Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1633: Thunder of fire

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Chapter 1633 Thunderbolt of Fire

"Hey!" The needle hits the blood, and Blacktown feels that his power is beginning to be out of control.

"Boom!" Ink dance danced the black cloud to the past, and now the situation of the Black Phoenix family can not fight against the phoenix.

Black runner: "Remove! Change a door and hurry to recover!"

The black stream burned the phoenix blood, and finally suppressed the poison of Mu Qian, who plundered a team without the blood of the king.

The people in that team roared: "When the black winds are not sure about the Mohuang people, they will pick us a soft persimmon. We fight with them."

No one dares to argue with them, and Mu Qian said: "Let's go in!"


After they rushed into the door, they were wrapped up with a ray of light.

The black wind family, at the last moment of closing the gate, finally won the last position.

Black runner: "Black Phoenix, I am not finished with you."


As soon as you entered the refinery tower, there were numerous nets of lightning that were spilled in the air.

The phoenix beasts present at the scene can be described as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea.

"Hey!" Even though they quickly avoided these lightning attacks, the terrible power was still frightening.

Ink danced: "This is the first floor of the refining tower. This is just the beginning! Then we will act on each other and strive to reach the highest level."

Bai Changdao: "Dance, let's go! You take the little guy and slowly sway underneath!"

The ink dance became the original shape, and the white often quickly shuttled out. Other people who had a contract with the Phoenix beast were leaving at this speed.

If there is no contract with human beings, it is more convenient and directly becomes the ontology to fly over.

Only Mu Qiang, a different kind, contracted a little cub.

Although the little cub can also fly with the owner, but in such a dangerous place, the speed of the little cub is so slow, it is picked up, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Mu Qianxi also rushed out at the fastest speed. At this time, suddenly a fire appeared in the air.

It’s cold, isn’t it only mine? How come there is such a strong fire element. ”

The lightning that descended in the air, the flames in the silver dragons were beating.

There is fire in the thunder, and the fire is in the thunder!

Sure enough, someone said: "The most dangerous fire property on the first floor is Ray, be careful!"

"Hurry to escape!"



The speed of this lightning is extremely fast, even if the phoenix beast is turned into a body, it can not be avoided.


After the Thunder came down, the flame directly shrouded a phoenix.

The smell of this phoenix slowly weakened and was eventually transmitted.

The phoenix beast is so strong that such a serious injury will not kill, but if you want to recover, you have to rest for a long time.

"Come on! The fire property is coming again."

Let the lightning property of all people wash and tremble again, and the lightning will fall again. Compared to the desperate escape of others, Mu Qianji wants to try it. What is the special lightning power?

"Boom!" A loud noise, Mu Qianxi did not dodge.

"The man of the Mohuang family is crazy, not hiding!"

"Our beasts can still barely save their lives, but this human being, it is estimated..."


Ink danced them in front, and saw that Mu Qian was smashed by lightning. The red flame smashed her whole group, and it was estimated that the effort in the blink of an eye would be burnt to ash.

"Mu Qianxi!" ink yelled and shouted.

If Mu Qianxi is dead, they will be buried together with the phoenix of the blood of a king of the Mohuang family.

Bai Changdao: "Dancing, don't worry about the Millennium, let's go to the second floor!"

"The phoenix of the blood of the king is not so rare, let's go!" Bai often urged.

There is no need to help the Millennium, and there is no way to save the Millennium. It can only be full speed.

She is going to be on the top of the refining tower and get the benefits to improve.

The righteous father also made a special account, and they must do their best to the treasure of their phoenix family.

After Mu Qianxi was smashed by the fire element, he took a long distance with others.

pain! Not a general pain!

If she didn't run the fire elemental spirit in time, she would have been burned to black charcoal.

This special flame with attributes is really not comparable to ordinary lightning.

Even so, this terrible temperature is extremely tormented, and Mu Qian’s body is turned into a magma.

She bit her teeth, forbearance! Must endure.

When the flame disappeared, Mu Qiang became extremely embarrassed.

Take out a few bottles of pharmacy and continue to move forward. At this time, the thunder with flames will come again.

This time, she did not yell at her, and Mu Qian said: "Do you want me to go directly to it?"

"Okay! I will get together."

Mu Qiang took the initiative to get the terrible thunder, which is unbelievable if others saw it.

This person is not to be killed or self-abuse.

Mu Qianxi is not self-abuse, but is improving strength and refining.

Physical strength is even further, and there are too many benefits for her, so no matter how difficult she is, she must stick to it.

"Booming!" Once and for all, it was shrouded by lightning, and it was smashed again and again.

At the same time, the ink danced them closer to the end of the first floor, and it was getting closer.

Mu Qianxi still did not catch up!

Bai Changdao: "Dancing, you are still thinking about the Millennium, and you are dead when you die!"

Mo Yifei, they are also a glimpse, really dead?

It’s not like a person who is easy to die when I think of Mu Qian’s predecession!

The black stream also rushed up at this time. He smiled and said: "It seems that you are not very good at the Mohuang family. This has not yet entered the second floor! It is a direct death of a person, even the Red Dragonfly family is not as good."

Ink danced: "You still have to manage yourself first! There is so much nonsense."

"I originally wanted to personally pick up that woman. I didn't think she was so smashed by lightning. It was a pity!" The black stream had some regrets.

Ink did not talk nonsense with him, and swiftly swept toward the entrance to the second floor.

Of course, when it comes to this place, there are more and more lightning. In order to avoid these lightning, their speed is getting slower and slower.

"Come on!" Ink danced and looked at a light curtain in front.

That is the light curtain of Lei. If it is purely only the element of thunder, it is not terrible. The terrible thing is to bring the power of fire element, and it is easy to be burnt and half dead.

Everyone is careful, take out a lot of killers, and then slowly move in this light curtain.


Mu Qianxi is still far behind, and is thundered by this fire element!

The horrible thunder and lightning slammed down, and the number of smashing was much higher. Mu Qiang felt that his body was getting stronger and stronger, and he gradually adapted.

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