Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1655: Biological daughter

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Chapter 1655, the birth daughter

Mu Qian said: "Then you will treat my words as modest!"

"Lie's lie!"

Mu Qianzhen really started, the perfect control, the ink king knows that this little girl was really modest.

If it were half a bucket of water, some of the cursed people would not want to live.

This curse on the king of ink is completely pediatric. It is a hundred thousand miles less than the curse of the nine nights. Even if it is a curse on the uncle and grandmother, it is weak.

The curse was lifted smoothly, and Mu Qian took out a bottle of Dan Yao Road: "Pill on time!"

As soon as the spell was lifted, the ink king felt that there was a lot more life in his body. Maybe he could live longer.

Mu Qian said: "After three days, there must be an effect! So you have prepared the exercises for the three days, I will come to pick them up. No problem!"

Ink King said: "You are not afraid of me to repent?"

Mu Qianguang is dark, said: "Mu Wang, even if you are a beast, you know, don't offend the refining pharmacist, I can cure you, of course, there are ways to slay you and return you to the original shape!"

Mo Wang smiled and said: "You little girl is really bold! Unfortunately, it is not my child of the Mohuang family, your request, I promise you."

"So, I went back to sleep, and you always have a good rest!" The ink king sent Mu Qianxi out, and left with a thousand miles in nine nights.

The speed of the nine nights, even the ink king did not see his figure.

The ink king's pupil suddenly shrinks, too strong!

Even if he restores his peak level, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the black man. It is no wonder that this little girl can quietly enter his study this time.

In the middle of the night, I sent people to the palace in the middle of the night. This will come soon, but I will inevitably reward.

"Oh..." The overbearing call for reward, can't wait to engulf the whole person.

It seems that the cost of paying for the nine-night highness of the temple is not small! Mu Qianxi is screaming in his heart.

Mu Qianxi and the nine nights lived leisurely in daily life, while waiting for the information on the side of the purple secluded, the mad king couldn’t stand it.

One day, I won’t hold the pure blood phoenix of the pure blood, and he can’t feel at ease in one day.

Send someone to ask for a thousand, and Mu Qian said that the body is not comfortable, don't go!

There is no way for the mad king to take a dance with ink and white to visit the sick Ms.

The madman king drove, the Mohist city enthusiasm said: "Crazy King, please inside, please inside!"

"Mu Qianzhen?" asked the mad county king.

The main road of Momo City: "Come on immediately."

Mu Qianxi came soon, and she said faintly: "What is the important thing for you to come to me?"

The mad kings said: "You spent only two billions of the two-volume shots, and the other half are in the hands of the ink king. That is the practice of our Mohuang nationality, so the ink king will never be easy. hand over."

"However, as long as the little ink ink becomes my daughter, then the ink king will definitely hand it over."

Mu Qian is a cold. "It was originally in the ink king."

That's simple! Just talk to the king of ink, a broken practice, the ink king should not be so stingy.

"I am not the king of the Mohuang family, but I also say it in the Phoenix family. What is it? Let the girl do not want to let Xiao Momo be my daughter. Xiao Mo Mo as my daughter will be in the Mohuang family. With a high identity, you should think about it."

Mu Qianxi nodded: "The mad king is right, he should think about it."

Finally, it was said that the madness of the king said: "You look at the dance, from a small cultivation of resources, I try my best to satisfy her! If Xiao Momo is my daughter, I will not treat her even more."

Ink dance also helps his father to speak. "Mu Qianxi, I will take good care of my sister."

"I have said that I promised? This matter, it is better to ask a small ink."

Mu Qianzhen let small ink ink come out of the space, and the small ink ink said: "I don't agree, I want the master!"

Mad County Road: "Small ink, even if you are my daughter, your contract with the girl is also."

"But... I don't want me not, I only want the master!" Xiao Mo Mo's wayward way.

Mu Qian said: "You also saw that little ink does not like it, and I can't force it."

"If you can't take a child, you can admire it, and listen to you."

The Phoenix Beast is the closest to the first person I saw after breaking the egg, so as long as Mu Qianyi wants to persuade the little ink, it is a very easy and relaxing thing.

"But I don't want to persuade!"

Mu Qianyu did not enter the oil and salt, and completely angered the mad king.

The mad king stood up and said: "Mu Qianxi, you really don't want to cooperate? Then I will open my words."

"What?" Mu Qian said.

"Or, things haven't been proven yet. I don't want to talk about hurting a little ink, but if you insist on not, then I will say it directly. I suspect that the little ink is the daughter I lost for many years, she must stay in this king. By the side." The mad king is strong.

"A daughter who has disappeared for many years, can you prove it? The mad king, it is not good to confess his daughter. Although the mad king has a **** king, it is not as pure as my little ink."

"Is it true! Going to the Temple of the Mo Huang Phoenix to verify it, how? If the little ink is my daughter, then I will let her stay with me, even if it is her master can not stop."

The little ink ink is going to cry. "Master, it is not... he is not! This is a bad person."

Mu Qianwei appeased: "Small ink, don't be afraid!"

"What's wrong? Don't you dare?"

If you don’t agree, she is expected to be strong.

Although she is not afraid of him, she does not want to be exposed for nine nights.

Mu Qian said: "Is there anything I dare not? Little ink is not close to you, I think you are wrong! Verification is verified, go now, how?"

"I am also doing this, go now! The king can't wait to recognize his daughter, lest his daughter be deceived."

They set off to the Temple of Mo Huang, and this news was thoroughly spread.

For this matter, people in the city of Mohuang have been talking about it.

"Have you heard that? The little phoenix of the blood of the king of Mu Qiang, I heard that it is the daughter of the mad king who has been lost for many years."

"This is actually the case, I am surprised, how can we suddenly have a small phoenix with the blood of the king."

Although the public opinion is dominated by the mad king, there are other voices.

"This has not been proven yet, and you can't believe in it! Everything is waiting for the blood of the Temple of the Phoenix to be verified!"

"I see that nine out of ten is true, not only the mad king will definitely not default!"

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