Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1660: Forgiveness for one night

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Chapter 1660, begging for a night

After the nine-night break, Mu Qianji was very impressed, but the effect was absolutely very good.

Nine nights to concede, but let Mu Qiang beg for a whole night, who made him not a loser.

After the official official month came, the ink king gave a reply.

They are in the phoenix family, willing to participate in this plan, and recommended Mu Qianxi and small ink.

Shangguan Suyue said: "That's good! There are two places on the side of the Mohuang family. Another place is for the mad woman, and the ink is light. The talent is not bad."

The ink king replied: "Good! Just set it up, it will be troublesome."

Shangguan Suyue smiled and said: "Mu Wang is really polite, so let the girl prepare for it, set off this morning and get acquainted with the environment."

Mu Qianxi has already prepared almost, and also prepared a lot of remedy for the rejuvenation of the spirit.

Mu Qian said: "Mu Wang, the magic phoenix family you have to hold!"

Mo Wang smiled and said: "This is a small and lovely home. I will never let the Protoss get the smog. After I have settled the crime of the ink madness, I will expel him from the Magic Phoenix."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Good!"

"The last point, I want to tell you! Let you have a mental preparation, the weight of the Mantra, you must be very clear, once the Mantra appears, we may start a big battle with the Protoss."

In the eyes of Mo Wang, there was a hint of worry, and Ms. Qian said: "However, as long as I am still alive, I will never let the little devil have something to do."

Xiao Momo said: "The small ink is also very powerful."

From the treasures of Lei Fenghuang, the small ink can be used, the strength of the small ink and ink has advanced by leaps and bounds, and has reached the strength of the four-level holy beast.

However, compared with the geniuses of the major Phoenix kings, there is still a large part of the distance.

On the day of departure, Mu Qianxi set off with the ink dance, and Bai Chang did not dare to admire the millennium. After all, she learned that Mu Qian’s backstage officials did not dare to provoke, he was not looking for death?

The ink dance became more silent, and her righteous father fell to the end of the scene, a large part of which was due to Mu Qian.

However, the righteous father also did a very wrong job.

Shangguan Suyue said: "I started to introduce this plan to you. This time, the special training camp of the Shengfeng Project is in the Zifeng mainland. Among them, the nine kings are eligible to participate. Other races are not considered."

"The Devils have a limited number of places, but the number of other royal families is considerable. You must excel in them. Only then will you be eligible to enter the phoenix tomb."

Ink danced: "Thank you for being an official."

Mu Qianqi asked: "How strong is the strength of the other eight geniuses? Is there a sacred beast?"

Shangguan Suyue smiled and said: "Mu girl is too high to watch. Now the Phoenix family can become a child of the beast, I have not seen it."

After flying for a long time, I finally arrived at the Zifeng mainland.

The purple phoenix in the upper layer of the phoenix tree, the spiritual power is more intense, and the little ink ink likes it.

Finally, they arrived at the Purple Phoenix King City.

Shangguan Suyue put them in their homes. She said: "I brought you, and I have to report it. You can do anything in the Purple King City, but don't let me go missing."

Ms. Qian said: "Good!"

When Shangguan Suyue left, Mu Qianxi was ready to visit the Wangcheng of the Zifeng family, the head of the nine royal families.

Ink dances to practice, naturally did not go!

To be a leader in the training camp, you must work hard.

Going shopping, Xiao Momo is also very interested, and Mu Qianxi also released her.

"It’s so lively!"

"Master, I want to eat this."

"and this……"

Some of the medicinal herbs that Mu Qianxi lost to the Wangcheng auction site changed a lot of money, and it was not a problem to buy these little gadgets for Xiaomo Mo.

Coupled with the fact that the birth rate of the phoenix is ​​not high, the buyer has bought a cheap little phoenix.

"Little guy! Give it to you!"

"Be careful when you go out, don't lose it."


Generally so small and cute, raised at home to watch, brought out very little shopping, and was brought out by a human.

In addition to playing with a small ink, it is essential to sweep the mission of the major drugstores.

Ever since, the pharmacy of Zifeng Wangcheng has ushered in a very large customer.

In the corner, Mu Qianxi saw a piece of wood.

Gray wood, all of which are wormholes, this is not a medicine, but Mu Qiang feels familiar.

The fingertips crossed, and she felt the power of life on it.

Mu Qian said: "Boss! How to sell this?"

This boss is not a stingy person. He smiled and said: "Little girl, you bought tens of millions of elixir here, this piece of wood, even if it is for you."

"Are you sure?" asked Mu Qian.

"of course!"

Mu Qian took up the gray piece of wood, took out a transparent utensil and put it in, then dripped in the potion.


The gray skin disappeared instantly, and after being purified, a piece of blue-green wood appeared.

The power of a strong life came out, and the boss opened his eyes.

"The power of a strong life, this...this will not be the legendary wood of life! The little girl has a good vision!"

Although he admired, he was not greedy.

Even if he knew that this piece was the wood of life, he had no means to return him to life.

The leakage of the power of life has caused many people to pay attention to this side.

Suddenly a blue figure rushed in. "This piece of wood full of life is going to be a son, boss, you can open a price!"

The coming man is a handsome man in a green robe, his eyes staring at the wood of life.

The power attracted him more and more, and he had not waited for the boss to answer, he went to grab it.

Mu Qianqi is naturally not unprepared, and he avoided it when he started.


Qing Xiaotian looked at this purple woman, he did not care about women.

"Boss, how much!"

The boss said: "I have sold this little girl to this thing. If the son wants it, he can think of it as a little girl."

Qing Xiaotian proudly said: "Human, how can you give this to me."

Things that have the power of life can be met and not demanded. This thing can help him break through, and he can't let it go anyway.

And Mu Qianshao spit out two words, saying: "Do not sell!"

What are the good things that have the power of life, why should she sell?

Although Qingying never said it, she is very clear that the treasures full of life force are very useful for Qingying.

"I am out 100 million, do you sell it or not?" Qing Xiaotiandao.

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