Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1642: Storm and rain

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Chapter 1642, Red Storm

When he lost consciousness, he saw the purple thunder in front disappearing, and Mu Qianyi fell to the ground.

Although it is awkward, it seems to resist the attack of Zi Lei.

He widened his eyes, this...this is absolutely impossible, it must be that he was seriously injured and lost his illusion.

With such an incredible expression, he left the eighth floor of the refining tower.

"You..." The red rain is also extremely shocked. This is not normal. Is this still human?

Absolutely not, this woman is a humanoid beast that is even more powerful than their phoenix beast!

Otherwise how can you rely on your own body to resist the attack of Zi Lei?

She is very clear that Mu Qianxi did not use such artifacts for her!

Purple Lei is very strong, and Mu Qian is now paralyzed.

The terrible pain caused her body to twitch. If she had not experienced the first seven layers of refining, she was estimated to be eliminated once in a while, and she was still lying and raised for several months.



Before the red rain, they can avoid, and now they can't escape. In the face of some thunder and lightning that chased them, the red rain can only use the artifact low again and again!


Artifacts are not absolutely invincible.


When there was a crack on the artifact, the red heart was cold and cold.

However, Mu Qianxi once supported it once, and it seems that it is easier than once. It is really a ghost.

If you fall into the rain, you must leave the eighth floor before the artifact breaks, otherwise she will be eliminated.

Mu Qianxi is using Zilei to refine the body, and the speed of advancement is very slow.

The red rain is difficult and the speed is naturally slow.

All the way ahead on the 7th and 8th floors, the red rain is very clear and feels the change in Mu Qianxi, not the change of spiritual strength, but the body!

Red Rain Road: "This crazy man! She... she is using purple mines, it's crazy!"

“Did she be so slow before? Also...”

The lightning in each layer was used, and such a system was created.

And they, no one thought of it!

No one wants to suffer from the unbearable suffering of ordinary people!

No one is willing to risk being eliminated and fight for an unknown harvest.

But Mu Qian made it!

The two arrived at the end almost at the same time.

Mu Qianxi is better than the red rain, but the red rain is not happy at all.

The appearance of Wolverine is Mu Qian, but the real wolverine is himself!

If there is no artifact protector, she will be eliminated immediately.

There is also a light curtain between the eighth and ninth layers, but this light curtain is not dangerous, and it can also isolate lightning attacks.

It's safe here and you can rest temporarily here.

The purple layer of the eighth layer is so dangerous, and Muqian can predict how difficult it is to get the ninth layer of challenge. Naturally, rest in the best condition.

Red Rain Road: "You are very smart! Even using a few layers of lightning refining, to achieve this level! Your refining exercises are not ordinary."

Chi Chenyu talks with Mu Qian, and Mu Qian is now devoted to healing. Naturally, she has answered her words.

Her face flashed with anger.

"Even if you have that little smart guy here, but stop here!"

The red flame tumbling, her figure tearing the air and rushing toward Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang was just seriously injured at this time, it is a good time to deal with her.

Otherwise, she will definitely become her rival.

The red rain sneaked on her, and Mu Qiang had already noticed it.

However, she did not avoid it!


With a terrible punch of the red phoenix, he rushed toward Mu Qian, and Mu Qian’s body just stepped back a few steps.

She opened her eyes and looked at the red rain: "If you want to be eliminated here, then I will fulfill you!"

She is going to the ninth floor to find the Wan Man Daquan, one more person to go up, one more variable!

Since the other party starts first, it is better to let her go out here.

"I want to make me, impossible!"

The red rain was soaring, and it turned into a red-hot fireball, rushing to Mu Qian.

"Red rain mad!"

The power of terror is rushing toward Mu Qian.

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi quickly evaded, and Yan Longjian rushed out toward the red rain.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"


The horrible elements of fire have exploded in the light curtain of the eighth floor.

"Ice Dragons!"

The physical strength and speed of the other side are far above her!

Although the spiritual power is weak, but where is the fighting power of spiritual skills?

She really looked down on this woman.

"Undead fire, burning!"

Under the burning of the flame, the strength of the red rain has taken a step further.

The secret law, this is the secret law of the Chihuang family to enhance their strength.

If the level seven sacred beasts are graded, then the former red rain is the third level, and now it has suddenly risen to the fourth level.

Her strength is stronger!

"You are not my opponent. If I were you, I would definitely quit directly, instead of taking it here!"

"Oh! Then why don't you just quit!"

"Hey!" Numerous sounds of broken air came, and the red rain started a violent attack.

Even now, her attack can't make Murqin suffer, but small troubles are inevitable.

"Ice Dragons!"

Mu Qianxi played against countless rounds with the red rain. Under her step by step, she was naturally at the bottleneck stage and she naturally broke through.

Fourth-order spirit! Equivalent to the strength of the weakest five-level holy beast.

"You...you have been promoted in the Leilian Tower!"

The face of the red rain flashed a sluggish color, and then continued to chase and fight against Mu Qian.

Even if it breaks through, what about?

She will definitely win!

"The secluded print!"

Mu Qianxi also raised his hand and attacked with ruthlessness.

Between the lights and the fire, they played dozens of rounds.

"Ice Dragons!"

The cold dragon, unceremoniously penetrated the flame defense of the red rain.


Red Rain has sacrificed her defensive artifacts, "Scratch!" Ice is the nemesis of the fire element.

Originally, this artifact was cracked by the purple thunder, and now the ice dragon is self-rushing, and this defensive artifact is also cracked!

Akasaka rained and widened his eyes, "Flame Aegis!"

The Flame Aegis is gone, and by the time she is on the ninth floor, it must be very difficult.

Moreover, how can she explain to her father by then!

The purple figure plunged into the sky above the red rain.

A sword swung down, and Mu Qian’s cold voice: "Shu Luoyan!"

She is distressed by her artifacts, revealing flaws!


This sword has hit the red rain.

"Hey!" Red rain fell to the ground, spit out a blood, pale face!

She just wanted to continue to fight back, a long sword with a terrible fire element, which was placed behind her from behind her.

"Don't mess!"

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