Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1627: Peek into the sky

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Chapter 1627, Peeking into the Sky

"In any case, the old thing can't be found for a while, just wait for her to come back from the Leilian Tower! Anyway, I can't run anymore." The mad king was calm and self-sufficient.

"We are not worth mentioning the master. That little girl is really too ignorant."


Mu Qianxi stayed in the Imperial City of Mohuang for a few days, and the money for selling the medicinal herbs was enough to cover the thousands of scorpions that swept the entire elixir that Wangcheng wanted.

Then she went to Taobao everywhere to find a small ink and ink, and the results could not be found.

The practice method is the most basic condition for laying the foundation. The small ink ink itself is inherently insufficient, and it is necessary to find the best practice.

Mu Qianxi comforted the disappointed little ink ink: "Small ink, don't be depressed! I can't find it here, wait for nine nights, maybe there is a practice that is suitable for your cultivation."

Xiao Momo said: "Nine nights? Nine nights is the master's husband?"

Xiaomo's eyes are watery, and he looks at Mu Qianxi innocently.

Mu Qian said: "Who taught you?"

"It’s Xiaohong’s sister!”

"I said don't call my sister, I am public, public!"

The little ink and ink are innocent: "But you are so red, you must be your sister."

"What does this have to do with my body?"

"Yes! Red is the sister, white is the brother!"

Mu Qian is full of black lines, who taught this in the end.

Xiaohong wants to be mad, and the result is that Xiaomo ink is dead!

"Ha ha ha!" Invincible laughter is out of breath, Xiaohong gnashed his teeth and said: "It must be you."

Mu Qianxi directly cut off the connection between the two unreliable guys, and touched the smooth feathers of Xiao Momo: "Nine nights are my most important person."

"Night, night! Night!" Purple secluded in the study of the phoenix nine nights, very resentful look at nine nights.

"Night! That seal array Beidou has tried to solve it! We can sneak into it without being discovered." Purple is excited.

But nine nights did not take care of him!

"Night! As far as I know, the Leilian Tower is about to open! Go hurry up! Wow, it’s too late, it’s really too late."

Ziyou first tried to the emperor not to be anxious.

No matter how hot the call is, the nine nights are as if they are not heard.

Nine nights staring at the debris, there is still no reaction.

Purple sighs and jumps, this time a white figure appears.

"Boundless, great! You are here, you can persuade for nine nights."

"His Royal Highness!" The hoarse voice came from outside.

Nine nights: "The refinery tower is just one of them. The Wanjue is not fixed there, and the king is not in a hurry!"

Then, nine nights disappeared directly from the room.

Standing outside, the Highness is more stubborn, more self-willed, and more irrational.

Just because of one person, one woman, that one is a thousand.

The ridiculous gaze shimmered, and the weak, pale face was white and transparent.

Purple and helpless said: "The night is also said, or go to the little beauty first! If you don't find a little beauty, the night definitely can't change your mind."

Endless turn and leave, hoarse road: "Prepare the altar, I ... I will count the position of that woman for the temple."

"Understanding adults, no! Last time, the last time you counted the number of lives of that person, it was directly seriously injured! You are not saying that everything related to her is foggy! You spy on her, it is a glimpse of the sky, there will be danger , no limit."

No way: "I have a very bad hunch, no matter what! Even if you give up this life, try it!"

He can't help but say: "Come on!"

"Yes! Unlimited adults."

The owner of the city of Momo hurriedly opened the doorway: "Mu girl! The Leilian Tower is going to open, come with me soon! It is not good to be late."

There is no nonsense in Mu Qianxi, saying: "Lead the way!"

The place where they went was an incomparably magnificent ritual hall called the Temple of the Phoenix.

The phoenix god, which exists in the legend, is the supreme power of their phoenix family.

Not only other people have come, but the entire Phoenix Temple has also come to many people.

The other three groups who got the quota also arrived. Naturally, it was ink and white, and Mo Yifei and the two of them were their contractors.

Soon, the mad king came, and he was followed by four white-bearded old men.

This is the four elders of the Mohuang family.

The eyes of the mad kings swept them: "Wait a minute, the four elders will open the way to the refining continent. When you get there, take the opportunity to go in! Speed ​​is fast, do you know?"

They returned: "Know it."

Then, the elders took out a miniature tower!

He threw the tower into the sky, and each of them stood in a corner and made a match!

The small tower splits and the surrounding area is evacuated by a space channel. This space channel is getting bigger and bigger, enough for one person to rush in.

Mad County Road: "Come on!"

"You are both a phoenix with a contract, go together! Then we must work together, do not guilty." Mad County Wang reminded.


And their figure disappeared in front of them instantly.

After entering the passage, they encountered a small space turbulence, and finally they arrived at the refining continent smoothly.


I haven’t landed safely, and I heard a thunder in the air.

Countless lightning flashed down, and they rushed to dodge, and they were not injured when they entered the mainland.

White often fell to the ground, and he smiled: "The power of a strong thunderbolt element, this place is definitely a holy place for me."

He must quickly improve his strength in the Leilian Tower, and then defeat Mu Qianxi, a shame.

Mu Qian’s face has a faint smile and is full of the power of lightning. It is a paradise for her!

If there is enough lightning, her bodywork should be further improved. Whenever there is a Saint-level master, there is no need to be shackled.

Ink danced: "The refining tower is a really good place. The thunder element of the refining continent is considered to be general. The righteous father gave us a map. We must go to the refining tower as soon as possible."

"However, in addition to the Leilian Tower, there are many good things in the Leilian continent! For example, Lei Lingjing, the power contained in it, our Phoenix family can also absorb the strength. It is easy to get the opportunity to enter the mainland, except for the road. Besides, these can't be missed."

"Do you have any other opinions?" asked the ink dance.

"Nature is listening to dance."

"no problem!"

The other two teams nodded.

Ink dances and looks at Mu Qian’s words: "Mu girl, what do you think?"

"No problem! Let's go quickly! As for the Ray Lingjing who can improve the training, I am also very interested?"

Bai often smiles coldly: "Mu Qianxi, you don't think too much! You are not a phoenix beast, and you are not a Ray Elemental Master. You can only see Lei Lingjing, you can't use it!"

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