Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1652: Can't afford it

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Chapter 1652 can't afford it.

Bai Chang has never liked the Millennium, but he is a bit self-aware. He knows that he is not an opponent of Mu Qian, so he did not dare to admire the Millennium after returning from the mainland.

Today, when he met Mu Qianxi at the Wangcheng auction, he finally got a chance to run against her.

"Qualification! The mad king sent someone to send me an identity card. Do you think I will be ineligible?"

Mu Qianxi took out the identity card and it was a blow.

White often looks ugly, and Mu Qianxi walks in step by step.

After verifying the identity card, the waiter said: "Mu girl, the fourth floor of the private room is ready for you, please!"

White often hangs his identity card, and his identity card can only be on the second floor.

White often looked back at the silent ink on the side of the dance: "Dancing, how can your father be so thick and thin, can give the identity card of the fourth layer of Mu Qian, not to you."

Ink dances indifferently: "What should the righteous father do? Naturally, his decision is not something I can decide."

"Go in!" Ink danced and went in, and Baicheng’s face was indignant.

When entering the private room, the owner of the ink city suddenly felt a cold and cold atmosphere. There was a black robe man sitting next to Mu Qianxi.

"He...he..." The Moss City Lord's eyes widened.

No one can break into the Wangcheng auction site without knowing it, but this man came in.

The existence of the nine nights, Mu Qianxi will not always be the co-operating city of Mo Yan, so let's talk directly.

Mu Qianxi said: "The owner of the ink city, he is nine nights, will always be by my side, you have to get used to it! But his existence, you do not say go out, or don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people."

"Yes! I will never talk nonsense."

The sound of nine cold nights came out, "The introduction of you is not comprehensive! I am awkward, my fiancé."

In the nine nights, I took Mu Qianxi into my arms and showed the intimate relationship between the two with the most intimate mode of getting along.

As the owner of the ink bulb, I feel that Alexander and the danger can only reduce my sense of existence as much as possible.

The auction started very quickly, and all kinds of things that are beneficial to the Phoenix family were auctioned out in a variety of ways.

What purifies the blood of the blood! Strengthening the power of the medicinal herbs and so on...

Dan medicine, really sells expensive.

Such a super easy to make money opportunities, Mu Qiansui was born to miss.

Mu Qianqi asked: "What is the procedure for the ink city owner to send the drug to the Wangcheng auction site."

Momo City said: "That is not the level I can touch, I don't know, but I will try my best to find out."


After that, there were some special elixir auctions, and Mu Qianxi was very interested.

If you are in Xuantian or in the Quartet, the local tyrants have already made a big shot.

But now it is different. The mad king does not know that she is a refining pharmacist, so what he said is definitely not a spiritual medicine. I am afraid it is a suitable method for small ink and ink cultivation.

Mu Qianxi could only stop, and the sound of nine nights of coldness came out.

"Fifty million!"

After nine nights and one bid, the audience was silent, and this thing was photographed by him.

Although 50 million Feng Lingyu has recently earned a lot of money to buy elixir, it is still affordable, but if she encounters a practice, if the funds shrink, she can't take it.

Ms. Qian said: "Do you have money?"

"I don't have it, I don't have it. You said that you have raised me." The nine nights were very calm.

"Yes! I said, buy it and buy it!"

"I like to buy it." Nine nights lingered in the ear of Mu Qian.

its not right! Mo Yan listened and stopped, this adult has no money!

This adult looks so powerful and powerful, it turned out to be a soft meal.

The owner of the city of Momo heard the nine nights and said that there was no money to let Mu Qian raise, and his eyes were a little subtle.

It doesn't matter if the nine-night monarch has no money. Under the bid of the local tyrants, all the elixir are in the bag.

Mu Qian’s mouth madly pumped up. “Phoenix nine nights, you can't afford this home.”

"No problem!" Nine nights, such as gold, spit out two words.

In the end, it was finally the highlight of the show, which made the whole Mohuang family shocked.

The auctioneer said: "The next step is to auction the ancestors of the ancestors of the phoenix, and the ink is nirvana."

When the practice was taken, everyone sighed and said, "How is it broken?"


"This is a broken volume, only half! But even if it is only half, it is worth a lot. If you are interested, please enjoy the auction! After you have cultivated it, your family will give birth to a top-ranking strongman of the Mohuang family. The auctioneer laughed.

The practice of the first ancestor was too tempting, and he did his best to get it.

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumped. "This auctioneer is too unscrupulous, deliberately touted, and the price is not low!"

"Nine nights, how is this one practice?" Mu Qian asked.

"For that little thing, naturally take it!" Go back nine nights.

His gaze fell on the practice, saying: "One billion!"

"Hey!" Nine nights was the first bidder. This first bid directly made other people stunned and took a sigh of relief, which is too fierce!

The owner of the city of Momo also frightened a big jump, "Mu Daren... This is ... billion!"

Nine nights said that there was no money, and Mu Qian’s assets were definitely not so much, and something was going to happen.

"Mu Daren, if you make a fuss at the Wangcheng auction site and finally have no money to buy, you will enter the blacklist of the Wangcheng auction site, and the end will be very miserable, we..."

Ms. Qian said: "This is the end of the matter. You told me that this is useless. The ship is naturally straight to the bridge, and this must be obtained anyway."

This price, also hit the mad king of the king can not be enough.

"Which box is that person?" asked the mad king.

"That card was sent out by the county king. The owner used was Mu Qianxi. The man who bids for it should be brought in by Mu Qian."

The glory of the mad king is sinking. "This little girl, there is so much money? It seems that she is sure to get this loyalty for her contractor, and of course I will not let him get it easily."

"One billion and one million!"

Nine nights are ready to continue to shout, and Mu Qiang gave a step ahead.

Mu Qiandao said: "One billion one million."

The mad king whispered: "Sure enough, it is a thousand."

"One billion and two million!" The mad king once again increased the price, and then looked at the direction of Mu Qianqi's box: "Mu girl, you don't have to compete with this king! This will eventually fall into your hands." Because I know who is best for this practice."

Everyone was astonished and surprised: "God! The mad king is ready to take this one-day price!"

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