Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1641: His Royal Highness

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Chapter 1641, His Royal Highness

"You can give it a try." Mu Qianxi faint.

Being so despised, the gray season is violent, and Mori’s cold murderousness swept through.

The gray figure is like a blast, and it is close to Mu Qianxi. The talent of the gray phoenix is ​​the speed!

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "Sure enough, your speed is the same as your name, there is a speed of the gray machine!"

If you haven't experienced the thunder of the wind before, it's hard to deal with the speed of this guy.

But today's speed is not enough for her to use the power of space.

The figure of Mu Qianxi is like a ghost, and the body of the gray season, which is the body of the body, forms a vortex of wind.

"Wind, catastrophe!"

The gray wind blade has swept away and thousands of times have passed.

The speed of the gray season has a strong advantage, so it is obviously more difficult to deal with than the black-blooded people.

In the face of this terrible storm, Mu Qian also fiercely counterattacked.

The more powerful the opponent, the more it can be verified that she is refining her harvest and thoroughly integrating these gains.


The speed of the gray season is fast, and the speed of the millennium is faster.

The pupil of the gray season suddenly shrinks, the speed of this woman!

Even more bizarre is that he actually felt the will of the wind in this woman.

She is obviously not a wind elemental master!

"I want to compete with speed, I will accompany you!" Mu Qian said.

"You are too self-sufficient!" The gray season once again shot against Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang’s figure is like a ghost, and the water and fire elements condense.

The dual elements work together perfectly, almost at the same time.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

"Ice Dragons!"

There are not many double elements, but they are not unusual.

However, it is possible to transform the two kinds of spiritual skills into such a powerful and amazing attack. The gray season is still the first time I see it.

"Boom!" came a loud bang, under the double attack, the speed of the gray season, but saved him once.

When the purple shadow swayed, Mu Qianxi appeared to sneak behind him.

"The secluded print!"

"Damn, this woman actually sneaked!"

"Boom!" A loud noise, the gray season side to open to avoid, but the right wing was scratched by this print.

The tip of the wing has been extremely intense, and many gray feathers have fallen.

The gray season gritted his teeth and looked at Mu Qianxi. "Is this hurt, is it nothing for me?"

He moved his wings and attacked again.

The fire dragon flames broke out with a burning flame, and Mu Qian was naturally unceremonious.


In the blink of an eye, they have passed countless moves.


His body was hit by an ice dragon and he was left with dozens of blood marks.

No matter how unwilling to admit it, he is not an opponent of the Millennium.

Even if it is not an opponent, he will never let her go, want to go to the eighth floor, no way!

"This kind of trick, everyone else has used it, you still want to use! To deal with you, do not need to waste too much time." Mu Qianxi faint.

Her words angered the gray season.

"I don't believe that I can't stop you."


Hard hit attack, confront him, Mu Qianji does not need defense!

The speed of the two is also very similar!

His attack on Mu Qianxi was all ineffective, and Mu Qian’s attack on him was a trick!

"Hey!" A **** spurt in the gray season, and it was trembled!

"Your body is so strong!"

Mu Qiang raised his hand and said: "The last one is broken!"

"The secluded print!"


After a blast, the whole body flew out in the gray season, and he was caught in a coma by a stunned tower.

Mu Qianxi turned and rushed into the first door, and the door was closed for a long time.

At this time in the blood prison, the star Luolou was engraved with countless patterns, and in a flash, the nine lights flashed.

"Hey!" One month of the white figure in this pattern, spewed a large blood.

The simple moon-white robes were stained with a large blood stain, and the pale face was transparent.

"I said that there is no limit to adults. You have nothing to predict and you are too long!"

A dark green figure floated in and looked at the endless sigh.

"Purple secluded!" The hoarse voice came.

"Mu Qianxi is the robber of His Highness! But without her, the death of His Highness has no solution! Such a number of lives is an inexplicable ‘definite’ for His Royal Highness!”

"Understanding adults, you don't want to die. You said before that the lives of the two of them can't be counted, you still don't want to count." Purple stunned.

"I am just worried about my Highness!" Nowhere.

"How come you?" he asked.

"Night ignores me, you said that the refining tower is closing soon! He is completely indifferent, and drives me away. I am bored and come to you."

Looking at the sky without a word: "Fast! Eternal guardian, Jiuzhong Hongmenlian has recovered quickly."

Purple and excited said: "Really?"

In the retreat room of the **** nine-night monarch, a pale blue lotus petal floats in the air, and the soft light illuminates this lifeless space.

The pair of ice-blue ruthless eyes flashed a trace of love, "Come on!"

"Hey! Wait for me!"


As soon as Mu Qianyi stepped into the ninth floor, there was a deafening center.

The purple lightning flashed and spread all over the place. They seemed to be at the center of the thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning here are very intensive. No matter how fast the speed is, they can't hide. ”

The overwhelming purple thunder strikes, and the red rain and another person are coming earlier than the Millennium, but they have not gone far.

Here, it is difficult to move!

"You...Munich, you have defeated the gray season!"

When I saw that Mu Qiang came, the red rain was exceptionally strange, and then the lightning hit.

"Red rumbling!"

The red flame wrapped her up. She had the artifacts of the Red Phoenix family, and even the danger could hold it.

The same is true for another person!


Zi Lei wrapped up the whole person, and he was just stunned by the red rain that saw him plunged into the purple sea. He said: "Even if you come up, you are also this person. I can't hold on for a long time!"

"Red rain, you don't care about gloating! You can guarantee that the artifacts of the Red Phoenix family can hold it!"

Red Rain saw that the other's shield had cracks. "I am the artifact of the Red Phoenix family. It can be compared with other artifacts. When it reaches the end, it must be that I am falling."


Countless thunder and lightning, "scratch!" The shield of a man is really broken!

"Ah!" The purple thunder is much stronger than the other thunderbolts. This is being smashed, even if it is the body of the beast, he can't hold it, and the painful screams.

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