of you have any opinions. The county king decided to make his own claim!"

The arbitrariness of the mad king, they will be known to the phoenix who has the contractual master when they open the final passage.

Now, they can't refute anymore!

Moreover, it is not a problem to get the first place with the strength of Mu Qian’s strength.

"Nature has no opinion!"

"The mad county Wang Yingming."


Mu Qianxi also smiled faintly. "You can play less and relax. Thank you for your kindness! I opened a special channel with Xiao Momo."

"You're welcome! This is what you deserve."

Phoenix no night and small ink ink smoothly won a quota, the remaining four people began to compete for three places.

As a result, there was an accident in the trial. Two individuals were badly hit in the trial. It took at least three months to recover. This kind of physical condition is impossible to go to the refining tower.

Therefore, it is only three people who have joined Mu Qian and the two winners.

In the end, according to the decision of the old people of the Mohuang family to vote, let the ink that lost in the hands of Mu Qianxi dance and put on one of the vacancies.

The people secretly discussed that this matter was too coincidental, but they have been living under the pressure of the mad king. They dare to anger and dare not speak.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The original mad king gave me the quota, and there is such a heavy meaning!"

If she enters the five-in-four test, there will be many changes, but excluding her, everything is in the hands of the mad king.

He wants to give his own daughter a fight.

After seeing the means of the mad king, Murray also secretly squeezed a cold sweat.

"Among the four places, three people are estimated to be the mad kings. If you go to the Leilian Tower, you should pay attention to it."

"Of course I know! After I go in, I don't take care of other people except for the little ink."

After the ink ink has the blood of the king, many people came to inquire, and Mu Qian made the ink to spread the words she had said to him at the beginning!

Anyway, that's the way it is.

The mad king still did not move, but after processing the quota, he naturally acted.


"Mu girl, the butler on the mad county, come to you!"

"Good! I will pass right away."

A kind-hearted middle-aged man handed an invitation to Mu Qianxi.

He said: "This time the selection ended! The mad king invited the young people who came out at this time to go to the county palace to attend the banquet, hoping that the girl could appreciate the face."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I am not willing to push the invitation of the mad king. It must pass on time."

"Good! That old age is waiting for the girl to come."

The housekeeper uncle quickly left, and the Momo city owner was a little worried.

"Mu girl, do you really promise to go? Our mad king who only covers the sky can't handle it."

Mu Qianxi said: "The banquet is a banquet, I have not been afraid of it! The mad king took the initiative to approach me, and I can't avoid it! And it is suitable for the blood culture of the king. It is estimated that only the royal family knows, isn't it?"

Xiaomo ink has been thinking about growing up quickly, and the number of places to enter the Leilian Tower has been determined. Naturally, I have to go to the small ink to find the right practice!

The main road of Moxi City: "Be careful, we are the mad king, the mind is deep!"

"I know!"

"Crazy King!" At this time, in the madness of the king's house, a black shadow flashed.

"Be sure to block the news of the palace, you must not let a little wind pass to the ear of the old thing, hear no."

"Yes! Your Majesty has been seriously ill recently. There is no such thing as the energy to listen to the dazzling outside. Please ask the mad king to be relieved." The shadow of the shadow is respectful.

"I am very relieved to do things."

The night was deep, and the eyes of the mad kings flashed a glimmer of light.

"Oh! The pure blood of the Emperor of the Phoenix."

On the day of the banquet, the madness of the palace was particularly lively.

For this man who is very likely to become the king of the Mohuang family, they must of course do a good job.

Everyone has arrived in succession, but Mu Qianyu has not arrived yet.

"Mu Qianxi hasn't come yet, she won't be proud of even the face of the mad king."

"Impossible! She should come!"

"Time is coming."

Mofu blood is in a corner, the dark road: no, better!

Mu Qianxi finally stepped on the point, not late, she was next to a woman, Mo Fengqi.

"Mu girl is here!"

"Mu girl!"

When the crowd gathered around, the mad king also came.

He made a few words and said: "This is the home of your young people, dancing, and entertaining the guests, it will be handed over to you."

They also know that the mad king is almost the manager of the entire Mohuang family, the mainland of the phoenix, naturally there is not much time to talk to these juniors.

After the mad king left, everyone naturally became free!

This kind of banquet, toasting is naturally essential.

"Hehehe! Mu girl, this time I got the first test, but I know that the real first must be you." At this time, a burly man came over.

"Come, I will honor you!"

Mo Fengqi stood up and said: "Mu girl does not drink, or give it to me to drink!"

It is estimated that her daddy let her follow, this is the role!

"You..." The man taunted and looked at Mo Fengqi.

Where is the woman who does not know how to be a good one, is there a qualification?

At this time, Mofu blood came over and said: "She doesn't, then me!"

"Since the girl's body is not suitable for drinking, it is not suitable for drinking the most powerful wine of our phoenix family. You can bully a human being with the drunken beast, which is really impossible to say."

Mo Yifei gnashed his teeth and said: "Well! Since you want to admire the girl to drink, then I will accompany you."

The wines of these young people of the Phoenix family were stopped by Mofuxue and Mo Fengqi.

One to stop the man, one to stop the woman! Mu Qianxi is the highlight of the whole banquet, and there are a lot of toasts.

Nine people came over and were led by Bai Chang.

Bai Changpi laughed and said: "I have got a lot of good wine from the realm of God. I want to give me a face! We have a few drinks!"

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