Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1644: Exclude one place

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Chapter 1644 excludes one place

"Hey!" A mouthful of blood spit out, and Mu Qiang fell to the ground.

Exhausted the last strength, gave yourself a few shots to repair the broken body.

"Oh!" The sound didn't stop, and the thunder and lightning were still swimming around.

After the nine-story refining, the final blow of Lei Fenghuang made her refinement have further progress.

He finally stopped his hand and did not let her scream.

However, the injury is too heavy and it takes a lot of time to recover.

The refining tower is nine-fold, and there has been no movement for a long time.

The outside person could have seen the light spot in the refining tower, but now the spot disappears!

"Dead! The first person who climbed the ninth floor for so many years has died."

"It is not dangerous to be sent out, it is impossible to die!"

"What variables will appear on the ninth floor of the Refining Tower, which we can't imagine."

At this point, the red rain fell awoke, she said: "The woman, dead!"

"Yes! It disappeared on the ninth floor and it must have died."

Mu Qianxi has disappeared for too long, and many ethnic groups have left.

Bai Changdao: "Dance, don't wait, let's go back soon! Mu Qian must die, no longer come back, but unfortunately you have a phoenix with the blood of the king, and suffer with her."

Ink whispered: "Wait!"

There are too many doubts in this person, and every time I can make things that are unexpected.

Bai Changdao: "Dancing, you still don't give up."

Red Dream Road: "Low rain, let's go back to the family!"

"No! Wait a second!"

Disappearing, not necessarily dead, maybe close, the treasure of the Phoenix family may not be.

"Look at them?" asked the red rain.

"The patriarch is on the way!"

Mu Qianxi took the time to give himself the best medicine, plus the refining body once and for all, the self-healing ability is also very strong.

I can barely stand up, and Ms. Qian said: "Lei Fenghuang, I thought you would kill me."

Lei Fenghuangdao: "The person who uses the refining tower to refine the body step by step, only you have done it, whether it is the Phoenix family and human beings."

"They are always afraid of failure, using all kinds of babies to resist lightning, but I don't know that the most precious thing here is definitely not on the ninth floor, but the power of lightning on each floor. But no one has found this."

"And, cultivation is such a practice, you are the descendant of that adult. He is my benefactor, and I naturally will not kill his descendants."

That whimsical mysterious man is very big! Mu Qianxi whispered.

She said: "So, you can tell me, the answer I want! The treasure of the Phoenix family..."

"No! It’s straightforward, and it’s not in this refining tower.”

Lei Fenghuang flashed a sharp light in his eyes. "You really came for the curse."

That strong oppression, once again hit.

"If you are not the adult person, when you say these four words, I will definitely kill you without any politeness." He said in a low voice.

Mu Qianqi replied: "I want to get the Wan Man Daquan, just want to save people. Lei Fenghuang wants to breach the contract."

Lei Fenghuang slowly said: "At the beginning I fell, part of the gods stayed in the Leilian Tower. The Phoenix family crisis, a few ethnic people please me one thing, that is to stay here. They deliberately released the news In the three places, the Manchurian Daquan is one of them! I have to hold the Leilian Tower and not be attacked by others, and I don’t want to make sure that it is in the Leilian Tower."

"This kind of roundabout way, we Phoenix people can not always hold the Wan Man Daquan. I believe that an adult's vision, so accurately tell you, there is no curse in the Leilian Tower."

Mu Qiang nodded: "This is what I expected."

"But..." Mu Qianxi looked at Lei Fenghuang.

"Your phoenix family is in doubt, it will not be deliberately playing people! In fact, Wanju Daquan is not in these three places."

Lei Fenghuangdao: "Do you think that the cursing family is so flickering with the Protoss? The three places where our Phoenix family is best hiding the baby, if it is really hidden elsewhere, it is easy to be discovered."

"The first refinery tower was ruled out, so only the phoenix tomb and the phoenix tomb of the Phoenix were left." Mu Qianxi smiled.

"Thank you for the fact that Lei Fenghuang told me this information, then he said goodbye."

"Little girl, don't go so urgent? Don't you want to reward?" Lei Fenghuangdao.

"Reward? I want to reward you for not giving it? It is intelligence."

“Is this emperor so stingy? You can also get a reward.”

"Alright!" Mu Qian's eyes flashed a bright light.

"Small ink, come out!"

A black light flashed, and a small ink appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, staring at Lei Fenghuang.

This big guy almost killed the owner and scared her.

Lei Fenghuang also looked at the little ink and ink, and smiled: "This little guy is very good, very promising. It is a dead life, but it is born out of life, born with pure power of life. , the soul is very strong..."

Originally, the little ink ink did not like him very much, and the result was a bit shy by Lei Fenghuang.

From birth to the present, no one has ever boasted about it.

Xiao Momo said: "The owner is the best, the master is the best!"

Mu Qianxi said: "Lei Fenghuang, you are right, the talent and potential of Xiao Momo is great! So I did not give it a practice, I don't know if you have any suitable exercises for Xiao Mo. Does ink practice?"

Lei Fenghuangdao: "This, this little guy's practice is to choose well, choose the most appropriate practice, and this little guy may be able to catch up with me in time. I dare not have a proper practice here."

Lei Fenghuang is a little embarrassed, "but there is a combat skill, but it is quite suitable for this little guy."

Lei Fenghuang walked in front of the small ink ink, and a black lightning slipped into the body of a small ink ink. The small ink ink really saw a very powerful combat skill.

"Mo Yan Yan Tian Quan!"

Lei Fenghuang smiled and said: "This is a battle skill that my friends of the Mohuang family gave me. The guy should be the ancestor of this little guy. This combat skill must be very suitable for this little guy."

Mu Qiandao said: "Predecessors, take the things of the ancestors of the family to give a little ink, this is not a gift! You still have no other good things here, like Lei Lingjing!"

"I thought that your little girl was very sensible, very clever, did not expect to knock out the old man now." Lei Fenghuang did not feel good.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "This is not Lei Fenghuang, are you rushing me to blackmail? If I don't extort, I can't let you down, do you say it right?"

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