Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1653: Put you in mortgage

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Chapter 1653 mortgages you

At the beginning of one person, more people talk.

"The mad king is too big! Is this kind of practice that can be given casually?"

"Mu girl, you certainly don't know who the girl is? She is the contractor of the blood of the king, and she is still on the ninth floor of the Leilian Tower. The mad king sent such a valuable gift to her, too Very normal!"

"Beauty girl is blessed."

The madman Wang felt that there was no reason for Mu Qianyi to refuse this gift.

There was a cold light in the eyes of the phoenix nine nights, and the things that were needed were not brought to an insignificant person.

Nine nights cold channel: "two billion!"

All of a sudden doubled up, making the face of the mad king look ugly.

What does this mean? He said everything about it, and he still didn't give him face.

Although he controls most of the rights of the Mohuang people, it is difficult to come up with two billion Feng Ling Jing. After all, the financial situation of the Mohuang people in recent years is not so good.

The mad king did not bid, and the last "money nirvana" was photographed by Mu Qianquan at a price of 2 billion.

The owner of the ink city has been numb, how should this end!

Mu Qian squatted nine nights: "Nine nights, yours is a local tyrant! We have no money to pay, be careful I will mortgage you."

Nine nights of low road: "You can't give up!"

White often looks very ugly at this time. "How can Mu Qianxi have so much money, is this impossible?"

"Scratch!" The mad king crushed a cup.

"Under the king of the county, don't be angry! How can the little girl have so many Feng Lingjing, I am afraid that she does not know the rules and shouts, and later she has difficulties, we go to the rescue, when she dares not to listen to the mad king. ?"

The mad kings said: "That's what you said, let the little girl eat a little bit."

At this time, the Momo City Lord was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. "Mu Daren, how do we deal with this matter?"

Mu Qian said: "If you can't handle it, take the medicine! Anyway, there is no shortage of Dan medicine!"

"This...this is impossible. The Wangcheng auction site has the rules of the Wangcheng auction site. I am afraid they will not be like this..."

"Hey!" The words of the ink city owner have not finished yet, and there is a knock on the door outside.

Come, it's over!

And Mu Qian and Phoenix are very calm, and the boat is naturally straight to the bridge!

The management of the Wangcheng auction house in the mainland of Mohuang, personally came to deliver the auction items.

As soon as I saw the horrible man wearing a black dress and a mask, his face with a charming smile said: "It is really blame that I will not do things. Now that the temple is down, I know that I have to let my Highness be in this simple. Private room."

The owner of the city of Momo lived, simple, and it was already very luxurious compared to the following.

Nine nights cold eyes glared at him: "Things come!"


The emperor of Mu Qian’s auction, and the other method was sent.

There is nothing to pay for, and even more ridiculous is that the management of the auction said: "His Royal Highness, we have a lot of inventory at the Wangcheng auction site in the mainland of Mohuang, you still have what you need, although it must be You are ruined and killed."

The ink city owner was surprised to say nothing, and the fiancé of the great adult was in the end.

Looking around at nine nights, I asked Mu Qianxi: "What else do you need?"

Mu Qianxi whispered: "Nine nights, what is your trouble?"

"Everything in this auction, you can take it, including this auction site and even the entire Phoenix family's Wangcheng auction house."

In front of it, she said that she had no money to raise her. She did not expect such a local tyrant. Mu Qian felt that she was deceived by this black man.

When she thinks about the poison of the ink king, she needs a lot of elixir.

Since he said this in nine nights, he is not welcome.

Mu Qianxi began to report all kinds of elixir, and then said: "The longer the year, the better, get me as soon as possible! Of course, I will not treat you at the auction site."

After all, the low levels of some of the drugs that are auctioned today can be sold at high prices.

She slammed out a few bottles of medicinal herbs, which was enough for them to return.

Guan Shidao: "Where do you say what you say? You can come to our auction site, it is our greatest honor. I will send someone to prepare."

After leaving the house, he ordered people to prepare some of the best pastries and fruits, and let people stay here, so that no one would disturb the nine nights.

The Momo City Lord feels like dreaming, nine nights: "Go back and explain."

The mad king was brewing for a while, then went to the private room of Muqian to find Mu Qian.

As soon as he reached the door of the private room, he saw several top masters of the Wangcheng auction house guarding him. His eyes flashed a dark light.

Sure enough, this is what he expected.

The mad king wanted to go in and was stopped by people.

He said: "You don't even know the king?"

One of them is not humble: "The mad king, we naturally know! But without our instructions, no one can enter."

The mad king said: "Then please ask you to talk about things, I have important things to talk to the girl, will not interfere with the official business of your auction."

"The mad king, you are waiting here first!"

Soon after the incident, there was a message. The man said: "Crazy King, please!"

"Good! Thank you!"

The mad king went in and looked at the still-indifferent Mu Qian.

This little girl is estimated to be pretending to be calm.

Mad County Road: "Mu girl, this time you are a big disaster."

Mu Qian said: "I didn't pay for it, isn't it a big disaster?"

"Isn't that still? You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. The entire Phoenix family knows that the Wangcheng auction house can not be offended! The master behind him, the **** of the king of the gods."

"But, people are already like this, and there is no way!"

Mad County: "Mu girl, as long as you let Xiaomo ink be my righteous woman, I will help you solve a large debt! How do you feel."

"I think that the mad king is not suitable for being a righteous woman, but forget it!"

"You... you are still bracing! Without me to solve it, the people at the Wangcheng auction will never let you go." The mad king's face was dignified.

"Even if this is the case, I can't sell a small ink ink because of the money! The mad king wants to go back."

The mad county Wang Feicheng said sincerely: "Where is this selling? I really want to help you solve the trouble, really like small ink."

The Momo City Lord stood by and watched the play, not talking!

When Mu Daren buys things at the Wangcheng auction site, he does not need to pay for it. The mad king has come here this time and it is totally unnecessary.

Mu Daren does not need him to help at all.

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