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Chapter 1647 Reunion

Red and rainy: "Hey! Before taking her to the Chihuang family, you must first avenge me. I can't make her better."

"That is of course, dare to hurt my daughter, naturally have to pay the price!" Chifeng longevity.

The popularity of the Chihuang family has rushed toward Mu Qianxi, and it was thought that it would be a breeze to win the little girl of Muqian.

Unexpectedly, the purple figure disappeared directly in place.

Red and rainy, watching, "How can there be such a fast speed?"

If Mu Qianxi is playing with her, the speed is so fast, she has no power to fight back.

"This little girl is not ordinary, there is an artifact of space property." The red phoenix family flashed a bright light in their eyes.

Then, the Chifeng patriarch ordered: "This space attribute artifact, the space of transfer is limited, and the parties are kept to me to see how she avoids it?"

"Hey!" These strong people of the Chihuang family have blocked all sides.

The distance she can teleport is too short, and they can be caught by them no matter where they are hiding.


In the face of the beast of the beast level, Mu Qian is still hard to resist!

"The secluded print!"

"Boom!" A loud noise, the other side was defeated by Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qianxi itself ignored.

"This little girl!" Their faces became dignified.

"The weak beast, I can't hurt her, the good flesh, you guys give me a hand!"

The Chifeng patriarch, however, named a few more powerful guys, who broke out powerful forces one by one and rushed to Mu Qian.

Even if you are bullied, you are still besieging.

Invincible and Xiaohong can't see it. "Master, isn't it some red-haired birds? Let's do it together!"

Facing the group of the strong people of the Chihuang family, Mu Qianjing naturally wants her little friends to be dispatched.

At this time, the soft voice of Crystal Ying came, "Hey, you are being bullied, I immediately let nine nights come. My lord is not the blood of these impure phoenixes can bully."

Mu Qiang has not told me that Crystal Ying will directly invite people to come over.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Crystal Ying you do a good job? Really think that I am alone to bully? Look for death!"

The nine-night monarch disappeared in the blood prison, and the purple secluded was very excited.

He began to tell, "The little beauty finally has news, great! All are ready for me, killing the Phoenix world! This time not only has a hard battle with the Phoenix family, but also some people."

"Yes, purple singer!"

"Boom!" The reddish rushed over, and the result was turned into nothingness by the dark power.

A black robe man appeared out of thin air, his body was slender, with a suffocating pressure.

The power that exudes is the most powerful dark force, not...

It’s just the power of darkness. It’s absolutely impossible to be so powerful. The Chifeng patriarch’s pupil suddenly slammed and made a gesture to make them a dangerous figure.

The black light blocked their sight.

In the light, nine nights tightly imprisoned the Millennium, and the pair of ice blue gaze gazing at her, seemingly to blend her soul.

The voice of low dumb came out, "This gentleman, find you, hehe!"

The pair of ice-blue scorpions flashed a dangerous light, even if it was angry, it was still calm.

However, Mu Qianxi understood that under the calm, she could hide the storm that she could not bear.

Mu Qiang smiled and said: "I have been waiting for you, nine nights!"

In front of the woman with a smile to tell the real heart, it is to make the dangerous atmosphere of the nine nights calm.

Then, Mu Qianyi made another move.

"Nine nights, they bully me! Give me revenge."

To pass on the value of hatred, these guys of the Chihuang family will be bad for her!

Nine nights, I hugged people and said: "Why do you want to avenge you?"

Mu Qianqi hooked his neck, and relatives leaned against his ear and said: "There is still saying that you are mine, the whole person is mine, don't give me revenge, who do you want to avenge? ”

Passionately sprayed on the ears of the phoenix nine nights, so long-lasting love, not only to say something clever in a clever way, you can calm down.

The slender hand moved, and the head of Mu Qiang was buckled, and the cold lips were covered directly.


Like a storm, the city is surrounded by thousands of miles, and the city is lost. It can only make the nine-night monarchs arrogant.

The Chifeng patriarchs could not see anything. At this time they were frightened and sweaty.

The red rain is also awkward, she has never seen such a powerful man.

"Hey, she..."

"Go! Let's go!" The Chifeng family is long.

As the patriarch of the Chihuang nationality, he once saw that he thought that the king of the gods, but this man's momentum is even more terrible than the gods.

Such a powerful person, they can not afford, can only hide!

When they were leaving, suddenly a force came and it was cold.


They squatted on the ground one by one, saw the black light, and the face was full of fear.

Even running away is a luxury.

"Oh... I am afraid..." The red trembling rain trembled, his face was incomparably pale.

The Chifeng family said: "Let the rain, don't be afraid! This adult is so powerful, definitely not an unreasonable person."

They dare not go, can only kneel here, waiting!

Mu Qiang feels that he wants to be suffocated by a nine-night kiss like a wolf.

After the lips were free, she looked at her nine nights: "I want to prove with practical actions that this is yours."

Mu Qian said: "Cursing now, then..."

"Not counting!"

Mu Qian said: "You..."

The nine-night monarch does not suffer, this is a hint to her initiative.

Mu Qianqi is close to the past: "I miss you!"

The active kiss went up, and the nine-night monarch did not resist at first, but slowly relished it.

Although I don't want to venture into the Phoenix family for nine nights, the situation of the Phoenix family is definitely not based on her own strength.

They need to join hands together, and nine nights come to make her feel at ease.

No matter how difficult it is, they will do their best to find the curse.

The love of the two people who have not reunited for a long time, hey, the people of the Chihuang family are in a trepidation.

They didn't think that there was such a powerful adult behind a little-known little girl, and it was a mistake!

Mu Qianxi finally satisfied the nine-night adult, and the mood turned dark, and the black light dissipated. At this time they saw the black man.

The horrible momentum exudes the icy cold that does not belong to this world. With one glance, it can make people fear and surrender.

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