Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1659: Sacrifice beauty

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Chapter 1659 Sacrifice Beauty

The other party is arrogant, and Mu Qian does not mind being more arrogant.

"What are you, dare to catch my contractor."

The strength is not enough to see, Mu Qianxi directly broke out the soul force.

The pressure of this kind of soul power makes the Shangguan Suyue seem to be pressed in the water, almost suffocating.

She widened her eyes and said, "Who are you?"

"Who am I, are you qualified to know? Give me an apology immediately with James."

"Apologize, little girl, don't think that you are a little bit scary, I am afraid of you..."

For the first time, Shangguan Suyue saw the young little girl who was so rude to her, and she was angry and ready to start.

But she hasn't waited for her to do it, and a broken figure came.


A token, crossed directly from her face.

A blood mark with a deep visible bone was drawn on her face. She was shocked by the pain of the Shangguan, but she had to catch a token.

She trembled: "This is the token of Mei Daren! You...what are you...who?"

A man in black, with a mask appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, the oppressive momentum made Shangguan Suyue shudder.

"Clean me the token!"

Shangguan Suyue said: "Yes!"

She no longer dared to be as arrogant as before, regardless of the blood on her face, carefully handing this token engraved with red plum.

That piece of token disappears instantly!

Shangguan Suyue is very clear that the strength of this man is more than one and a half points higher than her.

Mu Qian said: "Do you still want to take my little ink?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

"So, apologize!"

Shangguan Suyue fist clenched, her heart was angry, but did not dare to resist.

This black man can pinch her, and they are still adults.

Shangguan Suyue said: "Mr. Wang, the former slave is rude. The slaves will apologize to you now."

Ink King said: "What about the ink madness? Still let go?"

"He made a mistake, and asked the king of ink to educate him." Shangguan Suyue smiled.

Shangguan Suyin has not let people go, but he is not grievous.

She didn't dare to stay any longer. She quickly left and left, and must be slow.

Mu Qianxi looked at the Nine Nights Road: "It seems to be mixed in the Phoenix world! You still need to have a strong identity. Under the major divisions of the King of God, are you clear nine nights?"

Nine nights: "There are seven people under the Ministry of God, Meilan Zhuju, Mu, Mei, Yu. Mei Qianxie is a purple secluded person, that some miscellaneous, purple secluded will deal with."

In the prison, the mad king waited for the official official to save him. As a result, he learned that there was a person who was even more powerful than Shangguan Suyue, and he did not dare to provoke.

Mo Liu sullenly said: "Damn! This is a ruthless woman."

Shangguan Suyue has already left the ink madness behind him. He also prepared a gift to apologize to the ink king and Mu Qian.

Everyone knows that Mei Daren is a heart-wrenching master, and his people can't help it!

Ink and indifference: "Give your things back, we don't need them."

Shangguan Suyue smiled and said: "Mu Wang, I have a very important thing to do in the mainland of Mexico. It is only temporary to save the madness."

“Is there anything?” asked the ink king.

"There was a plan to open up a holy phoenix. This plan is to dig the genius of each ethnic group, especially the genius with the human contract. Because of my relationship with the madman, I am responsible for the magic phoenix. The madman can't do things now, but also ask the king of the king to not Remember the villain, recommend me a few geniuses." Shangguan Suyue smiled.

"We have no genius in the Magic Phoenix. We don't want to participate in this plan. Please come back!"

Shangguan Suyue is very hurt: "You don't want to be so inhuman by the king of ink! I am going out and telling you a secret head office!"

Shangguan Suyue was whispering close to the ear of the ink king, and the ink king gave a slight glimpse.

"You have to think about your Mohuang people! Your Mohuang people have already fallen. If you don't seize this opportunity, don't think about it."

Mo Wangdao: "Well, let me think about it!"

"Mu Wang can't waste me too much time! I will come tomorrow. If you haven't made a decision tomorrow, the Mohuang family will abstain."

"it is good!"

After Shangguan Suyue left, Mo Wang is going to tell Mu Qianxi about this matter.

"Mu Yutou, I just told me one thing in Shangguan Suyue! God is ready to start a holy phoenix plan. The people who plan to train this time will eventually be sent to the phoenix tomb. I don't know what you decide to do." After all, the phoenix tomb is very likely to have the existence of Wanzhou Daquan."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Is this still used? Definitely go."

"You don't have to go!" The nine-night icy voice came from behind Mu Qian.

Mu Qian looked at the pair of ice blue scorpions: "Nine nights, you know it?"

"Before he knows." Look at the ink king nine nights.

"Purple quilt arranges people, so I will accompany you." Nine nights clasped Mu Qiandao.

"When others go, will we be relieved? This opportunity cannot be missed."

"Feng cemetery tomb, dangerous!"

"There is you."

"In that place, the power of space is prone to problems, and Ben does not want to take this risk."

"This chance is very small!"

"Small is not good!"

"Listen to me or listen to you? You tell me."

"About dangerous things, listen to this, other things, listen to you."

The two men are opposite each other, and the ink king feels that he is superfluous.

He said: "I will come back tomorrow!"

To be honest, he does not want his granddaughter to take risks!

Not to mention the danger of the sacred tomb of Feng, the genius of each ethnic group and the genius of some Protoss, which one is not a good role.

Mu Qianqi and nine nights were deadlocked. She secretly bite her teeth and decided to sacrifice her beauty.

Mu Qianxi recruited for nine nights: "Nine nights, come over."

Nine nights did not expect to do what Muqian had to do, and obediently walked over, and as a result, Mu Qiang tipped his toes and hugged him, and kissed him.

The nine-night ice blue scorpion sinks and is finally tempted.

At the end of a kiss, Mu Qian said: "I am giving you sweetness, you have to promise! This is not just to find the Wan Man Daquan, Xiao Momo can also grow in this special training."

"There is news, let me sit and wait, I can't do it!"

"There is another point!" Mu Qianxi stared at the Phoenix nine nights.

"You don't forget, you are a patient, I am a doctor, you have to listen to me. You are so overbearing to make decisions for me, be careful that I don't care... Hey..."

The words of Mu Qianxi have not finished yet, and they bowed their heads and kissed them nine nights.

He is right, there is really no way.

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