Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1626: When his daughter

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Chapter 1626 when his daughter

Do you have a sneer, do you drink more than her?

She said: "No problem!"

No matter how much you drink, there is nothing wrong with you!

And these few people have fallen down one by one.

"Mu girl, really a female hero, I admire! Admire."


At this time, the people of the mad king came.

"Mu girl, you are okay! Wang Ye is looking for you."

Ms. Qian said: "Oh! Let's take the lead!"

"Mu girl, you are drunk, don't want to rest."

"I am not drunk! How can I get drunk?"

Mu Qianxi people send back the drunken unconscious eyeless Mofu blood and Mo Fengqi, and go alone to see the mad king.

Open this banquet, deliberately let people take turns to want to drunk her, everything is madly king Wang deliberately!

"Hey!" The butler tapped the door.

"It’s coming to the girl! Just come in."

The housekeeper opened the door and said: "Mu girl, please come in!"

Into the mad king's study, he is seriously handling business.

Although the age of the mad king is not small, but with a mature charm, there are not small girls who like him.

Mad County Road: "Mu girl, please sit!"

Mu Qianxi nodded: "I don't know, the mad king wants me to come, what's the matter?"

"It's about small inks and inks. The blood of the phoenix family is very rare. In addition to the current king of ink, the phoenix of the king's blood has not been found."

"You... you want to take away the little ink in the dark." Mu Qian looked at them with vigilance.

"This is not natural. The king also has the owner of the contract. He likes humans very much! There is no such prejudice, but his sire is different. He is more stubborn. If he discovers that there is a human contract, the phoenix with the blood of the emperor will definitely ask you to lift it. Contractual."

Mu Qianyan’s face changed greatly and asked: “What should I do? Otherwise, I will go to the Leilian Tower and leave the mainland of Mohuang.”

The mad king smiled, and this little girl was only a little girl in her teens. When she encountered such a small problem, it was flustered.

The mad kings said: "Mu girl does not have to worry, this king will find a way to help you solve it. But I would like to know why the blood of our Mohuang family is lost."

Mu Qian said: "I don't know. It was the mother of Xiao Momo who gave it to me before he died. He recently broke the egg and determined that it is the phoenix."

Mu Qian’s eyes are not like saying fake!

And if you drink so much wine and can pretend in front of him, this human being can be really amazing!

Madong Wangdao: "Now, I can give you a suggestion! This king has never had a child. I saw that Xiao Momo feels very close. I am going to accept her as a daughter. Even if I am not allowed, I can also use Xiaomo. Ink is the master."

"This..." Mu Qian is a cold.

"What's wrong? Does the girl do not see the identity of the king, or the strength of the king?"

Mu Qianxi secretly: She has a self-awareness, she can't see it.

"You are too worried about the mad king. It's just this thing, it's not a trivial matter. I have to talk to Xiaomo Mo."

"No problem! This king is not in a hurry. I see that Xiao Mo Mo just broke the egg, but I still don't know how to cultivate. This is the skill I have collected that is more suitable for small ink and ink cultivation, even if I give a small ink to meet."

The mad king of the king waved his hand and took out a few exercises.

When I heard the exercises, the small ink was very excited and flew out of space.

"I want to see the exercises! I want to see!"

Because, knowing that it has cultivated the exercises, it will become very deserted.

Mu Qianxi was not polite with the mad king. She smiled and said: "Thank you for the mad king. Today is a little tired. I will leave! I will think about what you said."

"Good! You have worked hard today."

Mu Qianxi, with a little ink and ink, has a few exercises, and grows away!

After she left, the butler came in and said: "The mad king, the little girl will not deliberately fool us?"

"Should not! She really wants to think about it. Today she drank so much wine, her head must be very awake! Let's try it in a few days. If she refuses, then don't blame the king." There was a cold flash in the eyes of the mad king.

I learned that the mad king wants to go to the millennium, and the Mohcheng owner has been worried.

After finally waiting for Mu Qiang to come, Mo Yancheng said: "Mu girl, nothing!"

Mu Qianxi walked in and faintly said: "Nothing!"

"The mad king..."

"Send a few ink inks to meet a few ceremonies, some exercises, I will pick one after the other to see which kind of small ink is more suitable for cultivation."

At this time, Mu Qianxi is a little drunk!

The owner of the city of Momo also stunned. It seems that he is worried about white.

Looking at the cultivation practice of a part of the city, the heart of the city of Mozi jumped wildly.

"The mad king is really generous!"

Mu Qianxi sneered: "He wants my little ink to be his daughter. Can you be generous?"

"What?" The owner of the ink city was shocked.

The mad king is not a son, only a righteous woman, that is the youngest and strongest ink dance of the phoenix.

Today, he still needs to recognize a daughter, and is still a phoenix with the blood of the pure king.

"Mu girl promised?"

"How could I promise, plus he also sent the exercises, and dragged them for the time being."

Mu Qianxi began to look at the exercises, and after reading it, he frowned slightly!

"Still not! This method is suitable, but the level is not enough!"

"This... this level is not enough!" The owner of the ink city was shocked.

At this level of practice, there is not much that the Mohuang people have the ability to get their hands.

"My little ink ink naturally has to be the strongest!"

"The right pair! The little ink to be the strongest, to become the most powerful phoenix, to help the master fight the bad guys. This owner said no, small ink burned, burned..."

Small ink ink will also spurt fire, and Mu Qian hurriedly stopped.

Tap on its little head: "Small ink, you little fool! It's not worthwhile to burn your own things, but it's very valuable!"

鹊 鹊 角 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

After that, Mu Qianxi did not reply to the mad king.

Can only come up with such a practice, the mad king has nothing to approach.

It was really annoying to die, and Mu Qian said: "When you come back from the refining tower, you will reply to the mad king."

When I came back from the refining tower, whether or not I found the Wan Man Daquan, and waited for the little ink to find a familiar practice, she left.

I have to find a way to find out how to enter the phoenix tomb and the phoenix tomb.

The attitude of Mu Qianxi is so angry that the people on the side of the mad king are angry.

"The Lord! What is the meaning of the Millennium? Why did she dare to ignore the Master?"

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