Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1648: Benjun's people

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Chapter 1648, the person of Benjun

The Chifeng patriarch was almost scared by the soul, and he said: "Adults, we are only trying to execute the orders of the gods and adults, absolutely no harm to the girl, no..."

"God king, which one?" Nine nights cold channel.

"The king of the sky!" The Chifeng family long.

The nine-night voice was cold and said: "He became a god."

The Chifeng patriarch was cold and sweaty again and again. Hearing this tone, he seemed to know the king of the sky, and he did not put the king of the gods in his eyes.

Mu Qianxuan said: "Chifeng patriarch, I said very clearly, I did not get the treasure of the Phoenix family from the Leilian Tower! Lei Fenghuang is so strong, you think that with my strength, which one can bear the best?"

The Chifeng patriarch hurriedly apologized: "I am not right! I am too impulsive, misunderstood! Misunderstanding! Please also pay for the atonement."

Nine nights cold channel: "I don't lie to the Lord, you are filthy, then..."

Their pupils suddenly shrank, and a terrible force came to a halt.

"Ah!" A scream came, and the unfortunate thing was the red rain.

At the time of the red rain, half of the face turned into a white bone, and then it was forced to become a prototype, and one wing became a body.

What makes her even more painful is that she can't become a human figure now, her wings become like this, and she can't fly!

"The patriarch, help!"

The masters of the Chihuangs who had been besieging the millennium before were also attacked by terror.

"Adult! Forgive!"

"We really didn't mean it."

"You... don't be too angry." The Chifeng patriarch hurriedly pleaded with them.

Nine nights indifferent: "If you are really angry, do you think you will still exist now?"

The Chihuang nationality has a cold heart. Also, if the adult is really angry, they will have died.

"This is the warning that this gentleman is against you. No one can bully this person!"

The ice-blue scorpion slammed into the Chifeng patriarch, and the Chifeng patriarch felt that he fell into the ice cave instantly.

This kind of icy cold, even the inflammation of the phoenix, can not resist such cold.

So terrible people!

The Chifeng patriarch said in a hurry: "I know! I know, we are wrong, we are wrong!"

"Please give us a chance to make up, we must make up for it."

Originally, I just wanted to get the treasure of the Phoenix family, but I did not expect to offend a terrible comet.

Looking at Muqian for nine nights: "What do you want to make up!"

Mu Qian said: "Well! Let me think about it."

After all, the Chihuang family is one of the top top races of the Phoenix family. If it is really solved here, I am afraid it will attract people's attention.

Can not be destroyed, and can not easily let them go.

The Chifeng patriarchs are frightened and really do not know what the other party will ask for?

Mu Qianxi said: "You should be rich in the Red Phoenix family! Forgive you, the artifacts on your body! The elixir! I will pay for my spiritual loss, honor and loss..."

"Hey!" The red rain that had been very miserable directly spit a blood out of the past.

Even if this woman extorts her, she even blackmails her father.

This is a good thing to say!

There is no problem on the spot, the Chihuang family said: "Good! Good, yes! This is what it should be, it should be!"

These masters of the Chifeng patriarchs were all looted.

Finally, nine nights cold channel: "This is the secret to come to the Phoenix World to perform the task. If the news of this king reveals a little wind, you are a member of the Red Phoenix..."

"It will be destroyed!"

The man in front of him is like a demon god, and it is like a **** that is unattainable and regards everything as an ant.

In his words, the Chifeng patriarch, absolutely dare not have any doubts.

"Adults rest assured that we will never reveal a word."

"Absolutely not!"

"We are absolutely not afraid!"

They fell to the ground and fell into the dust.

"You don't dare to measure!"

The people facing the Chihuang family are indifferent and cruel, but for Mu Qianxi, the sound of the nine nights is softer.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

Mu Qian said: "Go to the Mohuang family first!"

The practice of the collection of some people in the Chihuang family is not suitable for small inks.

Nine thousand nights caught Mu Qian, and disappeared in front of them.

"Hey!" The Chifeng patriarchs fell pale on the ground.

Almost, it will almost be wiped out by that powerful man.

"Hui!" The Chifeng family has a long road.

"Then they..."

The worst of the red rain, the few people also have a radius of eight.

What a terrible power this is? Deprivation of life, deprivation of flesh and blood, deprivation of everything!

"Take them all, let them take good care of them, don't let anyone see them?"

"Is the same for the little princess?"

"Of course, she must not let her go out to meet people."


After they returned to the Chihuang family, Mu Qianxi also went to the mainland of Mexico.

Nine nights did not appear violently and appeared with him. He was noticed and was not good for their actions.

When Mu Qianyi arrived, the ink danced and the mad county Wang Zheng took people to go to Lei Lian, and saw that Mu Qian suddenly appeared, and the mad king was not happy.

"You have come back, don't you hand over the treasure of my phoenix to the Chihuang family."

When I thought that I had lost a chance to make a great contribution, the face of the mad king was hard to see.

Ms. Qian said: "How do you believe in the madness of the king? It’s so easy to get the treasure of the phoenix family. How can the phoenix of the phoenix family not get it for so many years!"

"But I heard that you got to the ninth floor of the refining tower!"

"Don't go to the ninth floor of the refining tower, you will be able to get the treasure! Not necessarily."

"You really didn't get it?"

"Of course, if I really got it, I will not return to the mainland of Mexico."

"Even if you don't have it, you don't necessarily come back safely."

"Look at the mad king, you said, the momentum of the Chifeng patriarchs, they are fierce, it is very reasonable." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

The mad king is still very suspicious, but there is no evidence.

He said: "This time you went to the Leilian Tower and experienced hard work. Since it is safe, we have a good rest!"

"I am doing this, thank you mad king for understanding!" Mu Qianyi quickly left.

The mad king immediately went to the Chifeng patriarch to inquire about the news. It is too abnormal for the Chihuang people to let go of this human being.

"Master Mu, you are finally back, I am worried about dying you!" Mo Yan saw Mu Qianxi return, excited.

Mu Qian said: "I will talk after something happens, I have to rest first!"

"Good! Then I won't bother."

"Hey!" The door closed and there was one more person in the room.

Ms. Qian is not the first to rest, but to talk to the nine nights!

Mu Qian said: "First, it is important to note that the crystal power is exhausted, so I didn't have the first time to let you come. Although I have had such an idea, I finally decided that I can't take risks myself and let you One person is worried."

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