Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1645: Hand over to treasure

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Chapter 1645 handed over to treasure

"I want to be Ray Lingjing! I will give it, anyway, there is more!"

"Oh la la!"

Suddenly, a thunderstorm of a small hill appeared.

"Black Thundering Crystal!" Mu Qianxi is a bit strange.

"Nature is black, and some of them are incomparable with the best Lei Lingjing, and these can be used in the outside world. It will not be out of the lightning electric field of the refinery mainland." Lei Fenghuangdao.

"Lei Fenghuang is a generous person, then I am not welcome! I am developed under this." Mu Qianxi smiled.

Little ink is also very happy, "The owner is rich! The owner is rich."

Lei Fenghuangdao: "Okay! Something is for you, I will send you out."

"Yeah!" Mu Qianyi nodded.

When Mu Qian’s figure disappeared into the Lei Lian Tower, Lei Fenghuang said: “Little girl, Phoenix family, dangerous! If you can grow to the size of that adult, please help us with the Phoenix family. ”

"Don't say that the glory of the phoenix family can be rebuilt, at least to get out of the woods. Your little one may be able to let our phoenix people use new life."

Mu Qianxi whispered: "If you are a senior, I remember!"

"After all, the Phoenix family is the hometown of Xiao Momo. When I find the Wan Man Daquan, I will not sit back and watch it."


A thunder and lightning came out, and the surrounding lightning was quiet.

At this time, the patriarch of the Chihuang family came to this side with people.

"That power is the power of Lei Fenghuang!"

"Lei Fenghuang was shocked. It seems that there was no mistake in the news of the rain. Someone successfully reached the ninth floor and let Lei Feng personally take it."

"So, that person is very likely to get the treasure of the Phoenix family, hurry up!"


The thunder and lightning caused the ink to dance and the red rain, and they were shocked, and a familiar figure appeared instantly.

Bai Changyi said with a big eyes: "Mu Qianxi, you...you...you are not dead."

Ink dance is also very strange: "Mu Qianxi, you are out."

They fell to stare at the Millennium, and they successfully reached the ninth floor, and the security from the ninth floor turned out to be a human being.

Mu Qianxi did not look at them, and looked at the ink and said: "Lost some time, let's go!"

Ink danced: "Well! Let's go back to the mainland of Mexico!"

Mu Qianxi and ink danced and they wanted to leave. The red rain jumped out and said: "No! You can't go."

"Red rain, you are too wide!"

"I just can't go. I suspect that this man has stolen the treasure of my phoenix family. She doesn't hand over the treasure, and she wants to leave the mainland." Red Rain said.

As for the treasure of the Phoenix family, it is actually not a big secret. The ink dance is also known.

Ascend to the ninth floor of the refinery tower, it is very likely to get the treasure of their phoenix family.

Mu Qianyu stayed on the ninth floor for so long, is it really to get the treasure to get it.

Ink danced and asked: "Mu Qianzhen, the treasure of the Phoenix family, is it in your hands?"

"If you get the treasure of the Phoenix family, it is best to give it to the dance and keep it, so that you won't be lost when you get it." Bai often stares at Mu Qian.

If you get the treasure of the Phoenix family, then he is definitely a great hero. His identity is rising and he can become a pro-disciple of the King of God.

Mu Qian said: "No, I didn't get the treasure of the Phoenix family."

Red dreams sharply said: "You said no, no, I don't believe it!"

"Yes! Put all your space savings tools out, we have to collect the body."

The people of the Chihuang family overbearing the envy of Mu Qian, and the dawn of Mu Qianlong suddenly became cold.

"Search, why are you?"

"On the basis of our Red Phoenix family, we have the mission of guarding our Phoenix to the treasure."

Mu Qian’s mouth smacked a smear of ice and ice. “Guardian, you are sure to be guardian, not to sell people for glory.”

The contemptuous look, like a smile, seems to be laughing at her hypocrisy.

The red rain is angry. "Good! Mu Qian, you are not willing to cooperate, then don't blame us."

The red rain fell into the air and turned into a red-red phoenix.

She was defeated by Mu Qian’s injury last time, and her injury was not good. She knew that she was not an opponent of the Millennium.

However, she is not alone, there are so many people in the Red Phoenix family, and I don’t believe that I can’t take advantage of it.

"Give me all, grab the Millennium!"


Mu Qian’s mouth sneered a sneer. “Okay! The defeat will be sent to the door and I will be abused once. I will fulfill you.”


The two sides are fighting, and it is impossible for the ink to dance at this time.

She said: "Do it! Cover the evacuation of Mu Qian."

Even if Mu Qianzhen really got the treasure of the Phoenix family, he could not fall into the hands of the Chihuang people. He must protect Mu Qianyi and go back to the righteous father.


The people of the Mohuang family also took shots, but only a few of them were so small to the Chifeng family.


There are still some races that have not left. They naturally do not participate in it, but they are talking about it.

"The Mohuang family has actually played against the Chihuang family. It is simply not self-reliant!"

"Right! Don't look at how many pounds you have. The Mohuang family is the opponent of the Chihuang family."

"Hey! The Mohuang family is going to be miserable."

However, things are moving in the direction they expected.

Mu Qianqi plundered into their fighting circle, did not defend, did not dodge, and directly attacked.

"The water dragon is broken!"

"Yanlong lore!"


The attack of Mu Qianxi violently blasted out, and some of the people of the Chihuang family could not hurt her half.

The people around me widened their eyes: "No mistakes! This... How strong is her defense?"

"Ignore the attack, she can single out a group!"


The people of the Chihuang family are also dumbfounded, no matter how powerful they attack, they can’t hurt a thousand points.

"What about rain? What is it? She is not a human! It is a super humanoid beast. Our attacks are all invalid. Unless it is a beast level, it will not hurt her!"

"This woman is totally a change...ah..."


The words have not been finished, and were directly injured by Mu Qianxi.

"Hey!" Yan Longjian swept out.

Mu Qiang was so good that Wu Shun, the people of the Chihuang family seemed extremely embarrassed.

Ink dances and they are helping, but at this time, when you see, you need someone to help!

"What should I do if I fall?"

Red Rain Road: "Can't let her go anyway, she has the treasure of the Phoenix family! Her defense is strong, it doesn't matter, find weaknesses, there must be weaknesses!"

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