Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1649: Not enjoyable

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Chapter 1649 is not enjoyable

Frankly lenient, resisting this strict truth, Mu Qiang still understands.

Nine nights low: "Well! Your decision was right, didn't make you happy."

"But... I am still worried, worried about so many days..." He pulled Mu Qianji into his arms.


Mu Qianxi can only say sorry to Jingying first, let her back the pot first.

"Crystal Ying power is exhausted, so..."

"If you don't take risks, will the power of Crystal Ying be exhausted?" asked nine nights.

"How can you apologize?"

The ice-blue scorpion looks at the faint glory, and this gaze is to swallow the people.

Mu Qianxi didn't have a good voice: "You still ask me, I think you have already thought about it for the nine nights!"

"Well! That's no comment." Nine nights whispered.


The glamorous face of nine nights was enlarged in front of Mu Qian’s face, "Hey..."

The entanglement of death and death, Mu Qianxi can feel the worry of his time during this time, the soft heart, the embarrassment, the consequences...

The next day, Mu Qian’s soreness was completely unstoppable.

"Golden nine nights, hey! It’s very fun to find a good excuse to bully!"

Although there was not much interest, Mu Qiang still took a bite on his arm.

"Hey, this is a reminder to this gentleman, this gentleman is not yet enjoyable!"

"You...you are farther away from me!" Mu Qian glared at him, and then did not want to talk at all.

Nine nights bowed his head to the forehead of Mu Qianxi: "The Phoenix family is a bit complicated. I have to go back and tell the purple to do something better. I will be back soon! I will rest first."

Mu Qian said: "The Protoss is very strict with this place. Is it not dangerous to you?"

Nine nights faint road: "Little things!"

The purple secluded side was anxious to jump over the wall. "The night is really true. I have been there for so long! I came back when I saw the little beauty, and even went back for a few hundred rounds. How can he do this!"

"The Mantra Daquan has a clue that can't be dragged. It's the same with a little beauty. Why stay in that space!"

"Your words, too much!"

A blue light flashed, and the familiar cold voice came.

Purple and excited: "Night, you can come back!"

Seeing the traces on the neck of the nine nights, he joked: "I never thought that you would be so hungry for the night!"

"Stop!" A night of cold eyes passed.

"Hey in the Phoenix family!" Nine nights.

"The little beauty is actually in the phoenix family. What kind of luck is this! I have already said that she might be there, you just don't listen to me. It's not good to go early." !

"You don't want to do things, you can roll! Things are handed over to others!"

"Night! Don't! I heard that there are so many beautiful people in the beasts, I am going!"

"That will give me a little faster!"

Nine nights Highness wanted to hurry back after finishing a loved one around, but purple quiet chatter of a waste of time, just look beat.

After leaving for nine nights, Mu Qianyu had a good rest and heard many people coming to visit.

After all, Mu Qiang boarded the ninth floor of the Leilian Tower, and the future is boundless!

Mu Qian said: "I have to rest! I don't see, I don't see you."

Mo Yan asked: "If the mad king sent people? Isn't it?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "No see!"

"Wait, did the ink king send someone over?"

The king of the Mohuang family has never appeared.

Suitable for small ink and ink practice, there is no mad king, then the ink king may have.

Ink said: "Your Majesty has been retreating. I am afraid I have not heard of you yet, so I have not sent anyone! But you can rest assured that you will not care about you as long as you are going out."

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Well! I know."

After talking about the patriarch of the Chihuang family, the mad king decided that Mu Qianxi did not get the best, but he always felt that something was wrong.

He wanted to talk to Mu Qian, and to accept a small ink and ink as a righteous woman, but Mu Qiang has always called to rest, not to see him.

"Does she want to refuse? Even if it is a bit of a talent, in the territory of my Mohuang family, she should not be too blind." The mad king gnashed his teeth.

In the night, nine nights have not come.

Mu Qian said: "It is not easy to find the Mantra in the eyes of the Protoss. It is estimated that I will not come back tonight, and I can’t sleep for a night, simply..."

"Ink, do you have a rough map of the Mohuang Palace?" Mu Qiandao said.

"Adult, what do you want to map?"

Mu Qian said: "There is nothing? Night Palace."

The ink king does not appear, and does not give the mad king a sufficient interest. It is estimated that the mad king will never go to the ink king to give a small ink to the appropriate method, she simply went to the palace to explore.

"Adult, you are crazy! The guards of the palace are very strict. If you are found, it will be bad if you accidentally get hurt."

Although the phoenix of the sacred beast level can't cope with the adults, there are many phoenixes in the palace.

Mu Qian said: "I have counted in my heart! No big things will happen."

If she didn't have a nine-story refinery in the refining tower, she would not be so hard to improve her physical strength.

But now, the whole body has to retreat, it should still be possible.

After all, it was dark nights that sneaked into the palace instead of storming in.

Mu Qianqi is a bit phoenix to do things, and the heart of Mo Yan can't stand it, but it can't stop it.

"Master Mu, you must be careful!"

"This is nature!"

In the middle of the night, a purple figure flashed like a ghost.


As if I had discovered Mu Qian, a teleport appeared behind him and a needle crossed his neck.

A map is clearly in her mind, and the place where the retreat is naturally not going to pass outside, then go to the study of the ink king to see if there is any discovery!

The purple figure swept out, even if someone discovered the existence of Mu Qianxi, he was also dumped with poison by Mu Qianji at the fastest speed.

The soul of Mu Qian’s soul spread out and found that the study of the ink king’s study was very strict.

She secretly said: The devil is retreating, and the study is too strict!

The secret person is not weak, she will definitely be found when she goes in.

Ms. Qian said: "Little red, little white, give me some people! Be careful."

Xiaohong and invincible: "Okay!"


The two guys rushed out and didn't hide their breath at all.

The guards outside the study felt a dangerous atmosphere, the atmosphere of the Holy Beast, but definitely not the sacred beast of their phoenix family.

"There are assassins!"

"There are foreign assassins."


Numerous figures rushed out, and in the midst of this chaos, the power of Mu Qian’s running space rushed over.

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