Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1658: Ask for release

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Chapter 1658 requires the release of people

Mu Qiandao said, "I know that the ink king does not like your people being contracted by human beings, so even if I suspect that you are related to Xiaomo Mo, you have not taken the initiative to let her go to recognize the pro, I am sorry about this."

"But even if you are a relative of a small ink, you can't force a little ink to do something you don't like. I hope that you respect the decision of Xiaomo Mo. If you are like a mad king, I will never give up."

The king of ink squinted his eyes and angered: "You little girl, you think about this king. I don't allow them to contract with humans, that is, they simply don't put my people on the same level. Some people are too much to use us as combat tools and even slaves."

"But I know, you are different. You are sincere in maintaining a cute little."

The little ink ink proudly said: "That is! The master is the best for me."

Ink King said: "I will not stop your contract with Xiaomo Mo. My daughter has been away for so long. This child is born now. Although I am a lot older, I am not old. You must have done a lot of little girl. Work hard, like your medical skills."

"You have not only saved me, but also saved my granddaughter. I am grateful that you are too late, how can you let the ink contract with Xiaomo Mo."

Mu Qian said: "That's good, it seems that I misunderstood the ink king you."

"There is still one thing. The skill I need is the next volume of the ink cell Nirvana, because I have a previous volume here. You are a relative of Xiaomomo, you can also give some advice, this method is suitable for small Ink and ink cultivation?"

"You actually rolled up the volume, it's great, no one is more suitable for us than the Mohuang family."

When the ink king did not say anything, he took out the exercises and said: "I knew that you have to give a small ink to the ink, and what trade?"

"In fact, to save you, not because of teaching you, but because of the requirements of small ink and ink." Mu Qiandao said.

The connection between the blood vessels is amazing, just like the first time I saw the second uncle, and I was rescued.

The ink king is very pleased: "Little cute is too embarrassing."

I found a granddaughter, my body is also very good, and the ink king is refreshing.

Set up Mu Qianxi and Xiao Momo, sent their own cronies to protect them, and the ink king went to find the mad king to settle accounts.

This matter, Mu Qianxi did not intervene, and the ink king resolutely prevailed to shut people down.

The ink king's good transfer of the mad king was unexpected, so there was no resistance for a time.

After handling the mad king, the ink king once again came to Mu Qian, and wanted to talk to her alone.

Mu Qian said: "The ink king has something to say!"

"I am very happy to see my little cute granddaughter, very happy, but also very excited, but I want to invite you to take the little ink to leave the world of phoenix. The whole phoenix world lives under the suppression of the Protoss, it is not a good The place, even if I am reluctant, but I have to let her go."

"I always wanted to come to the Phoenix world. It was Xiao Momo who helped me find the location. When I came here, there is a very important thing to do. Naturally, I can’t walk away! If Xiaomo Mo wants to go with me after the completion, I Of course, she will always be with her." Mu Qianhui replied.

"You... what do you say?" He first heard the first words of Mu Qianxi, he did not feel a bit wrong.

After a while, he found out where the problem lies.

Mu Qian said: "I am not a protoss."

"Not a protoss! How can the true Protoss come to the Phoenix world." The king of the incredible.

Mu Qian said: "Thanks to the small ink ink, it has sensed the place of the Phoenix world."

"That seal!"

"Move a little trick." Mu Qianxi faint.

"Then you come to the Phoenix world, what do you want to get?" asked the ink king.

Mu Qianrong said calmly: "I don't want you to say that what the Protoss is trying to get is what I want."

The ink king still feels extremely shocked, I am afraid that the Protoss can not think of it.

"You alone, you can't fight the Protoss! You can't fight the curse."

"I didn't say it, I am alone."

The ink king remembered the powerful man who went to the palace with Mu Qianlong that night, a slight glimpse.

"Our phoenix family, the patriarch of the generations, is to prevent others from using it to harm the people. But now the Protoss has done what we have, and we have forced us into such a situation, and we have broken the cans." You have no problem finding the Wan Man Daquan. It is your ability to find it, as long as it does not harm our Phoenix family."

"I will know that the ink king will not tell me." Mu Qianxi smiled.

"My baby granddaughter is tied with you, I tell you if you are not harming my granddaughter, the protoss people will not be soft-hearted." The ink king did not feel good.

Mu Qian said: "I think, the king of ink is trusting me."

"I believe that I look at people's eyes!"

"Mu Wang, is your vision good? That mad king..."

"You little girl is still yelling at me. I can't help it. I thought I didn't live long enough. His ability is strong enough, so I am..."

"After guiding the cultivation of the little ink and ink, I will hand it over to you."

"This king is very happy."

Things were told to the king of the ink, and Mu Qianyi also stayed in the palace.

She was waiting for the news of the two places with nine nights.

The mad king was arrested, and Mu Qian did not expect anyone to come and fish.

It is a woman of all kinds, she is the master of the mad king.

She came to the Mo Huang Palace in a very high-profile way, let the ink king release.

"My contractors, you dare to shut down, too, don't put me in the eye!"

Ink King said: "Even if the ink madness is your contractor, but he made a mistake, it should be punished."

"My contractor is not the one who can be punished by the king of the Mohuang family. Let's let go!" Shangguan Suyue directly broke out a powerful pressure, and the momentum is compelling!

The strength of Shangguan Suyue is obviously much stronger than the ink king who recovered from the illness. Under this pressure, the face of the ink king is hard to see.

"Do not bully Grandpa!" Xiaomo was angry.

Although I have just cultivated for a few days, but the exercises are powerful and the talents are against the sky, today's little ink ink has already had the strength of the second sacred beast.

Progressive speed, so that the ink king is very pleased.

Shangguan Suyue looked at Xiaomo Moudao: "You are the little guy you want to go crazy, come on! Take this little guy and grab it, just as a mad gift."

The Protoss is so arrogant, screaming that they have strength, and that the phoenix family has fallen, so arrogant, so despise the Phoenix family.

When they were about to catch a little ink, suddenly the red-red flame rushed out.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"


Only the emperor's level of the emperor's level, of course, did not hurt the high-ranking spirit of the Shangguan Suyue, Shangguan Suyue said: "You dare to do it to me!"

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