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Chapter 1634, the first one to

Until Mu Qianxi discovered that the fire element lightning effect on her refining body became weaker and weaker, Mu Qian said: "Almost! It is time to catch up with the big forces."

The purple figure swayed and Mu Qianjin went straight out.


There is a thunder and lightning in the road ahead, and Mu Qian is still walking straight, not avoiding, and directly obstructing the past.

Because there is no need to worry about the lightning that falls from the sky, the speed of the journey is very fast.

Without spending much time, I went to the end of the first floor and saw the light curtain.

Mu Qianxi quickly walked over and still was unimpeded.

Soon, she caught up with other people who were slowly moving forward in this light curtain.

"It's that person, she... she's okay?"

"It must be that I am wrong!"

"Yes! Is that one of the Mohuang people, is she not being smashed?"

The appearance of Mu Qianxi is very strange!

But when they saw that she was walking very easily in the thunderbolt light curtain of this fire element, her face showed an incredible look.

"how is this possible?"

"She didn't use the low spirits at all, so she walked over. I really didn't have any eyes on it?"

One by one reveals an incredible look, and Mu Qianxi catches up with the ink dance and white often.

"Mu Qianxi!" Bai Changyi looked at the familiar figure, and shouted the name of Mu Qianxi.

“How is it possible? How could you still be alive?”

Mu Qian said: "It seems that you are surprised to see me still alive!"

"How can I lose to the first floor and take a step first?"

Mu Qiang quickly swept out and quickly pulled them a distance.

Her speed is not like walking in a dangerous place, like walking in an ordinary place.

White is often reluctant to say: "Dance, we catch up! Don't let her be too proud."

Ink dance is also very helpless, and the speed of admiration is not what they want to chase.

This layer of fire element lightning has a relatively small impact on the Red Phoenix family. They can master the fire element, so it can be easily resisted.

Therefore, the Chihuang family is in the forefront.

"Ling Yu sister, we will soon be able to go to the second floor." Chi Qin excited.

The Red Dream family said: "There are some mixed-haired races, and I want to compare with our Chihuang people! After crossing the first floor, it is easy for us to fall into the rain. We will definitely rush to the second floor. ”

Anyway, don't overdo it.

It’s too full, and when I’m finally beaten, it’s definitely painful.

A purple figure passed, and they caught up with them in the blink of an eye, and in a flash, they were ahead of them.

And the voice of Mu Qian’s banter came. "It seems that you can't go to the second floor first, unless you catch up with me."

Red dreams widened their eyes. "That woman, that woman is the one of the Mohuang family."

Chiqin said: "How is it possible? How can she be so fast, even if she is a raining sister..."

As the arrogant woman of the Chihuang family, being trampled under the feet of a human being is absolutely unbearable for the red rain.

The red rain was covered in flames, and the cold voice: "Chasing!"


This fire lightning light curtain is too dangerous, the red rain is hard enough, but what is it?

However, the red dream was directly injured because of a carelessness.


The feathers on the body directly focused on a large piece. If it wasn’t for her baby who had sacrificed her body, it is estimated that it was even more embarrassing.

Red dreaming biting his teeth: "Damn! How blame that woman."

The red rain is a leader, and her distance is getting closer and closer to the distance.

Just as he was about to catch up with Mu Qian, Mu Qiang accelerated again.

Her mouth twitched slightly, and the Chihuang people wanted the first to go to the second floor. She just made them unable to do so.

The red rain continued to catch up and soon reached the second floor.

In the end, Mu Qianxi first arrived at the second floor, and the red rain was only a big slow.

The pressure of the arrogant woman of the Red Phoenix family is somewhat low.

Her eyes were filled with anger and stared at Mu Qian.

She said: "I don't know what special way you used to mix and paste the second layer, but it will definitely be second layer than you!"

The second layer is a bit stronger, and the effective way to pass the first layer is not necessarily useful in the second layer.

A thousand words of omnipotence: "Oh!"

The red rain is plucking at the fastest speed, and the same is true.

"Falling rain sister, wait for us!"

They didn't have the blessing of the red rain, they became extremely embarrassed, and hurriedly chased the red rain.

They know very well that if they don't hug the thighs, they are likely to be eliminated in front.


The dense thunder of the air came, "Oh la la!" More than that, the second layer was still heavy rain.

They use the power to block the rain and avoid getting their feathers wet.

Ms. Qian said: "The second layer of such a rich water element is not the thunder and lightning here. It is also the amount of thunder power in the water."


Sure enough, the silver dragon descended, and the silver dragon also had a water snake, which contained a powerful and powerful element of water.

Red Dream Road: "Damn! Water element lightning comes, be careful!"

"Hurry to hide!"


The people of the Chihuang family are desperately dodging, but they are rushing directly.

She whispered: "Try this water element lightning, how?"

Red dreams and red piano, they widened their eyes.

"This woman is crazy! Don't kill."

"Is there a problem with her brain?"

"Boom!" Thunderbolt wrapped up the whole person.

In addition to the skin, the internal organs, the pain of the bones tearing, Mu Qian also felt the coldness of the heart.

The power of this water element is not gentle at all, and it has the hegemony of the power of the thunder.

Mu Qianxi rushed to work and spirited against it.

Looking at the million-year-old who was unable to see the figure by the lightning package, Chi Meng said: "She... she is dead like this!"

The red dream is dissatisfied: "It’s so simple to die, but it’s cheaper for her! Let’s catch up with the rain and tell the rain to the good news.”


The people of the Chihuang family caught up with the red rain and told the news that the smashing of the **** was revealed.

A little rain fell, "She was eliminated."

Red dreams proudly said: "Yes! The first one to enter the second layer is nothing remarkable, and once it enters the second layer, it is spiked, it is just too funny."

Originally, it was decided to go to the third floor one step faster than Mu Qianxi. Now that people are dead, it seems that there is no point in what they just said.

She is still dying, a weak human being is not worth her.

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