Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1654: Take a ride at night

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Chapter 1654, the evening ride

Madman Wangdao: "You are too young, and now you must be discussing how to deal with you. If you have a result, you can have no room for manoeuvre. You have to think clearly."

Mu Qian said: "I think very clearly, I will not let Xiaomo ink recognize you as a father, please come back!"

"Crazy King, please leave!"

Mu Qianqi rushed, and the people outside were very tacit to give the mad king to go out.

Before the mad king went, "Mu girl, you will regret it."

"The mad king wants more, I think I should not regret it." Mu Qianxi faint.

When the mad king was invited to go out, he cursed in his heart: "It seems that this little girl is not enough to eat, and now I don't appreciate it. Don't ask me when I don't."

But Mu Qianzhen does not need to ask him at all?

The management of the Wangcheng auction sent the things that Mu Qianji wanted. "Adult, do you see what else is needed?"

Mu Qiang nodded: "Very good! I am very satisfied."

She took out a few bottles of Dan medicine from the Shenshui dragon ring: "If you say that you will not treat you at the auction site, you will not treat you badly! These medicinal herbs, you will hold the auction for the next auction!"

I opened the medicine bottle and stopped it.

"This is the holy medicinal medicine! When the adults take a shot, it is really a big deal! We can't accept this."

Although I really want to accept it, I still refused.

How can he accept this thing?

Ms. Qian said: "Receive! If the sales are good, maybe I will come to the Wangcheng auction site to send a photo."

"This..." I still don't dare to manage things.

At this time, the phoenix nine nights cold channel: "Receive!"

"Yes! Your Highness!"

The two words of nine nights are better than anything else.

The practice of small ink and ink cultivation has arrived. Although it is not complete, the elixir is also ready, and Mu Qianyi intends to leave.

She also plans to go back and listen to the explanation of nine nights! How to get the most profitable Wangcheng auction house in Phoenix World.

Ms. Qian said: "Go!"

When the Momo City Master walked out of the auction site, he felt like he was dreaming, and the whole person was embarrassed.

There are many questions in my heart, but he also knows what to ask and what should not be asked.

Mu Qianzhen safely came out of the Wangcheng auction site, which made the mad king unparalleled.

"What? How could she safely come out of the Wangcheng auction house?"

"Crazy King, we went to inquire! But the Wangcheng auction site said that the secret of the guest, so refused to say! I think she should have any baby mortgage, Wangcheng auction site can easily let her go."

Madshire King: "It's really a small look at her!"

"This thing can't be dragged down. We must move a little to let it surrender that little phoenix."


Returning to their residence, Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, now you can honestly explain it!"

Phoenix Nine Nights Road: "The Protoss has my own people. He happens to be the master behind the Wangcheng auction site, so this auction site is also a prince. Today, I let Ziyou solve it."

After nine nights, he said: "Since you want to find the Manchurians in the Phoenix family, it is very likely that you will start the battle! This has already let Ziyou deploy."

Admired a thousand miles, said: "Face in the front, how much do you have in the nine nights?"

"They are either dead! Or they are completely out of the Phoenix family." Phoenix had a cold flash in his eyes.

"It seems that the Highness of the Nine Nights is very confident, and the Lord is optimistic about you!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

The Phoenix family is staring at so many eyes, and it is true that you want to get the Wan Man Daquan.

Her thoughts about the phoenix were too simple.

From the auction site, I got the elixir, and Mu Qiang began to refine the poisoning Dan.

After the refining, on a night with high nights, Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, go out for a ride?"

Nine nights hugged Mu Qianxuan: "This evening, Ben Jun is willing to take a rest, not to take a ride."

"But, I have something to do! Can you take a trip with me?"

The last night, the Evergreen Palace was almost caught, and it was a night of nine nights. I didn’t dare to carry him secretly, but of course I took him.

Nine nights back: "Nature is the request of the beggar, and this gentleman is naturally willing to accompany you!"

Nine nights clenched the waist of Mu Qian, and the black figure disappeared instantly.

Take the phoenix and nine nights of this personal shape of the rocket, Mu Qianyi easily went to the study of the ink king.

Even if the outside layers are guarded, no one has found that it is not as troublesome as it was last time.


Mu Qianxi found the door of the dark room and went to knock on the door.

Soon after, the dark door opened, and the ink king came out from the inside and saw that Mu Qian was somewhat surprised.

"I didn't think that you really came?"

Mu Qian said: "Of course."

"This time, you have not been discovered!"

"The same failure will not make a second."

Ink King said: "But because you were in the last palace, this time the guard is more strict."

"That means that I have become even more powerful!" Mu Qianxiao laughed.

Plus a nine-night monarch, it’s strange to stay the same.

Mu Qian said: "I want to treat you, but it is not suitable here. It is more appropriate to go to your secret room. Can you go in?"

"There is no secret in the secret room. If you say it is right, it is appropriate."

The ink king led the way in front and led Mu Qian into the secret room.

It was very rudimentary, and there was nothing other than a seemingly expensive Hanyu bed.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It's better to have a cold jade bed. Go up and lie down!"


After the king of ink lay down, Mu Qian took out a bowl of blood, the blood of the beast, and let the Wangcheng auction house go.

The water element works, and the blood of the beast comes out of the bowl and becomes a pattern.

"Hey!" The ink king sat up from the bed and said in anger: "You turned out to be a curse!"

The ink king has lived for so long, and naturally he has seen the curse cast a spell.

Mu Qianhui replied: "Mu Wang, you are jealous of me! I am a half-hanger who knows a spell. It is not a curse. Your body wants to get better and the spell must be lifted."

"I actually got a spell!" The ink king stunned. At this point, he had no knowledge and no one noticed.

The ink king looked at the millennium, this little girl came from an extraordinary, but the smell on her body is completely different from the curse.

Ms. Qian said: "I am at your site now. I am afraid that I will not be able to leave this secret room without your lead, so that Mowanghai will not believe me?"

Ink King said: "Good! I believe that you are not a curse. But you said that you are a half-hanger, the curse will be countered if there is a mistake, the little girl, you are sure to take risks for me who are coming soon. ?"

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