Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1651: Hey, raise me.

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Chapter 1651 says to raise me

This voice, Mu Qianxi is very familiar, it is the mad king.

The mad king learned that the king of ink had woke up and had an assassin's palace. After listening to it, he was restless and entered the palace for the first time.

The phoenix of the phoenix family who appeared in the blood of the king could never be passed to the ear of the ink king.

If he reaches the ink king's ear, his plan will be lost.

Mu Qianxuan quickly used teleportation to avoid, but the mad king is the second strongest player in the mainland. Why is it so easy to get rid of it?

Just as she was about to catch up, a familiar figure appeared.

The black robes fluttered in the darkness, and he was swayed and pulled Mu Qian to his side, disappearing instantly.

When the mad king catches up, the man has disappeared.

The mad king of the county is low: "So fast speed, is the use of space transmission."

This is not catching up, and he did not spend time chasing him. He said: "Go first to see the old guy, you must find out if the news leaked!"

The mad king plunged in the direction of the king's palace.

Nine nights, holding Mu Qianqi away from the Mohuang Palace, he looked down at Mu Qianxi: "This gentleman left for a while, then he came to this adventure. It seems that this night, the monarch was not tired enough, he said is not it?"

"No, absolutely not!" Mu Qiandao said.

It’s faster than I imagined in the nine nights, and it’s not through Crystal.

"Really not?"

Invincible and small red gangs come over and follow the Millennium, but under the powerful pressure of the nine-night monarch, they dare not come to touch the head, do not dare to disturb.

"It's too late! Let's go back." Take the people away in nine nights.

At this time, they arrived at the Phoenix World, they were abandoned by the nine nights, and they did everything!

If you have not completed the task, it will be terrible!

Purple secluded road: "Night, how can you be so ruthless, unreasonable and unreasonable. Why can you drink broth every day, I can't even see the meat."

The nightingale palace adventure was almost hit by the mad king, and was caught by a nine-night current, and Mu Qiang could already predict his end.

"I... although a little dangerous, but I am not... oh..."

The lips are sealed and cannot be said.

After nine days of crazy taste, then said: "I am not allowed to argue."


The mad king went to visit the king of ink. He cares: "Your Majesty, you... you wake up so soon, are you okay?"

Ink King said: "Nothing! A lot of good health, I can't sleep all the time, I will trouble you all things."

The ink king is not in a retreat. It doesn't take long for him to live. There is no need to retreat to improve his strength.

He just used the secret method to sleep and strive to stay for a while.

Mad County Wang laughed: "This is what I should do."

"I heard that there are bold assassins who broke into your study?"

"It’s just a little thief. I ran away when I bumped it. I didn’t lose anything. You ran over in the middle of the night, and it’s really hard.” Mo Wangdao.

There was nothing to ask about the side of the mad king. The king said: "Tomorrow I will continue to sleep, and you will go back tonight!"


When I heard that the ink king said that I would sleep again, the mad king would be relieved.

During this time, he will be able to fix the Millennium and the little Phoenix.

The nine-night monarch gave punishment and warning to Mu Qianxi, and he gnawed his teeth and said: "I recognize it!"

"I talked to the ink king about the request. Next, I have to study it. How to detoxify and curse him. The nine-night monarch, please take it easy."

When Mu Qianji got the treatment plan, the mad king sent another person.

Ms. Qian said: "The owner of the ink city, is not saying that I am busy, not seeing?"

"This time you can go see you!" Momo City main road.

"Is it?" Mu Qianxi went out.

The butler on the prince of the mad county handed a card to Mu Qian.

"Mu girl, Mohuang Wangcheng will hold a Wangcheng auction tomorrow. This is the ID card that our county king specially ordered me to send. With this chapter ID card, you can enter the Wangcheng auction site to participate in the auction. Maybe the auction On, there is something you want."

Mu Qian said: "Thank you for the good intentions of the mad king, I will accept it."

"Good!" The housekeeper smiled.

After the housekeeper left, Mu Qianyi asked: "Wangcheng Auction?"

Mok knows that Mu Qianxi does not understand many things and actively explains: "All major continents have Wangcheng auction sites! From time to time, auctions are held in various places. This time it should be our turn to the mainland. ”

"If you want to enter the Wangcheng auction, you must have an identity card! And those who have an identity card are not people with strong backgrounds. A city owner like me who is qualified, even if he has more money, can’t get it. Such an identity card."

Mu Qian said: "The tyrant's butler hinted that there is something I need, is that really true? They know the internal auction."

"As a mad king, it is normal to know some of the auction items at the Wangcheng auction."

"To count the money now, go to the auction tomorrow!" The mad king sent this card, absolutely for other purposes.

Even if she knew that he had a purpose, she could not help but because she would never miss such an opportunity.

Momo City main road: "Yes!"

The auction items of the Wangcheng Auction have long been fixed, and they do not accept external postings. Mu Qian can’t send money to collect money from the drug, and the drug dealers in the underground market can’t raise much.

Seeing that Mu Qianxi was worried about this thing for nine nights, she said to her: "Hey, there is this!"

Mu Qian said: "You? Your Highness of the Nine Nights, you just came to the Phoenix World, do you have Feng Lingjing?"

"I certainly don't have it. I think you are still poorer than this family. You have to let the family support you. Are you saying that I am right?" Mu Qian's face is full of ridicule.

Nine nights were silent, nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, there is no Fenglingjing on this body."

"I will know." Mu Qianxi smiled.

Nine nights stunned Mu Qiandao: "Hey, raise me, can you count?"

"There is no shortage of Feng Lingjing, the owner of this family. I will raise one of you, or raise it."

"But, this gentleman has a big appetite, so big that he wants to swallow the whole person, is he still willing to raise it?"

Mu Qianxi has a bad feeling, "I regret it, you... you dig a pit and let me jump, so you have a phoenix and nine nights!"

Isn't it just laughing at him poor? I immediately retaliated.

"Since I promised, I can't go back!" The nine-night ice-blue scorpion with a sly smile.

The Wangcheng auction began, and Mu Qianxi went to the auction site with Mo Yan. When he entered the stadium, he ran into Bai Chang.

"Mu Qianxi, how come you? What qualifications do you have to attend the Wangcheng Auction?"

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